Disney/Pixar’s latest theatrical release, Onward, is a modern fantasy tale that is brewing to the brim with Dungeons and Dragons references and inspiration.

The small group of characters also functions with the dynamics of a D&D group. When looking deeper at the characters of Onward and comparing them to the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons, it is clear that each of the characters belongs in a D&D class.

10 Ian Lightfoot: Sorceror or Wizard

A D&D sorcerer can be gifted magic from a bloodline, while a wizard must be scholarly and capable of bending the laws of reality.

While Ian Lightfoot studies for his powers, he was also born with magic within himself, because the aptitude to practice magic is genetic in this realm. Thus, there are no clear lines as to which class Ian would be, but he’s most definitely in the realm of magic-using.

9 Barley Lightfoot: Bard

He inspires Ian. Barley both plays music in his van and also consistently speaks words of encouragement and inspiration, which falls under the realm of bardic characteristics. In the words of Barley Lightfoot, “Ian Lightfoot is fearless!”


8 Laurel Lightfoot: Fighter

At a superficial level, Laurel plays a support role, while she tries to protect and support her sons. However, as she grows in her character arc, she is reminiscent of the D&D fighter class, which is a skilled character in martial arts and combat. It is as if her morning workouts had trained her to wield weapons and fight curses.

As Laurel self-proclaims while wielding The Manticore’s greatsword, “I am a mighty warrior.”

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7 Wilden Lightfoot: Wizard

Wilden is clearly a wizard because he not only had a staff, but he also left a written incantation for his sons. Being a scholarly character, Wilden was able to alter reality, which is a key component of being a D&D wizard. He manipulated reality by trying to resurrect himself for 24 hours, though that didn’t particularly go as planned.

He even said his mage name would be Wilden the Whimsical.

6 The Manticore: Bard and Barbarian Multiclass

When analyzing The Manticore, the lines between classes are blurred. If one chooses not to categorize The Manticore as a monstrosity, they are left with deciding between her being a bard or barbarian. This is where multiclassing comes into play.

While she is both an entertainer through storytelling (which is a clear bard trait), The Manticore is also a barbarian who is known as a raging fierce warrior.

5 Officer Colt Bronco: Paladin

Officer Colt Bronco is clearly a paladin because he is devout to his oath to the police force. While most paladins are proficient in wisdom and charisma, it seems he may be lacking, unless one considers his humor to charismatic. It did bring Barley and Ian together with their impressions of him, after all.

That said, Colt Bronco holds his position on the police force very seriously. His devoutness is seen when he confronts Barley, his girlfriend’s son, for his actions. Clearly, no character holds a free pass from the law in Officer Colt Bronco’s eyes.

4 Officer Spector: Paladin

Officer Spector, like Officer Colt Bronco, is a paladin of this story. This highly perceptive character takes their position on the police force rather seriously, like Bronco. It is clear that the oath Officer Spector swore to the force means a great deal to the character.

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As a police officer, Spector is diligent in observing situations and wise enough to understand when there’s funny business afoot, like when Ian and Barley are trying to be deceptive with a cloaking spell.  Through and through, Office Spector behaves diligently bound to the oath the character swore to the police force and is clearly a paladin.

3 Officer Gore: Paladin

Similarly to Office Spector and Colt Bronco, Officer Gore follows a specific code of conduct. While her police work is not as observant as Officer Spector’s she is still a warrior bound to the oath she swore when joining the police force.

Perhaps she doesn’t have a +2 to wisdom as Spector would, but she is proficient in charisma, as she tries to not only diffuse a situation but respect who she thought was Officer Colt Bronco.

2 Dewdrop: Fighter and Barbarian Multiclass

Dewdrop is most definitely a D&D fighter. This character is trained in the art of street fighting, which is seen in the epic van/motorcycle highway chase.

That said, this character also multi classes in the barbarian class, because Dewdrop is quick to enter battles in rage and could arguably be from a primitive background, considering they didn’t know about their own abilities to fly.

1 Grecklin: Rogue

The pawnshop owner known as Grecklin is a rogue who does not value the lawful good. Instead, she tried to manipulate Laurel and The Manticore with trickery.

This is seen when the bartering conversation turns sour, as Grecklin goes back on her word and raises the price fo the greatsword.

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