Nick Birch has always had it easy, relative to his friend Andrew at least. With the exception of his middle name (Arsenio) and his father Elliot’s overbearing affection, the kid doesn’t really have a lot to complain about. Except, of course, the fact that puberty seems to have bypassed him entirely.

To say that Nick is central to Big Mouth is an understatement — the show’s name is a direct reference to himself — which means that a lot of his problems take the headline, particularly his issues with body image. As it is for the other characters, Nick’s life is filled with a number of unfortunate moments.

10 His Parents Keep Embarrassing Him

Nick wants to be treated like an adult, explaining why he hates it so much when his parents baby him all the time. In fact, he openly disavows their appeals to affection, claiming that they are stifling him and not letting him express himself.

This is a classic case of too much freedom, one in which Nick has no boundaries placed on him, so he needs to do it himself. This does not end up positive for anyone involved, least of all Elliot Birch, who gets the brunt of his son’s rage.

9 He’s A Late Bloomer

When all his friends talk about sex, Nick feels upset and jealous that these feelings haven’t hit him yet. He feels left out of the boys’ club, so to speak, because his body isn’t as developed.

One of his major anxieties is based on the size of his penis. He compares himself to Andrew, who hit puberty early. Society places great importance on penis size, which leads to Nick’s feelings of inadequacy.


8 He Gets Stuck With Rick

Speaking of late bloomers, when Nick finally gets his own personal Hormone Monster, it’s the decrepit Rick, who really should be retired at this point.

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As expected, Rick has no idea how anything works, but at least he’s there with a supportive “You’re the man!”. Sadly for Nick, the only other “client” serviced by Rick happens to be Coach Steve, who is not a man Nick wants to become.

7 Is Accidentally Exposed To Everyone

Nick is totally humiliated after Lola pulls down his pants while he’s hanging from a zipline, exposing him to the whole park. He is unable to let go for fear of his life, so the most he can do is wait around until someone helps him down.

The poor kid is seen by almost every other student, as well as their parents; to make matters so much worse, Elliot drops his trousers in solidarity with his son. This event does not have the desired outcome, but rather just makes Nick more annoyed with his father.

6 Becomes Addicted To Cellsea

Nick inherits Leah’s old phone, Cellsea, for whom he instantly develops a strong affinity (mostly because of the miserable condition his previous device had been in.) However, his love for constant social media approval and Cellsea’s simultaneous exhortations to prove himself to her take a downward turn.

He records Elliot doing his iconic “soft daddy” dance so he can make something go viral, but this backfires on him when his mother takes Cellsea away as punishment.

5 Pretended To Be The Dumper

Jessi breaks up with Nick because they don’t have much in common with the other, except being each other’s first kiss. Instead of taking the news maturely, he opts to pretend that he had never been the jilted one in the relationship, that it was, in fact, he who was the dumper and not the dumpee.

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Jessi is rightfully furious at his behavior, even going so far as to appear on Matthew’s morning show to denounce her ex for spreading lies about their relationship.

4 Is Rejected By His Best Friend

When Andrew starts dating Missy, it’s almost as if Nick doesn’t exist anymore. What used to be eternal hang-outs turns into vague hellos in the hallway, both of them having taken different forks in the romance road.

One can’t help feeling bad for Nick; having to deal with a bucketload of insecurities is awful, but losing the only friend he has — and their time spent together — takes a massive toll on him. Nick doesn’t get over this perceived “betrayal” for quite some time.

3 The Whole Michael Angelo Situation

Nick’s relationship with Jessi ends on miserable terms, but that doesn’t mean he ought to exhibit his unease at her dating Michael Angelo. Sure, the guy is a complete fraud, but Nick overreacts and makes it look like he’s got some serious jealousy problems.

Nick wears his heart on his sleeve, which is great, but it’s also important to think about other people when expressing one’s feelings.

2 Overwhelming Anxiety Spirals

The introduction of Tito the Anxiety Mosquito plays havoc among the new eighth graders, what with her perennial humming and outpourings of self-pity.

Nick is the least anchored of his friends’ circle at this point, which means he gets dragged on some rather agonizing horrorscapes. One of these is an entire episode dedicated to his cocky alter ego, Nick Starr from the future. Nick returns with a strong belief that a character change is the only way to save his social life.

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1 Soup! Soup! Soup!

In camp, Nick avoids the boys’ showers, having been convinced by Tito that his peers would all make fun of his body for being different than theirs.

In this process, Nick gradually accumulates various layers of odor around himself, to the point of smelling like a walking garbage bin, so naturally, the boys insult him for how bad he stink. He’s given the moniker “Soup” because of the nature of the smells that emanate from his body.

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