With over 1,000 costumes made for it, Denis Villeneuve’s Dune feels every bit as epic as the novel on which it’s based. Frank Herbert’s Dune features a rich universe full of aristocrats and freedom fighters, environments ranging from lush, water-centric Caladan to hot, inhospitable Arrakis, and sprawling structures, ensuring that whatever his characters wear must feel native to the saga and help tell its story.

From the stillsuits of the desert-dwelling Fremen to Lady Jessica’s beautiful yellow dress to the mysterious Bene Gesserit robes and the insectoid ensembles of the brutal House Harkonnen, there’s a lot to see — and details to miss — in the costumes designed by Jacqueline West and Bob Morgan.


The Outfits Reflect The Houses

In Herbert’s novel, House Atreides is considered a minor house in the Landsraad, so it makes sense that the clothing worn by the Duke and his son Paul would reflect that; nothing ostentatious, opulent, or eye-catching but functional for the cold weather of Caladan. As a concubine of the Duke, Lady Jessica would have the more eye-catching outfits, and as a wealthy house of colonizers, so would House Harkonnen.

In fact, House Harkonnen’s dark, utilitarian, biotech-looking appearance is in keeping with its status as a powerful family of industry, one that has been controlling spice (and thus the power of interstellar travel) for generations.

Lady Jessica’s Yellow Outfit Is Medieval In Origin

One of the most attention-grabbing outfits in the entire movie is Lady Jessica’s yellow dress, with chain mail draped delicately over her head, shoulders, and arms that look like something out of a medieval fantasy movie. She truly makes a stunning sight as House Atreides arrives on Arrakis.

In an interview with ImagineFXDune costume designer West stated that the medieval-inspired gown took months to construct by hand. Every single link was hand-made and then fitted by costume maker Bryony Tyrrell. In Herbert’s book, AI and computers have been abolished, and while machines still exist, many items are still hand-made, so the gown reflects the same craftsmanship.

The Stillsuits Are Dark On Purpose

The Fremen-made stillsuits that allow them to move across the desert and distill their perspiration and waste into much-needed water are a head-scratchingly dark color. Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to be the color of the desert sands they traverse? And what were the talismans on some of them?

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There are a couple of reasons why they’re a dark gray; in-universe, a dark color in extreme temperatures makes the wearer sweat more and thus produce more water, while for practical reasons, a darker color helps the actors stand out among the beige landscapes. In the same interview for ImagineFX, West explained that the cast selected talismans and baubles to be attached to their stillsuits to aid in their character’s backstories.

The Beetle Means More Than You Think

There’s a scene in the movie where Paul studies a black beetle crawling in the sand on Arrakis, and while seemingly random, it indicates the encroaching Harkonnens and their return to reclaim Arrakis.

According to an interview in the Los Angeles Times with West, the costumes of their house were based on insects like beetles, ants, and spiders. The textures of these bugs were used to inspire the hard shells of their robes and armor, making the Harkonnens look like colonizers ready to overtake another planet and exploit its resources. It also connects them to the constellation “beetle” that can be seen from Arrakis.

The Reverend Mother’s Face Veil Would Interfere With Her Bene Gesserit Training

On the whole, the Reverend Mother has one of the best outfits in Dune, but the veil she wears to obscure her face obstructs the lore of the Bene Gesserit more than it provides mystery for the character. It completely hinders the Bene Gesserit Method and the means by which the sisterhood stays on top of everything in the universe.

In Herbert’s series, the Bene Gesserit are trained to carefully and cautiously study their surroundings, particularly the people in them. They make note of any change in body language, facial expression, or energy level to identify assassination attempts, treasonous machinations, and more.

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The Bene Gesserit Robes Were Based On Tarot, Chess, And Nuns

When the mysterious sisterhood known as the Bene Gesserit make their first appearance in the movie, walking in the rain in solemn black robes in the dead of night, they create an incredibly visceral image that stays in the minds of viewers. With the style of their robes and sweeping hoods, they resemble medieval monks, which is by design.

According to Tanya Lapointe’s book The Art and Soul of Dune, the Bene Gesserit robes were based on two things associated with the spiritual and the occult; tarot cards (specifically the High Priestess and Queen of Cups), chess pieces (the queen and the bishop), and images of medieval nuns. It makes sense that they would resemble both objects used to predict the future (since that’s partially what they do), and spiritual colonizers designated to guide followers to higher understanding.

The Baron’s Outfit Suggests Feminine Power

Despite easily being one of the wealthiest and more intelligent characters in Dune, Baron Harkonnen floats around in the simplest of clothing, including basic dark-colored shifts and a black robe, intent on letting his physicality emphasize what makes him so powerful, not his eccentric clothing.

In the same article for the Los Angeles Times, Villeneuve explained that the entire reason Baron Harkonnen wore a simple black robe was because he wanted “the Baron to be very gentle in his movement and almost feminine.” The Baron would have no need for ostentatious displays of opulence when he’s that influential.

The Couture Aesthetic Was On Purpose

A striking component of any Villeneuve movie is streamlined minimalism. From Paul Atreides to Lady Jessica, their outfits could almost be considered interstellar couture — especially the greatcoat Paul wears alongside his father Duke Leto I, and the dresses Lady Jessica wears both in private and on ceremonial occasions.

As Lapointe’s book also specifies, their wardrobes were inspired by vintage designs from Balenciaga, Dior, and Schiaparelli. In Lady Jessica’s case, though she’s the Duke’s concubine, she doesn’t flaunt her sexuality and appears well-groomed and sophisticated. Her costumes were inspired by artist Francisco Goya, according to Esquire.

There Appears To Be Some Star Wars Influence

Frank Herbert was very public about his belief that George Lucas borrowed heavily from his books when making his Star Wars galaxy, so including some Star Wars inspiration in Dune is kismet. From Lady Jessica’s hooded dresses and robes to the look of the uniforms worn by Duncan Idaho and others, there are pieces of that galaxy far, far away if fans know where to look.

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Many of the dresses Lady Jessica wears wouldn’t look out of place in Padmé Amidala’s wardrobe in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, particularly what Padmé chooses to wear when she visits the desert planet of Tatooine, which is itself lifted from Arrakis.

The Sardaukar Army Undercover Operation

The hostile takeover of Arrakeen by House Harkonnen was confusing and chaotic, made all the more so by the Emperor’s Sardaukar army, as the armors of both House Harkonnen troops and the forces of House Atreides looked so similar.

The only way that any member of House Atreides could distinguish a member of the Emperor’s troops was through assessment of their combat style, something which Duncan Idaho and Gurney Halleck were able to do by being skilled warriors who had faced them before, but it’s something fans can look out for too.

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