TV’s The Office is home to an interesting cast of characters. The clashing of personalities and bizarre character traits make for an entertaining group of office workers fans have come to love. The ring leader of this chaos is fan favorite, Michael Scott. There are many traits that make Michael stand out amongst this colorful cast, one of the most important is that he isn’t exactly what he seems.

On the surface, Michael seems like a bumbling buffoon with a total lack of self-awareness, which in many ways he absolutely is. However, Michael has proven on multiple occasions, that he is actually very clever in certain aspects, even managing to outwit many who look down on him.

10 Producing A Creative Ad For The Branch (Season 4, Episode 5)

If there is one thing every fan knows about Michael, it’s that he is desperate for attention. One of the ways he attempts to accomplish this is by making videos. While most of these are cringe-worthy, to say the least, there is one project that was actually heartfelt and decent and did not get the respect it deserved. When corporate announced that each branch would be working with an ad agency to make a local commercial, Michael was ecstatic.

His excitement quickly waned, however, when he discovered the ad would be cookie-cutter with all the other branches. Determined to create a better ad, he uses his employees to make a creative, unique ad to send to corporate. This ad is rejected for the more generic one, however, although the Scranton branch shows the support in the ad they all worked so hard on.

9 Managed The Work Load Of Two Branches (Various)

While the main focus of the original UK version, the US version of The Office only uses the downsizing story arc for the first few seasons. This comes to an end when the Stamford branch closes with Scott’s Scranton branch absorbing them. While not able to keep most of the employees, Michael is successful in keeping most, if not all of the clients gained in the merger.

Michael is no stranger to goofing off when there is work to be done, but when the lives of his employees are on the line, Michael kicks into gear and acts as a competent manager should, although with more offensive jokes.


8 Won Multiple Awards For Sales (Season 2, Episode 17)

When top salesman Dwight is chosen to be honored for his sales accomplishments, Michael is quick to point out to he has also been noticed by corporate for his sales, and multiple times for that matter.

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Michael is very hit or miss when it comes to managing. He is constantly butting heads with corporate and chooses to entertain his employees as opposed to trying to prevent downsizing. However, these awards, along with the fact that he was promoted to begin with, show that he is a talented salesman who is able to get work done on occasion.

7 Defended The Company Over His Girlfriend (Season 4, Episode 8)

The way Jan parted ways Dunder Mifflin was less than professional. She even goes as far as to sue the company for wrongful termination, and Michael is stuck in the middle of it. Jan is somewhat successful at first in making the company look bad, even using the ways they wronged Michael as examples. Jan eventually goes too far by using Michael’s personal diary as leverage without him knowing.

Michael begins to slowly realize the type of woman Jan is and begins to side with the company. Even when faced with the revelation that he was never seriously considered for a promotion, and that he isn’t taken seriously, he testifies against Jan based on his principles.

6 Convinced Hammermill To Leave Staples (Season 3, Episode 2)

From the first episode, Dunder Mifflin is shown to be part of a dying business. They are being outperformed by big box stores and are struggling to keep up. When Michael and Dwight go to an office supply convention, he originally only wanted to one-up Stamford manager Josh.

While this was destined for failure, Michael also managed to convince a popular office supplier, Hammermill, to leave one of Dunder Mifflin’s biggest competitors, Staples. This came as a surprise to practically everyone and proved Michael is one of the best salesmen to ever work for the company.

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5 Tricked Jim And Pam Into Coming To A Dinner Party (Season 4, Episode 9)

Jim Halpert is one of the more witty members of Dunder Mifflin Scranton. As proven by his multitude of pranks, Jim is smart in a way no one else in the office is, except maybe Michael. As soon as Jim and Pam made their relationship public, Michael tried to get them to agree to a double date. Understandably, the couple tried everything to get out of it. Jim always seems to be one step ahead of Michael, pretending to only be free when he knows Michael is busy.

That is until Michael pretends that the office has to work late. After making completely sure Jim’s plans consisted of staying late to work, he pretended to call corporate to ensure the employees get to go home on time. This meant for a fact Michael knew Jim had no plans, forcing him to agree.

4 Playing A Game To Distract From Closing (Season 6, Episode 10)

The employees of Dunder Mifflin were always aware they were working for a dying business. These fears became very real when rumors began circulating that Dunder Mifflin was closing for good. Stress levels in the office were higher than ever, and co-manager Jim felt that actually working hard was the key to keeping the company alive.

Michael on the other hand, began a murder mystery with the office, much to the aggravation of Jim. After confronting Michael, he actually snaps at Jim telling him that morale is the most important thing, and at that time the game was the only thing boosting that. Jim eventually understands where Michael is coming from and joins in on the shenanigans.

3 Quits Dunder Mifflin (Season 5, Episode 18)

Michael Scott always felt unappreciated. From his lack of friends to corporate never taking him seriously, he typically just plays it off with humor. He finally has enough when a new boss is hired that essentially treats him like a child. David Wallace tries to make it better by talking to him as a friend and offering to go to his canceled party.

Michael quits on the spot and soon after announces he is starting his own paper company. This is a move that nobody was expecting and shows that even the childlike Michael has his breaking point.

2 Convinces Dunder Mifflin To Buy His Paper Company (Season 5, Episode 23)

When Michael left Dunder Mifflin to start The Michael Scott Paper Company, something happened that nobody saw coming. He was somewhat successful. Michael manages to steal quite a few clients from his previous employer by offering reduced prices. This process is causing Michael’s company to go broke, however, although Dunder Mifflin does not know this.

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In an attempt to gain their lost clients back, Dunder Mifflin makes Michael an offer, oblivious to the fact the company doesn’t have much longer. Michael not only agrees but also convinces them to hire Pam, Ryan, and himself back. Because of this experience, the company does not underestimate Michael again.

1 Made A Huge Sale (Season 2, Episode 7)

It is no secret that Jan didn’t think highly of Michael’s intelligence. Even before taking advantage of him in their relationship, she treated Michael like a child. This was especially evident when she brought him along to make a sale to a large client. She feared Michael would ruin the sale and feels justified when she learns Michael changed the location of the meeting to Chili’s.

Her worst fears seem to be realized when he makes a fool of himself at dinner. However, this was all a ruse to get the client to like him and make his sale at the end of the night. Michael is successful, and Jan learns that this man she thought so little of, may just be smarter than he seems.

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