The Pokémon anime premiered in 1997, introducing fans to the exciting and sprawling world of pocket monsters. Over the course of 1,176 episodes, fans have followed Ash Ketchum’s journey as he strives to become the very best like no one ever was.

Ash’s skill as a Trainer has increased considerably since he first began his journey, and it’s because of the battles he’s fought with his partner Pokémon. Out of all his many fights, a few stand out as the best in the anime. These matches showcase the best aspects of the franchise: dazzling animation and non-stop action.

10 Ash Vs. Korrina – “A Festival Reunion!”

Korrina isn’t Ash’s rival per se, but the show does treat her as such whenever the two cross paths. After their encounters in Kalos, Ash met her again during the World Coronation Series, when the two faced each other in battle to advance to the Great Class.

Ash leads with Gengar, but Korrina’s Lucario easily overpowers it. He then sends his powerful Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, Dragonite, who easily defeats Korrina’s Mienshao. In the end, it comes down to her Mega Lucario against his Dragonite, and the lovable orange dragon claims victory. It’s a tense but entertaining battle that features the return of Mega Evolution and provides the perfect showcase for Ash’s Dragonite.

9 Ash Vs. Lieutenant Surge – “Electric Shock Shockdown”

Ash’s journey throughout Kanto was full of highs and lows. The anime did a great job portraying his inexperience in Pokémon battles, which led him to over-rely on his Pikachu. Ash learned a valuable lesson when he faced the ruthless Lieutenant Surge, Vermilion City’s Electric-type Gym Leader.

Surge’s main Pokémon is Raichu, and the two easily defeat Ash and Pikachu during their first battle. Pikachu again struggles on the re-match, but the yellow mouse remains determined to win. The encounter is action-packed and features an unforgettable moment when Raichu uses his electricity to destroy the Gym’s lights and windows. In the end, Pikachu comes out on top, making every fan cheer alongside the mouse and its Trainer.


8 Ash Vs. Harrison – “Playing With Fire!”

Harrison was a recurring character during the Johto season. He was an older and more experienced Trainer from Hoenn who acted as a mentor towards Ash. The two shared a friendly rivalry that led to their match at the Silver Conference.

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The battle is pretty even and features Ash’s Bayleef defeating Harrison’s Houndoom, providing a much-needed moment under the spotlight for the underrated Starter. The match is also significant for being the debut of Blaziken, one of the best Fire Starters in Pokémon. Blaziken lives up to its reputation and defeats Ash’s strongest Pokémon, Charizard, after a grueling fight. It’s a thrilling and unforgettable battle, and even though Ash loses, fans were still proud of him and his team.

7 Ash Vs. Clemont – “The Moment Of Lumiose Truth!”

Clemont is one of Ash’s most intelligent companions, a sweet and slightly clumsy boy who gets easily embarrassed. He also has some confidence issues, and audiences see him dealing with them throughout the X & Y season.

In his role as the Lumiuose City Gym Leader, Clemont battles Ash in a three-against-three encounter. The most memorable moment comes when Clemont’s Luxray faces Ash’s Goodra. However, despite a brilliant performance, Luxray isn’t a match for Ash’s Pseudo-Legendary. The battle serves as a breakthrough moment for Clemont, who finally gains some confidence in his abilities. It’s also one of Goodra’s finest moments in the anime, making it even more special.

6 Ash Vs. Kukui – “From Z To Shining Z!”

Ash’s exhibition match against Professor Kukui during the Alola League is one of the Pokémon‘s longest and most rule-breaking battles. It goes on for a whopping five episodes and features Ash and the Professor pulling every trick from their bags to claim victory.

Near the end, the Legendary Pokémon Tapu Koko joins Kukui against Ash. The young Trainer brings out his Ultra Beast, Neganadel, and the battle reaches new and epic heights. However, fans jaws’ dropped when Neganadel fell, forcing Ash to send his last Pokémon, Pikachu. Seeing the franchise’s mascot take on a Legendary Pokémon is not uncommon, but this time was extra remarkable. Pikachu got to use everything it had learned up to that point, and when it claimed the victory, it felt earned.

5 Ash Vs. Paul – “Battling A Thaw In Relations!”

Paul is one of those villains that Pokémon fans love. He also went through a considerable journey of redemption, eventually becoming a more understanding Trainer. He is also arguably Ash’s best rival, and their final battle during the Lily of the Valley Conference proves it.

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Ash and Paul fight using a full team of six. It comes down to Paul’s Electivire and Ash’s Infernape, the latter having evolved from the Chimchar that Paul once mistreated and abandoned. The match ends with Infernape besting Electivire, giving Ash the victory. However, Paul isn’t bitter because he’s come to respect Ash’s skill as a Trainer. It’s the end to a season-long rivalry that ranks as one of the anime’s best. The battle itself is exhilarating, but it’s the history behind the two Trainers that makes it iconic.

4 Ash Vs. Iris – “Thrash Of The Titans!”

Iris is Ash’s former traveling companion. The two shared a contentious relationship during their time in Unova, but there was genuine appreciation behind their actions. The two had massive respect for each other, and fans knew that if they ever met again, the battle would be off the charts.

Indeed it was. The two friends meet each other when Iris, now Unova’s Champion, challenges Ash for the chance to ascend to the Ultra Class. Ash’s Dracovish bests Iris’ Dragonite, but the real showdown is between her Haxorus and his Dragonite. Both dragons give it their all, but Dragonite proves why it is one of Ash’s strongest Pokémon ever and defeats Haxorus with Draco Meteor. The battle perfectly balances nostalgia and excitement, resulting in a riveting encounter that proves how much these two Trainers have grown since they last saw each other.

3 Ash Vs. Gladion – “Enter The Champion!”

After 22 years and countless battles, Ash finally becomes a Pokémon League Champion. His victory comes after defeating his Alola rival, Gladion, during a tough and now iconic match. Gladion was one of Pokémon Sun and Moon‘s best characters, a worthy adversary who pushed Ash to become a better Trainer.

Their battle showcases the best of their teams while demonstrating how much respect they have for each other. During the last leg of the encounter, both Trainers send out their respective Lycanroc until only one remains standing. Ash’s victory came at the right moment, and every fan shed a tear he claimed his  reward after years of work . It’s a momentous occasion and arguably the single best moment in the anime.

2 Ash Vs. Tobias – “The Semi-Final Frontier!”

If there’s one unfair battle in the history of Pokémon, it’s Ash’s match against Tobias during the Lily of the Valley Conference. Throughout his Sinnoh journey, Ash grew exponentially as both a Trainer and a person, and many fans thought he’d finally win the League Championship. Alas, they were wrong.

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After defeating Paul, Ash went into the Conference’s semifinals against Tobias, a fearsome Trainer whose Darkrai was undefeated up to that point. The battle features several unforgettable moments, including Ash’s Sceptile defeating the seemingly undefeatable Darkrai. However, Tobias remains unbothered and brings out yet another Legendary Pokémon, Latios, granting him the victory. Many fans still debate the validity of this match, considering how overpowered Tobias’ team was. However, no one can deny it was a brilliant showdown.

1 Ash Vs. Gary – “Can’t Beat the Heat!”

Ash’s rivalry with Gary was evident from the very first episode. Gary loved mocking Ash, going out of his way to humiliate him whenever possible. Their dynamic evolved over time until they became respectful of each other’s abilities.

When Ash and Gary finally faced each other in battle during the Silver Conference, fans held their breaths as these two Trainers gave it their all. It came down to Gary’s Blastoise versus Ash’s Charizard, and in one of the anime’s most iconic moments, Charizard carries Blastoise while doing a Seismic Toss, dropping the turtle and earning Ash the win. While many other battles might be more exciting, none is more meaningful.

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