Let’s be honest – there have been some rough seasons of Survivor. Most of the praise or criticism of a season typically boils down to a few key ideas – the location, the cast, the gameplay and strategies, and the unpredictability of the story.

Many things can go wrong to create a bad season of Survivor. A boring location. An unlikeable cast that makes watching a chore. Predictable or boring gameplay that doesn’t necessarily make for great television. There has also been some controversy.

These are the ten worst seasons of Survivor, ranked according to IMDb. These ratings are averages of the individual episode ratings of a season.

10 Survivor: Africa (7.4)

Survivor: Africa was a messy season. This was only the show’s third outing, but already cracks were beginning to appear in the formula. Despite a relatively solid twist that saw three members of each tribe switching teams, Africa was highly criticized throughout its release. Most of the criticism stemmed from the bland location and horrible conditions at camp, which led to a lot of lethargy and lack of enthusiasm from the players. It also faced some controversy in the final immunity challenge, as the producers goofed during the important trivia game. Ethan was cool, though…

9 Survivor: Heroes Vs. Healers Vs. Hustlers (7.4)

The show’s 35th season wasn’t popular and not just because of that awful title. While the cast and gameplay were generally praised, Ben’s idol-centric style and the Final Four twist earned the ire of both critics and fans alike. Rather than the traditional vote-off, Chrissy Hofbeck was forced to choose another survivor to bring to the final three. The other two survivors were then forced into a fire-making challenge to determine who would join the jury. It was an enormously controversial twist, and even past Survivor contestants called it stupid and lacking in social strategy.


8 Survivor: Blood Vs. Water (7.4)

Blood vs. Water is the show’s 27th season, and despite earning general acclaim from critics, it remains one of the show’s lowest-rated outings on IMDb. This season is very unique in that it contains ten pairs of loved ones rather than the traditional congregation of strangers. One half is composed of returning Survivor players, and the other half are people related to them in some way. But aside from this neat twist and the personality of winner Tyson, there isn’t much to recommend about Blood vs. Water. At least not according to IMDb.

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7 Survivor: China (7.3)

China is the show’s fifteenth season that aired throughout the fall of 2007. There were a few unique changes from prior seasons, including immunity idols hidden in plain sight, the return of the “kidnapping” mechanic that saw one tribe kidnapping another, and the lack of Exile Island.

It’s a decent little season, but it doesn’t do enough to distinguish itself from the rest of the show (you know, aside from the China setting). We don’t hate it, but we certainly don’t love it, either.

6 Survivor: Island Of The Idols (7.1)

Island of the Idols is the show’s 39th season and also its most recent (prior to Winners at War, which is currently airing). Of course, Island of the Idols is now an infamous season of Survivor owing to the controversy surrounding Dan Spilo. Spilo was eventually kicked off the game after harassing both contestants and crew. It drew a lot of ire and criticism and tanked both Island of the Idols and Survivor in general in the eyes of the public. Pretty predictable winner, too, which kind of sucked.

5 Survivor: Fiji (7.0)

Fiji is also a highly controversial season of Survivor, albeit for different reasons. Fiji contained a new, unique twist in that the survivors all lived on the same beach and constructed a furnished shelter which included furniture, a shower and toilet, and various camping supplies. Once they were split into tribes, one tribe got to keep the furnished shelter while the other had to start from scratch. Of course, this resulted in total one-sided domination and massively predictable outcomes. The twist didn’t work at all, and it made Fiji infamous.

4 Survivor: One World (7.0)

One World is widely regarded as one of the worst seasons of the show, albeit for no one reason in particular. It was just…boring. The cast was bland and forgettable, and the overall story itself was quite predictable. There were no big twists, no big shocks – no big Survivor moments.

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It also had contestant Colton Cumbie, who was quite controversial. Jeff Probst himself called One World a disappointing season and far from what Survivor is capable of as a storytelling device.

3 Survivor: Nicaragua (6.8)

Nicaragua is heavily panned within the Survivor community, and to be honest, there aren’t many redeeming qualities. The criticisms are many. The tribal division by age was a horrendous idea (and was later executed much better in Millennials vs. Gen X). The Medallion of Power was horribly named and even Probst called it “embarrassing on all accounts.” The winner was controversial. The cast was considered unlikable. There were no memorable moments. In short, Nicaragua was a complete dud.

2 Survivor: Redemption Island (6.7)

Sorry Rob, but your winning season scored poorly. Redemption Island is typically regarded as one of the worst, if not the worst, season in Survivor history. The concept of Redemption Island itself was highly criticized and completely robbed the voting process of its drama. But most of the criticism was aimed at Boston Rob himself. He was a very predictable win, the cast was afraid to move against him (which made for boring Tribals and a total lack of strategy), and it seemed like the season was tailor-made for Rob’s win. We like Rob well enough, but at least make it interesting!

1 Survivor: Borneo (6.6)

Yep, we were just as surprised as you! Survivor: Borneo, AKA the very first season, is the lowest-rated season on IMDb with an average score of 6.6. While the show obviously became a cultural phenomenon, it received mixed reviews from mainstream critics. Perhaps its lack of respect stems from its age. This aired in 2000, long before Survivor had ironed out the kinks. If you go back and watch it today, it probably seems borderline archaic and boring. It doesn’t have any of the fancy twists, the production is understandably cheap, no one really knows how to play the game, and it lacks what makes modern Survivor so special. Still, it holds a special place in our hearts.

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