Over the course of the sequel trilogy of films, Star Wars introduced audiences to many new iconic characters. Some of them received more acclaim, while others have been the subject of debate and discussion from the very beginning.

Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran) is a character who has faced both of these sides of the fandom, with many fans adoring her and others leveling both Rose and Tran with undue harassment and criticism. But no matter how fans may feel about her ultimate role in the galaxy, Rose Tico was still a character who contributed a lot to the sequel trilogy, including some of its most memorable quotes.


When She Was Adorably Nervous:

“I Work Behind Pipes All Day. Doing Talking With Resistance Heroes Is Not My Forte.”

When Rose was introduced in The Last Jedi, it was quickly established that she was a nerdy character. She worked as a mechanic and didn’t concern herself with the actions of heroes. But everything changed when she found herself face-to-face with her own personal hero, Finn.

As Rose got to know the man she believed to be one of the galaxy’s bravest heroes, she awkwardly and adorably stumbled her way through her introduction to him, explaining that “I work behind pipes all day. Doing talking with Resistance heroes is not my forte. Doing… Doing talking.”

When She Described What Heroism Means To Her:

“When We Heard About It, My Sister Paige Said, ‘Rose, That’s A Real Hero. Know Right From Wrong And Don’t Run Away When It Gets Hard.'”

There is plenty of room to debate who the most heroic character in Star Wars is. Characters like Luke and Leia gave their all in their fight to defend the galaxy, while characters like Anakin and Kylo Ren had late in life changes of heart and saved themselves and the galaxy in the process.

But there is also a real discussion to be had about what Star Wars, as a franchise, understands heroism to mean. As far as Rose, and her late sister Paige, were concerned, however, real heroism consisted of two simple things: “know[ing] right from wrong and [not] run[ning] away when it gets hard.”

When She Freed The Fathiers:

“Go. Now It’s Worth It.”

The polarizing Canto Bight sequence in The Last Jedi included some important character-building moments for Rose. After learning that the wealthy galactic elites were abusing fathiers for sport and forcing child laborers to care for them, Rose knew she couldn’t allow this behavior to go on.

As Finn and Rose tried to flee from their captivity in the prisons of Canto Bight, they managed to ride away on one of the loosed fathiers.  But before they escaped, thanks to BB-8’s assistance, Rose saw to it that the fathiers were freed once and for all, declaring that their entire journey was worth it because of that fact.

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When She Expressed Her Loyalty To The Resistance:

“Just This Morning, I Had To Stun Three People Who Were Trying To Jump Ship.”

Many characters were underutilized in the Star Wars sequels. The Last Jedi set Rose up as an incredibly dynamic character, fueled by her loyalty to the Resistance and her need to continue on in her sister’s name. But all of that was wasted with her lack of screentime in The Rise of Skywalker.

But Rose was one of the strongest characters in The Last Jedi precisely due to these convictions. When she caught Finn preparing to desert the Resistance, she had already “stun[ned] three people who were trying to jump ship,” showing that she was willing to do everything she could to ensure the Resistance’s strength.

When Her Childhood Dream Came True:

“Were Those What I Think They Were? Fathiers. I’ve Never Seen A Real One.”

Before Rose and Finn embarked on their escape attempt from Canto Bight, Rose first showed pure childlike joy at seeing the fathiers in their stables. In describing her childhood, she expressed amazement at the fact that fathiers were, in fact, real and not just a creature she had heard stories about.

The fathiers were definitely some of the cutest creatures introduced in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, so it’s not hard to understand Rose’s excitement at seeing them for real. The moment also allowed for some much-needed levity in the tense sequence.

When She Expressed Her Hatred For The Galactic Elite:

“I Wish I Could Put My Fist Through This Whole Lousy Beautiful Town.”

Rose introduced an important perspective to the Star Wars universe that the series hadn’t confronted since it introduced Anakin and his mother Shmi in The Phantom Menace. She grew up in poverty on Hays Minor, a mining planet exploited by the First Order, and as a result, she had a better grasp on the social and political realities of the galaxy than most.

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When she and Finn arrived in Canto Bight, she knew all too well what kind of atrocities these elites likely had to commit in order to finance their extravagant desires. So when she said “I wish I could put my fist through this whole lousy beautiful town,” she truly meant it, and it was truly deserved after all she had been through.

When She Found Hope In Difficult Times:

Rose: “The General Asked Me To Study The Specs Of Old Destroyers, So We Can Stop The Fleet If You Find It.” Finn: “If?” Rose: “When.”

Rose didn’t have much to do in The Rise of Skywalker, since her screen time was limited to a measly 76 seconds. But she did manage to get a few moments in the final film in which her role as a voice of reason and hope alike was deliberately reasserted.

As Finn and company prepared to head off on their big adventure, she let Finn know that she had been assigned to research work that would help “stop the fleet if you find it.” But soon enough, Rose corrected course, assuring Finn of her hope and insisting that it would help when they found the First Order fleet.

When She Snapped At DJ’s Betrayal:

“You Lying Snake.”

Benicio Del Toro’s DJ may have been one of the Star Wars sequel trilogy’s least threatening villains, but his betrayal of Finn and Rose in their time of need nevertheless led to one of Rose’s most powerful moments.

After it was revealed that the shady character had, in fact, betrayed them to the First Order, Rose didn’t hesitate to snap and call him exactly what he was: “you lying snake.” It was a rare moment in which the trilogy allowed a character other than Rey or Kylo Ren to lash out and show genuine emotion and it felt very earned.

When She Covered For Finn:

Poe: “How Did You Two Meet?” Rose: “Just Luck.”

Finn and Rose didn’t exactly meet under the best of circumstances. He had been planning to desert the Resistance and she was the one who quite literally shocked the sense back into him when she stunned him with her taser gun.

But when questioned about how they met by Poe Dameron, Rose was quick to jump in and cover for Finn, even if he didn’t deserve it. She instead insisted it was “just luck” that brought them together, but that she remained undecided about whether it was good luck just yet.

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When She Explained What Star Wars Is All About:

“That’s How We’re Gonna Win: Not Fighting What We Hate, Saving What We Love.”

In the final act of The Last Jedi, Finn almost sacrificed his life in a poorly planned attempt to stop the First Order. But Rose refused to let that happen, saving his life and offering an important commentary on what Star Wars is and has always been about.

At its core, Star Wars is a series about hope and love, even in the darkest of times and the most fraught of galactic battles. So when Rose told Finn that they would win by “not fighting what we hate, [but] saving what we love,” it was clear at that moment that she understood the central star war better than anyone else.

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