Memes are a universal language for the internet-driven world of today. For popular media like film and television, memes are a comedic (and sometimes cathartic) way to relate to other fans, whether it’s through inside jokes or funny freeze frames.

American Horror Story is no exception from this trend–fans everywhere express their opinions and creativity through memes themed around the show’s many seasons and storylines. Some of these observations that fans made about the show are just too true not to share, and AHS is home to some of the funniest memes on the web.

10 Murder House: Stress Level 1,000,000

Poor Nora Montgomery: all she wanted was to have her baby back in her arms. As one of the most distressed characters in season 1 (and that’s saying a lot) Nora spent most of Murder House either frantic or crying.

Honestly, everyone can relate to the “way too stressed, going to cry” feeling that seems to be Nora’s permanent mood throughout the debut season. Being dead can be super stressful, but sometimes living can be just as hard.

9 Asylum: Totally Qualified Employees

It seemed like absolutely no attention to detail went into the hiring process at Briarcliff Asylum. With Sister Jude who emotionally and physically accosted the patients, Dr. Thredson, who was a literal rapist and serial killer, Bloody Face, and Dr. Arden–a Nazi war criminal who was experimenting on the patients working at Briarcliff, it seems like a magnet for baddies.

Normally someone would expect some red flags to pop up in the interview process, but apparently, none did. There couldn’t be a place with less qualified people to take care of these patients.


8 Coven: Teamwork

A group project usually only means one thing: one person doing all of the work and resenting everyone else for their lack of contribution.

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As far as Coven is concerned, a group project between the house of witches would be an utter disaster, and everyone would try and take charge (the role of authoritarian is a hot topic for the group, and everyone thinks they’re the smartest coven member). The overwhelming feeling of being the sole overachieving student that does everyone else’s work is all too relatable.

7 Freak Show: Spoiled Rotten

Dandy is maybe the most spoiled rotten only child who ever lived, even if he’s one of Finn Wittrock’s best characters on AHS. He’s completely removed from reality, and the meme is right–that haircut has bad news written all over it, even if there was no prior knowledge of Dandy’s depraved mind and blood lust.

Dandy’s mother entertaining every one of his desires while being simultaneously absentee led to a lot of problems–the biggest of which is that aggressive middle part and curly-Q bangs.

6 Hotel: And Jessica Lange

Lady Gaga’s entrance into the acting world was really well-received. The Countess was an amazing role for her, and she had some of the most iconic scenes and costumes of the season.

But, Jessica Lange is the face of American Horror Story, and it just didn’t feel the same watching the beloved intro sequence without her name being the last one onscreen. Lucky for viewers, Jessica finally made her return to AHS for Apocalypse, and all was right in the world.

5 Roanoke: Where is Evan?!

When fans heard that Evan Peters was still on the cast list for the season 6 anthology of American Horror Story, they were over the moon. As one of the series favorites, Evan is well-known for his incredible and powerful performances and versatility. He’s played many a character on the show (some more likable than others).

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But, several episodes into Roanoke, and there was still no Evan to be found. Viewers were, understandably, very confused. Then, when Evan finally made his appearance, it was over as soon as it had begun. Naturally, fans were not very pleased, and rightly so!

4 Cult: If You Touch That Animal…

After six seasons, viewers had developed a pretty strong stomach when it comes to violence and bloodshed on the show. But, as a rule for most avid horror fans, that strength starts and ends with human violence–animal cruelty is off-limits.

Anyone can watch a throat get slashed or a leg get severed, but a puppy dog getting hurt? Absolutely not. Cult tortured everyone when poor Mr. Guinea met his untimely end, and this enraged scream resonates with all fans.

3 Apocalypse: Floor It

Who thought that the Antichrist would be taken out by a hit and run? Or, more accurately: a hit, back up, hit again, hit a third time, then run. When Mallory travels back in time to the Murder House, she takes the future into her own hands.

A lot of times, when the hero shoots the villain once and stops, fans are screaming at the screen for them to keep going. Mallory may have been the most sympathetic character of the season, but she didn’t need that reminder– she plowed over (and over) him to make sure he was good and dead. Too bad she didn’t know he would just be replaced by another demon baby.

2 1984: Imma Head Back In!

1984 took a lot of inspiration from classic ’80s horror films; the kind where people are screaming “Don’t go in there!” from their seats in the theater.  That couldn’t be more accurate to what AHS fans experienced watching the counselors at Camp Redwood.

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A million and one signs would be pointing to imminent danger, and an escape plan would be staring the cast in the face, but they’d still try to brush off the crazy events around them or ignorantly go right back into the deadly territory.

1 Double Feature (Red Tide): Long-Awaited Return

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AHS fans have been waiting for years for the return of series regulars Evan Peters and Frances Conroy. Their last appearances were during Apocalypse, and many viewers say the show isn’t the same without the two familiar faces (they’re longing for the return of the amazing Jessica Lange, as well, but that doesn’t seem as likely).

During the premiere of the show’s 10th season, Double Feature, the two beloved co-stars made their season debut singing karaoke together and it was everything fans could have asked for.

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