The CW’s Supernatural is in its 15th season, which was supposed to be the final one, although effectively due to the current situation worldwide, it might get another season.

The show has given us numerous characters over the years, some whom the audience has grown to love, some who deserved more screen time and some who were widely hated. One such character with a stunted arc was Adam Milligan, who was introduced way back in season 5 for a very short time and was brought back briefly in the 15th season. Let us see why the dynamics between Adam and the brothers were never about friendship.

10 Adam Is A Half-Brother

The primary reason why Adam isn’t a friend of the Winchesters is that he is a Winchester himself.

As John’s son and a half-brother to Dean and Sam, Adam is technically family to the brothers and couldn’t really be a friend. Although they hardly get to know each other, they could never have been friends anyway.

9 Adam Has Been Gone All Of The Time

Adam has not even been around for the most part.

He came into the Winchesters’ lives quite by chance and only appeared way back in season 4 and 5 for a handful of episodes and then again in season 15 for a single episode as of now, with the archangel Michael possessing him. There literally hasn’t been enough time for them to become friends.


8 Adam Was Dead Before He Met The Brothers

Adam was, in fact, dead before he even met the brothers. In season 4, Sam and Dean received a call on John’s phone from someone who claimed to be John Winchester’s son.

It turned out that Adam was already dead and that a ghoul had taken his form. Adam and his mom had already been killed by the ghouls and the person the brothers thought was Adam was never really him at all.

7 Adam Didn’t Really Get Much Respect

Even when Dean and Sam thought they were protecting their half-brother, they never really gave him a lot of respect.

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Both the brothers, especially Dean, were conflicted over discovering a half-brother they knew nothing about. Dean, it appeared at the time, was even a wee bit jealous of Adam, who seemed to have had a more ideal father-son relationship with John Winchester, something that Dean himself always craved but never had.

6 The Winchesters Didn’t Treat Him Like Family

The Winchesters have always been about family. One of the underlining themes of the series has been the profound love that each of them bears for the other and how they willingly trade lives for each other.

But, Adam, being a Winchester and a brother to Sam and Dean, is never really given the love or respect that the brothers would normally give to one another, or even to those who were not technically blood, like Castiel or Bobby. Canon tells us that the brothers go to unhealthy extents to save each other and that the only thing they count on is family. However, when it came to Adam, Dean actually said in season 4 that they shouldn’t bring him back from the dead, as he was in a better place.

5 Did The Brothers Try Hard Enough?

When Adam was being lured by Zachariah, the angel, the brothers did keep him from harm’s way briefly, with help from Bobby and Castiel. They even tried to save him when the angels abducted him and brought him to the Green Room.

However, that was the literally the last time the Winchesters went out of their way to think about Adam or find a way to save him from the apocalyptic forces. Given their nature, it seems odd that they gave up so soon, although they appeared saddened by the circumstances by which Adam became possessed by Michael.

4 Adam Was Left For Dead In Lucifer’s Cage

One of the primary loopholes that fans noticed about Adam’s relationship with Sam and Dean is that he was left for dead for what seems like an eternity in Lucifer’s cage after he and Sam had fallen in through the gap in the ground in ‘Swan Song’, the season 5 finale.

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In what was very uncharacteristic of the brothers, they seemed to forget all about their half-brother who was rotting in the cage with Michael inside him, even though Sam had been saved by Cas and Death had retrieved his soul later on from the very same cage. It seems odd that Dean and Sam, who would willingly die to save those they cared for, could have been quite so callous when it came to their kid brother.

3 The Half-Brother Was A Nasty Shock To The Boys

Adam’s existence came as a nasty shock to Sam and Dean, particularly the latter who took some time to come to terms with the fact. It appeared that Adam had a life that neither of the Winchesters had — a comparatively normal version of life that they both craved internally, but was resigned to never having.

Although, of course, it was revealed by the end of ‘Jump the Shark’, where they first met Adam, or the ghoul ‘Adam’, that the latter had already been killed and was thus not exactly leading an apple pie life. The very discovery that Adam existed came as a shocker to the boys. One assumes that both of them, especially the older Winchester, would have come around and loved him eventually, but their initial reaction was quite different.

2 Adam Was Not A Hunter

Adam was kept away from the life of a hunter by John, who, in all likelihood, hoped that at least one of his sons would have a normal existence.

While this made him vulnerable and probably led to his untimely death in the hands of a couple of revenge-seeking ghouls, it also made him a misfit for the kind of lives the brothers led. Even if they did have more time together, perhaps Adam would have eventually become a hunter, just like Jack, but the awkwardness would have made it difficult for him to be real friends with the brothers.

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1 There Was Really No Relationship Between Adam And The Boys

To be honest, the brothers never had a proper relationship with Adam. When they first met him, he was already dead. Then when he was brought back from the dead by the angels, he stayed with them briefly during which they never really got to know him as a person.

Although Sam tried to get his trust by telling him they were blood, Adam — perhaps justifiably — told him they weren’t really blood since he had never known them all his life. He then became Micheal’s vessel, at which time the main concern was sealing Lucifer away in the cage, and then when all three brothers finally met in season 15, they couldn’t possibly claim any relationship, since the brothers had never really done right by Adam at all.




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