While Star Wars has become one of the most expansive franchises with sequels, prequels, and spin-offs, the original trilogy will always hold a special place in fan’s hearts as it introduced the world to a whole new galaxy of planets, weapons, and characters.

The original trilogy contains the main group of heroes who try to help the Rebels overthrow the Empire, the villainous Empire lead by the Emperor and Darth Vader, and numerous colorful side characters that appear during this struggle between good and evil. Between these characters, the original trilogy produced some of the most memorable movie characters of all time.

10 Jabba The Hutt

While there are more important villains, such as the Emperor, Jabba the Hutt is a unique and memorable character. The gangster is a powerful player in the criminal underworld who puts out a bounty on Han Solo’s head.

Ruthless and showy, Jabba uses Han frozen in carbonite as a decoration, and warning, in his palace. Additionally, he proves his mental fortitude by withstanding Luke’s attempted Jedi mind trick. He is a strange and compelling character who stands out even with his limited screen time.

9 Obi-Wan Kenobi

In the original trilogy, Obi-Wan Kenobi is the quintessential mentor figure, introducing Luke to the Force and teaching him the basics of the way of the Jedi before sacrificing himself to distract Darth Vader while Luke and the others escape from the Death Star.

Despite having one of the stormiest relationships in the original Star Wars trilogy, Obi-Wan’s wisdom and patience make him the perfect teacher for the rambunctious Luke. Additionally, he becomes the first character that audiences see defeat death, returning as a Force ghost. He is crafty, powerful, and in tune with the Force, demonstrating all of the traits of the ideal Jedi.


8 Chewbacca

As the co-pilot of the Millenium Falcon and best friend to Han Solo, Chewbacca plays a vital role in the group’s success. Ferocious and intimidating when he wants to be, Chewbacca is the muscle of the group, at times physically overpowering enemies when the situation calls for it.

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But what makes Chewbacca special is not his size and strength but rather his heart and good nature. He is brave, kind, and often implores Han Solo to do the right thing, despite not being able to speak Basic.

7 R2-D2

Somehow this little droid saves the day many times including smuggling the plans for the Death Star to the Rebels. Without his bravery and determination, running away from Luke to find Obi-Wan and deliver the message, the events of the original trilogy would look very different.

R2-D2 is sassy, stubborn, and strong-willed, often upsetting his counterpart C-3PO. He manages to act as both a hero and comedic relief. An iconic design, memorable moments, and expressive beeps and boops, all help make R2-D2 one of the most likable characters in the original trilogy.

6 Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is easily the most relatable character in Star Wars, essentially serving as an avatar through the audience accesses this fantastical galaxy. He begins as the ultimate everyman, just a regular person unexpectedly thrust into the middle of a cosmic battle.

But Luke is willing to learn and quickly becomes a student of the Force and the way of the Jedi. Though he can be impulsive or even whiny at times, his transformation from an average farm boy to a Jedi is one of the best character arcs in the original trilogy.

5 Lando Calrissian

Few characters in the entire Star Wars universe are as suave and charming as Lando Calrissian. Effortlessly cool, he even manages to outshine Han Solo in some of their scenes together in The Empire Strikes Back.

Like Han, Lando also has a character arc that involves him becoming a hero as he makes up for betraying Han by helping to raid Jabba’s palace and save him. He is an easy character to like, making his redemption in The Return of the Jedi all the more satisfying.

4 Yoda

With his unique look and signature speech pattern, wise master Yoda is one of the most recognizable characters in film history. He is mischievous and comedic when Luke first encounters him, but Yoda quickly reveals that he is incredibly knowledgeable about the Force.

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When training Luke, his techniques and demonstrations show the nature of the Force. His wise sayings and quippy lines are among the most quoted lines in the franchise. Subversive, wise, and unexpectedly powerful, Yoda leaves a strong impression with only limited screen time.

3 Princess Leia

While Star Wars begins like a typical fantasy story, with a princess in need of rescue, that trope is quickly subverted when Luke and Han Solo break her out of her cell and realize that Leia is far from a damsel in distress.

She is confident and strong, standing up to Darth Vader, as well as brave and selfless, refusing to give up the location of the Rebel base when tortured. She’s a key figure in the Rebellion and proves herself to be a skilled leader and tactician.

2 Darth Vader

By most accounts, Darth Vader is Star Wars’ best villain and it is not hard to see why. He is an intimidating and menacing presence throughout the original trilogy. But he is more than just a generic bad guy and his turn to the light side in order to save his son reveals his humanity.

He is the originator of some of the franchise’s best lines, including his iconic reveal in The Empire Strikes Back. Darth Vader’s cool appearance, booming voice, and overwhelming power make him an incredible character that has resonated with audiences for decades.

1 Han Solo

This outlaw with a heart of gold is the perfect mix of relatable and aspirational. Unlike Luke or Darth Vader, he possesses no special abilities and is just a regular guy. But his courage, confidence, and charisma make him the cocky gunslinger that every fan wishes they could be.

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He is cool and calm, even in the face of impossible odds and opposition. While he tries to act like he only cares about himself, he continually proves that he has his friends’ backs like returning for the Death Star trench run. Han Solo is just smug enough to be cool without becoming unlikable. His charm, sarcasm, and swagger make him the best character in the original trilogy.

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