Elsa from Frozen is a woman of few words. Having a power no one understands and being afraid of hurting your loved ones can do that to a princess. But when she speaks, or more commonly, sings, she expresses herself beautifully.

From life lessons to self-realization, Elsa’s iconic quotes have history, strength, and multiple layers, and once the audience reads between the lines, themes surrounding perseverance and overcoming against the odds reveal themselves. Elsa doesn’t need a lot of words to communicate and express herself because when she does say something, it is remembered.


Updated by Amanda Bruce on November 5, 2021: In a long line of Disney princesses, Elsa stands out. Not only does she become a queen early in her story, but her journey isn’t about a love interest; it’s about family. She has to learn to be brave on her own, and she saves her sister in the process. Along the way, her journey is rife with lines that demonstrate how much princesses have changed since Disney’s first foray into fairy tales. Elsa is truly iconic.

Elsa On Love And Marriage

“You Can’t Marry A Man You Just Met.”

There aren’t a lot of Elsa quotes that can be read as funny. She’s mostly the one giving the serious lines in both Frozen movies. While these words are serious for Elsa, they’re also funny for the audience because they go against almost every Disney princess that’s come before her.

When Anna meets (and is smitten by) Hans, she wants to marry him immediately. Elsa, on the other hand, is skeptical — and rightly so. When she tells Anna that she can’t marry a man she just met, Elsa contradicts all of the classic Disney movies that end with the prince and princess hearing wedding bells. It’s a nice change of pace, and it demonstrates that she is the more logical of the two sisters, despite her near-constant state of fear.

Elsa Coming Into Her Power

“I Hear You. And I’m Coming.”

Who doesn’t love the moment in a movie when the protagonist is finally ready to face their biggest challenge? This is what Elsa says when she’s about to ride her magic horse onto the Ahtohallan River to unveil the truth about herself and the past.

This quote represents Elsa’s courage and agency. It’s a sign of growth, and it leads Elsa to move forward in her arc after she’s been avoiding growth for so long.

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Elsa On Her Accomplishments

“Here I Am, I’ve Come So Far.”

This Elsa quote is also about gathering the courage to face the unknown. But there’s one particular part of the line that deserves to be highlighted: “I’ve come so far.” Elsa doesn’t always acknowledge her achievements, and when she does, it’s iconic.

It’s common for people to be extra harsh on themselves, usually focusing on where they fell short. But as important as people learning from their mistakes is giving credit for trying. Everyone has their personal battles to fight; it’s easier when a person is their own cheerleader.

Elsa On Bonding With Her Sister

“Do You Want To Build A Snowman?”

Anna repeats this line several times during Frozen. She means it literally — Elsa can produce snow to build a snowman — but it’s also her way of asking her sister to go back to spending time with her. The snowman they built together is a symbol that represents their relationship, and that’s one of the reasons why this line means so much when Elsa repeats it back to Anna at the end of Frozen II.

Of course, the apparent reason is that Elsa will bring back a very particular and important snowman, Olaf, who melted away in Anna’s arms earlier. But in the subtext is a vow between the two sisters that the relationship they built together will never melt away.

Elsa On Opening Herself (And Her Kingdom) Up

“We’re Never Closing Them Again.”

When the King and Queen of Arendelle decide to close the castle’s gates, they shut more than the passageway from their home to their people; they also close the door to their daughter’s heart. Anna is very verbal about the hardships of being closed in, but Elsa suffers in silence.

But when Elsa finally learns she can control her powers by using love, she is free from her forced isolation. By saying she will never close the gates again, Elsa also means more than the passageway to and from the castle. Behind this iconic line is the promise that Elsa won’t push her sister Anna or her friends out of her heart again.

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Elsa On Acknowledging Her Strength[tldr_position]

“Show Yourself. Step Into Your Power. Grow Yourself Into Something New.”

It’s beautiful to follow Elsa’s journey from a scared princess to the Queen of Arendelle and to the Fifth Element. This quote is from the song “Show Yourself,” which Elsa sings when she discovers who she truly is.

In the song, Elsa urges the voice to show itself, but it’s a metaphor for her own surrender. She is the one who needs to show herself, step into her power, and grow into something new. That’s what makes this line so iconic — because it’s about Elsa’s growth.

Elsa On Living Without Fear

“Let It Go.”

There’s a reason why fans all love this song so much; it’s also one of the best Frozen quotes.

“Let it go.” Let go of everything that holds a person back and pushes them down. Let go of insecurities and fears and surrender to live life to its fullest. This line is so iconic it might be the most famous in the whole franchise.

Elsa On What’s Important

“Love Will Thaw. Love, Of Course.”

In the first movie, a big part of Elsa’s fear of losing control comes from the fact that she has no idea how to manage her powers. And it takes her almost losing Anna to realize that the one force stronger than fear and anger is love. This is an iconic line in a key moment — it’s Elsa’s ticket back to Arendelle and her people.

Love, of course, is always the solution, be it platonic or romantic. Sometimes someone can get so caught up in the problems that they forget about the power and the strength of love.

Elsa On Appreciating Anna

“A Bridge Has Two Sides. Mother Had Two Daughters. We Did This Together.”

There are two things that Elsa has struggled with her entire life: accepting herself and accepting help. Guilt, fear, and responsibility led Elsa to believe she was alone and should have to deal with all her hardships solo. Anna, on the other hand, spent both movies trying to instill in Elsa the importance of partnership and trusting others.

This beautiful quote is said to Anna when the two Disney sisters reunite, and Elsa reveals herself as the Fifth Element. It’s a moment of acknowledgment of the strength in union and sisterly love and when Elsa finally understands she isn’t alone.

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Elsa On Being Afraid

“Fear Is What Can’t Be Trusted.”

Elsa says this to her grandfather’s ice memory after he confesses that he will betray and attack the Northuldra people because magic can’t be trusted. He can’t hear her, but that’s okay because this is more of a self-realization, and it’s not meant to change the past.

Fear is one of Elsa’s oldest companions since she badly hurt Anna as a child and was told to stay locked in and away from people. It’s one of the saddest moments in Frozen and for Elsa. Elsa has felt afraid all her life, but fear only leads a person to make mistakes. This quote is important for Elsa and also great life advice.

Elsa On Being Herself

“The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway.”

This might not be the most repeated line in the song, but there’s a reason why these are Elsa’s last words before closing her ice palace door. This iconic quote marks Elsa’s first step into accepting who she truly is, with all her virtues and flaws.

At this point in the journey, Elsa has still got some things wrong — like believing she should be isolated. But this empowering line brings forth the courage to be whoever she is at her core, without being bothered by other people’s opinions. The only person she needs to live up to is herself. This line epitomizes this sentiment and, therefore, it’s the most iconic of Elsa’s sayings.

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