Like a prize fight, two of the creepiest dolls in cinema history go toe to toe. In this corner standing about 29″ tall with red fizzy hair, blue overalls with a long-sleeved multi-colored shirt with scars for tattoos,  Charles Lee Ray a.k.a. “The Lakeshore Strangler”, from Chicago, Illinois — Chucky.

Across from him, sitting in a chair in a dark closet with dirty blonde hair with pigtails, wide dark eyes, porcelain skin, a wicked stare, and an evil smile to match. Able to possess anything and anyone, residing in Monroe, Connecticut — Annabelle.

If the two killer dolls came to blows, which horror titan one would win?

10 Chucky Can Actually Move

One big advantage is that Chucky is a killer doll that can move like a human. He just does not sit there and stare. His lips move, he speaks, and has that ability to torment Annabelle in a Chucky Child’s Play fashion. The fiery redheaded doll can pick Annabelle up, throw it, punch it, do anything that he wants to do because he has the ability of motion that the porcelain doll does not.

9 Annabelle Can Teleport

It would be hard for Chucky to catch something he does not necessarily see move. One instance, it is there and the next moment Annabelle is gone. Then the evil spirit would appear in the corner of a darkly lit room with a light slightly cast on its wide-eyed crazed stare and blood-red lips.  This would startle and infuriate Chucky, making him give up and move on to his next unsuspecting victim because he is not a very patient doll.


8 Chucky Has The Strength And Speed Of A Full Grown Adult

Mighty things come in small packages and often underestimated because of their size and stature. This particularly true about the Buddy Doll (2019) or the Good Guy Doll (1988).

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As seen in his Child’s Play movie sagas, he can run and chase down humans or anything twice his size and has the strength of an adult three times his size. Chucky will be able to outrun Annabelle and has far superior strength than Annabelle’s doll version. Its demonic spirit version is another story.

7 Annabelle Is Telekentic

Annabelle can move things without saying a word or even blinking an eye. Chucky would not be able to get close to it, tossing Chucky across the room literally like a rag doll.

In Annabelle: Creation when Samuel enters the dining room and finds Annabelle sitting in one of the chairs, he is approached by Annabelle’s possession of Janice and he attempts to drive her away with a hand made crucifix. But Annabelle uses telekinesis to snap his fingers backward, forcing him to drop it, then kills him.

6 Chucky Can Lock Annabelle Up/Keep It Constrained

The most effective way of defeating or subduing Annabelle has been to keep it locked up. Enclose the demonic spirit so it cannot be released. Ed and Lorraine Warren still have the doll confined in glass in their occult museum in Monroe, Connecticut. It is a collection of haunted antiques that recounts the Warren’s encounters with the occult.

This method of constraint was done in Annabelle: Creation, when the doll maker, Samuel Mullins, kept Annabelle locked in a closet of his deceased 7-year old daughter’s bedroom for twelve years.

5 Annabelle Has The Power Of Regeneration

Regeneration, the ability to re-create, reconstitute, or makeover, especially in a better form or condition. Annabelle seems to retain this power. Even if Chucky, in all of his evil mastery, broke every doll part of Annabelle’s body, the demon entity will have the power to put itself back together. If he burned it to a crisp, he would walk into another room only to find it sitting in a chair with what would appear to be an evil smile; seeming to reconstruct in its original porcelain doll form.

4 Chucky Is The Master Of Weapons And Various Household Items

To state that Chucky is a master of weaponry may not be the craziest thing that has been said about the pint-size butcher. He can use everything from knives, axes, and guns to shovels, yardsticks, golf clubs, plastic bags, scissors, and machetes.

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In Child’s Play 2, Mrs. Kittle gives Andy detention after Chucky writes foul language on Andy’s assignment. As punishment, she throws Chucky in the closet, but he gets his revenge by stabbing her with a handheld air pump, then he beats her to death with a yardstick.

3 Annabelle Has The Power Of Possession

In the first film, after Father Perez learns the demonic spirit’s true intention is to claim Mia’s soul, Annabelle uses Father Perez’s physical form to sneak into the apartment and abduct Leah for her mother’s soul.

Annabelle will possess the Chucky doll, ousting the soul of Charles Lee Ray who used voodoo talisman (The Heart of Damballa) to transform his soul into a Good Boy doll. It would make Chucky do its evil bidding, reigning terror on a soul it chooses before dismantling him piece by piece.

2 Chucky Can Perform Black Magic

Chucky is very familiar with black magic. He can perform the Dumballa chant to call forth the Sky God Dumballa. It is an ancient form of black magic used to summon his powers. Dumballa’s powers enable the transference of spirit into different living vessels. Chucky would be able to transfer Annabelle demonic spirit into himself, as the Chucky doll or into another vessel in hope of containing the essence within that vessel.

This was done by Charles Lee Ray when he transferred his spirit into the Good Guy doll in the original Child’s Play movie.

1 Annabelle Is Immortal

How can someone defeat or kill something that never dies? Yes, it will lay dormant for a while, but it never expires. Maybe, the approach is to lock it up. But it will outlive anything or anyone only to strike again seeking revenge on those who caged it.

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Even when its physical form gets hit by a car at the age of 7 in Annabelle: Creation, her spirit is transformed to a porcelain doll that her parents, Samuel and Esther Mullins kept locked in their daughter’s bedroom. The Mullins prayed to an entity that would eventually grant their wish to see their daughter again. They saw her briefly but the demonic spirit convinced them to transfer its essence in the handcrafted infamous porcelain doll.

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