Going into Season 4, Big Mouth fans could never have guessed that Lola, the husky-voiced scourge of junior high and Jay, the magically-inclined horndog, would become not only one of the greatest couples in the series but a power couple for the ages. What begins as a fight at the public pool, and escalates into the pair making bombs from Monster energy drinks and condoms, turns into a passionate — and violent — summer romance.

Lola and Jay dig a mud pool in his backyard, speak in a raunchy version of courtly love, and help one another cope with each other’s dysfunction, but all is not witty repartee and toe-sucking. As genuine as their relationship is, insecurity, pettiness, and aggression lurk beneath it, making some aspects of their bond truly toxic.

10 Sweetest: They Don’t Care What Others Think About Them

While Jay is a bit of an outsider, Lola has tried to fit into her group of friends for years, sucking up to pretty girls like Devin just to be one of the “cool kids.” Devin tries to make Lola think that dating Jay will be social suicide in eighth grade, but luckily for Lola — and Jay — she decides to make her own decisions.

Jay has to go through his own journey to pick Lola, being easily influenced by the opinions of his older brothers and friends, who feel like Lola is too masculine. Jay ultimately doesn’t let what they say impact his decision, and he embarks on a whirlwind romance with Lola, and together they become two of the series best characters.

9 Toxic: Their Love Language Is Insults

As enjoyable as it is to behold Jay and Lola’s sparkling wit and witness the devastation caused by their withering insults, it’s often directed as much at themselves as it is at others. While some sarcasm in a relationship can keep it lively, too much can slowly erode positivity and trust.

It doesn’t take long for insults to fly between them, especially when their friends question their compatibility. Lurking beneath their romance are deep-rooted insecurities that manifest in anger, and because of this even their compliments are laced with malice, such as Jay’s to Lola after they complete the pool in his backyard: “You did most of the work babe — and with your feet, too, those strong little hooves.”


8 Sweetest: They Root For Each Other

Jay and Lola have a wonderful way of cheering each other on, no matter what their interests are. When they decide to build a pool after getting kicked out of the public facility, they encourage each other’s creativity, and when they sneak into a sorority’s haunted house after being denied access, they complement each other’s marksmanship with paintball guns.

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When Lola uses a combination of expert martial arts moves and a shovel to annihilate Jay’s abusive older brothers, Jay is genuinely in awe of her. He isn’t intimidated by the fact that she openly expresses her strength.

7 Toxic: They Need Bigger Thrills To Sustain Their Excitement

Jay and Lola begin their relationship out of the passion fueled by an argument at the public pool, and this seems to set its tone. Their argument soon turns to creating Monster Energy Drink bombs, an act that inspires their perception of one another as glamorous criminals.

When they dress up like Bonnie and Clyde to enter the sorority haunted house and are denied entrance, they decide to break in instead, shoot anyone in their path, and steal all the cash gained by paying participants. In an alternative future of Nick’s, they grow up to be post-apocalyptic cannibals. A pattern seems to emerge requiring more chaotic situations to amplify the thrill of their relationship.

6 Sweetest: They Help Heal Each Other

Both Jay and Lola come from broken homes, and their family lives have had a large influence on their aggressive personalities. Jay’s family constantly abandons him, going so far as to leave him alone in a fumigated house in Season 3, while Lola’s family — who the audience haven’t met yet — went so far as to set her up in a model apartment with a broken microwave and never visit her.

The two misfits find solace in each other and help each other heal from familial trauma. In the very first episode of Season 4, Lola defends Jay from his abusive brothers Kurt and Val, showing him that after so many seasons of mistreatment he doesn’t have to take it anymore.

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5 Toxic: They Bring Out The Worst In Each Other

As much as Lola and Jay can act like an old married couple, Season 4 doesn’t let viewers forget that they’re newly minted teens still processing their emotions and hormones. They may at times act more mature than Andrew and Nick when it comes to transparency, but they still have a lot to learn.

At the pool, Jay tells Lola, “You’re on my Sturdy Under 30 list,” which only causes her to scream, “You’ll be the second person I’ve drowned!” They both have anger issues, which come to the forefront anytime they disagree.

4 Sweetest: They Respect Each Other

The pair have an adorable habit of referring to each other by the titles “King” and “Queen”, and many aspects of their relationship are modeled after courtly love, with valiant deeds and acts of devotion. Even Jay’s foot fetish for his “Queen,” which he demonstrates by licking mud off her toes, conveys how beautiful he feels she is.

Jay puts Lola’s pleasure above his own, worshiping her in a way that would make Nick’s mom jealous, complete with a metaphor about sexuality conveyed by a medieval castle and Jay as a dragon. For three seasons Lola has been referred to as a “dump truck”, so it’s nice to see her treated like royalty.

3 Toxic: They’re Disturbed

Of all his friends, Jay has been the one who has pushed the boundaries of acceptability in the group. For several seasons he’s been so extremely sexually attached to his pillows that he foregoes real human connection.

And Lola declaring that causing a boy in kindergarten to trip and impale his skull on a spike is the “most epic hilarity” is just as disturbing. Lola won’t even tell Jay if the child lived or died because it will make the event less amusing in her mind, which heavily implies that poor Isaac did die, because serious injury is the only reason why physical accidents cease to be funny.

2 Sweetest: They Have A Blast Together

No matter what they’re doing, whether it’s making out at a coffee shop, reading the paper in the school cafeteria, attending a funeral, or dressing up like Bonnie and Clyde, Jay and Lola seem to have the best time hanging out together.

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None of their friends suspected they would be as perfectly matched as they are, especially given their strong personalities. But they’re authentic, genuine, and — for the most part — transparent.  Jay accepts Lola’s deep voice and domineering personality, and Lola accepts Jay’s eccentric kinks and squirmy personality.

1 Toxic: They’re Stubborn

Unfortunately, the two strongest personalities in the series come to a head when, as Season 4 winds down, Jay breaks up with Lola because she fails to respond fast enough when he says “I love you”. Jay’s ego is fragile, as evidenced when he screams, “If you can’t say ‘I love you’ the second I do, then you don’t deserve me at all!”.

Lola tries to make up with Jay but being equally fragile, flies into a rage at Jay when he won’t accept her terms. She vows to go to “Warrrrrrr!” with him in 8th grade, proving that their stubborn streak and inability to compromise was always going to be a big problem in their relationship. If fans loved Jay and Lola together in Season 4, no doubt they’ll equally love them as nemeses in Season 5.

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