Capcom’s Resident Evil Village can attribute a significant amount of its popularity to the immense internet buzz surrounding the towering, nine-foot-tall vampire character of Lady Dimitrescu. The esteemed “Tall Lady” is shown flanked by her three daughters who shapeshift at will into swarms of insects. As Ethan Winters begins to encounter Lady Dimitrescu’s homicidal daughters throughout the castle, their only moments of vulnerability seem to be when they are exposed to cold air. While Village’s fanbase may be more focused on fantasies of Lady Dimitrescu stepping on them, her in-game character doesn’t appear to be bothered by the chill. So what makes her daughters so susceptible to the cold?


[Warning: Spoilers for Resident Evil Village below.]

To understand why Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters are sensitive to frigid temps in Resident Evil Village, Ethan must first learn how the daughters came to exist in the first place. The “Further Observations” and “Insect Observations Journal” files located in Castle Dimitrescu reveal information as to how Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters were created. The files detail how the bodies of three girls were given an experimental treatment where a Cadou laid eggs in female host bodies. The Cadou itself is a bio-organic weapon that Umbrella affiliate Mother Miranda originally infected Lady Dimitrescu with.

In Resident Evil Village, the Cadou acts like a parasite and gives Alcina (Lady Dimitrescu) her vampire-like qualities. She appears to never age and has superhuman strength, but relies on consuming human blood and flesh due to a pre-existing blood-based disease. At some point, Alcina decides to use the Cadou parasite to perform experiments on three girls. As the infection takes over, their bodies become consumed by fly-like insects until their forms are solely made up of clouds of gyrating bugs.

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Why RE Village’s Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra Are Weak To Cold

Once the treatment is completed, the swarms change color to mimic the appearance of vampire-like human beings. These three creatures become known to Alcina as her “daughters”, whom she names Daniela, Bela, and Cassandra. Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters share similar traits with their mother, such as protection from physical damage and requiring human blood to sustain themselves. Unlike their mother, who makes for the Resident Evil Village‘s first true boss fight, the daughters materialize from swarming clouds of insects to travel around the castle in pursuit of Ethan.

However, it is due to the daughter’s insectoid origins that they remain bound to the castle itself. As in the real natural world, most species of insects are unable to survive extremely cold temperatures. Exposure to the cold temperatures outside causes the daughters to become weak and vulnerable to attack. It is here that Village’s character design choices are actually somewhat grounded in reality by referencing the scientific mechanisms of insect metabolism. The “Insect Observations Journal” file found in the castle describes how the insects’ are susceptible to drops in temperature, causing their metabolism to slow down and put them into a state of lethargy. Generally, the Resident Evil series is not renowned for its scientific accuracy, especially when Ethan Winters’ hand is able to reattach itself multiple times, but the truth behind the daughters’ weakness isn’t stretched too far from reality.

This stems from a majority of insects being ectotherms – meaning they can only regulate their body temperatures through externally generated sources of heat. Ectothermic insects’ reliance on gathering heat from their environment means that some insects can’t functionally operate when they are in sub-optimal environments. Since Lady Dimitrescu’s daughters are literally cold-blooded killers, this vulnerability leaves them bound to the confines of the castle walls as the frigid air outside will prove fatal once Ethan Winters takes them on. Much of Resident Evil Village may not be grounded in reality or scientific fact, but when combined with cryptic files located throughout the game, these character details can make for a chilling discovery.

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