Content Warning: The following article contains spoilers for the HBO show Euphoria, as well as discussions of abuse and drug addiction.

With controversial themes like drug addiction and abuse as well as its ensemble cast depicting teenage characters, it’s not surprising that HBO’s Euphoria has stirred up discussions and quite a few unpopular opinions on Reddit.

From Jules’ likability to the necessity of Fez and Lexi’s relationship, there’s no shortage of unpopular opinions about the teen drama. As fans wait to see what happens next to Rue and the rest of the main characters on the show, it’s the perfect time to look at some of the more debatable views about their personalities and actions on the series so far.


Jules Vaughn Is Unlikable

Even the most likable characters in Euphoria are flawed, as they often find themselves in stressful situations that they’re unsure how to deal with. Some like Jules manage to win the fandom over despite their faults, though, but lil_laxx doesn’t agree, saying she “is super unlikeable.”

They explain further by detailing how Jules “knows Rue is dependent on her for her sobriety but doesn’t do anything to stop that.” Most fans would agree that it’s unfair to expect Jules to be responsible for Rue’s sobriety. Her special episode reveals how she’s struggling with Rue’s dependence on her while dealing with a lot of her own trauma, like the fact that her abusive mother (also an addict) is trying to reconnect with her.

Cal Jacobs Isn’t Terrible

Cal and his son Nate are constantly competing for the role of the biggest villain in the teen drama. BlackSoul155 thinks Cal isn’t all bad, though, since he’s “a lot more open with recognizing his shortcomings.” They even question if Cal had “any ill intent” with the recordings of his twisted sexual encounters.

Contrary to what the Redditor points out about the recordings, Jules’ reaction to receiving the disc proves that most, if not all of them, were recorded without consent – that fact alone is enough to send him to prison. As for his shortcomings, it doesn’t count for much that he recognizes them since he continues to hurt others all the way to his dramatic confession to his family.

Chris McKay Isn’t A Bad Boyfriend

Viewers know that Cassie has had a long history of terrible boyfriends, with McKay being among the more recent ones. VeryOpinionatedFem insists that “McKay is NOT a terrible boyfriend,” however, as even though “his initial reaction” to Cassie’s pregnancy was “a bit harsh,” they felt it was warranted.

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It’s not just McKay’s reaction to Cassie’s pregnancy that left most audiences feeling iffy about him, it’s also the way he controls what she wears and judges her for her sexual history. He may not be the worst of the worst, but he’s undoubtedly still a bad boyfriend.

Fans Coddle Rue Bennett Too Much

Several of Euphoria’s most controversial scenes are centered on Rue’s experiences with drugs. At times, these moments can be too painful or frustrating to watch, like when Rue threatens her mother or goes through withdrawal. PhenominalRio has had enough of the support she continues to get and believes “fans coddle Rue too much.”

No one is denying that Rue can be an awful person, but like Ali says in her special episode, she’s “not a drug addict because” she’s “a piece of s**t,” she’s “a piece of s**t because” she’s “a drug addict.” Viewers can’t be blamed for wanting to see Rue succeed, much like her family and friends who continue to support her as she attempts to overcome the “disease of addiction.”

Lexi Howard Doesn’t Need Her Own Episode

One of the best parts about the series is how it delves into each of the main characters’ backstories to provide fans with more context about their present actions and circumstances. The user _shygirl118 says “it’s unnecessary for Lexi to get an episode,” as she thinks audiences “got all” they “needed from Cassie’s.”

Lexi’s episode proves that it was 100% necessary for her to get her time in the spotlight. Despite growing up in the same household with Cassie, she has a drastically different experience from her sister and has her own fascinating (if not somewhat scandalous) story to tell. Viewers are now able to appreciate and understand her more since she’s decided to stop being a passive observer.

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Jules Vaughn And Rue Bennett Are An Unlikable Couple

For the past two seasons, Jules and Rue have been the backbone of the series, as their relationship is prominently featured from start to finish – they’ve unsurprisingly become fan favorites. Puzzleheaded_Echo693 admits they “don’t like Rue and Jules as a couple,” as aside from “the addiction” and “the unhealthy obsession,” they “just don’t enjoy it.”

At this point, audiences already know that Jules and Rue have an unhealthy relationship, but that’s part of what makes their dynamic so interesting. It’s a series about teenagers trying to figure things out, so it makes sense that there are toxic partnerships depicted in the drama.

None Of The Characters Are Unlikable

The characters in Euphoria have done some bad things, especially violent or abusive ones like Cal and Nate. A Redditor finds that they “actually don’t dislike any of the characters” since “they all have redeeming moments.”

Using Nate as an example, he does have a moment of redemption when he hands Jules what is (allegedly) the only copy of the disc that could ruin her life. However, that one questionable good deed doesn’t outweigh the way he held it over her head and used it to force her to do things against her will. Characters like Nate are unlikable precisely because they do these horrific actions, and no tragic backstory can excuse the hurt they choose to inflict on others.

Fezco Isn’t Interesting

Fez may have been introduced as just being the neighborhood drug dealer, but he has quickly evolved into a likable character. A Redditor doesn’t find him all that compelling, though, and thinks that “his character is not interesting enough to warrant” a “Fezco episode.”

Of course, fans have already been fortunate enough to learn more about the lovable character who just so happened to have one of the most gripping backstories in the series. Fez’s past and his current actions with Lexi and Ashtray continue to make his storyline one of the more riveting ones in the series.

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Fezco And Lexi Howard Are An Unnecessary Couple

Fez and Lexi’s romance has become one of the most absorbing and adored pairings in the series. The user lllegirl confesses they are “personally not crazy about Fexi as everyone else,” though, as “it feels like one of those pairings they just threw in there.”

There’s a reason “Fexi” has become a popular ship among fans, as it presents a new and exciting dynamic between two characters who deserve more screen time. Plus, most viewers would agree that they have great chemistry, with Fez obviously putting in effort to try and change for the better and Lexi finally taking control of her life and her decisions, which include her love interest.

Rue Bennett Is Boring

Fans mostly watch events unfold through Rue’s eyes, as she’s the (sometimes unreliable) narrator in the teen drama. A deleted Redditor says that she’s also “the most boring character,” as “her scenes” aren’t “the most interesting.”

Most audiences would certainly say the opposite, as Rue’s storyline tells some of the most important narratives in the show and often prompts powerful scenes. From her relationship with Jules to her drug addiction, as well as her struggles with her family and her complicated friendship with Elliot, fans can’t help but want her to succeed and get better, especially considering how easy it is to fall in love with the vulnerable character.

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