After the recent announcement that the Sex and the City reboot And Just Like That… would be granted a second season, fans are excited to follow the lives of Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and hopefully Samantha. The popularity of And Just Like That… has fans binging the original series to be reminded of all fabulous (and not-so-fabulous) things the women got themselves into.

As the narrator and protagonist, Carrie Bradshaw’s life is the one that’s most talked about – especially on Reddit. There are plenty of popular opinions about Carrie as a friend and her relationship timeline with Big, but there are some unpopular opinions that are unique on their own.


Justice For Berger

Jack Berger and Carrie met in season 5 through her publishers. Berger (as they called him) was relaxed, witty, and a writer like Carrie. The two had a connection from the start but nothing happened until episodes later. Eventually, Berger ends things with Carrie through a Post-It note, leaving her heartbroken, but Reddit u/BumbleBumLover96 noted that Berger wasn’t “that bad.”

The fan went on to say, “I actually thought he was the bee’s knees as his good traits outweighed his flaws which to me seemed normal.” But fellow Redditors explained that it was because of his good traits that he was such a disappointing boyfriend because he ended up breaking her heart anyway.

Aleksandr Petrovsky Was Carrie’s Best Boyfriend

Aleksandr Petrovsky was an older, distinguished artist. His Russian background intrigued Carrie and she admired his culture. Their relationship was one of the more straightforward ones Carrie ever had but their differences came to life when Carrie moved to Paris for him. Carrie’s time in Paris had some of the saddest moments for her character.

Reddit u/__Angie felt “Alek was by far the best ‘Carrie BF.'” They went on to explain that his honesty and maturity made Carrie secure. But the popular opinion on Reddit is that Alek didn’t care about her friends, he didn’t help her with the move, and she was never going to come before his job.

Did Carrie Use Aidan?

Fans of Carrie and Aidan love their episodes together because they were fun, flirty, and surprising. Due to Carrie and Aidan’s differences, they were always learning something about each other.

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Carrie and Aidan broke up for good after Aidan was pressuring Carrie to marry him. At this time, he already bought her apartment because they planned on expanding it, so Carrie had to buy it back from him. In an unpopular opinion, Reddit u/BobbyFan54 felt that Carrie “used him to buy her apartment.” This is unpopular because Carrie loved renting and it was never her idea for him to buy it — especially knowing how shifty she was with commitment.

Carrie Is The Worst Character

Carrie is flawed and doesn’t always make sense, but that’s what makes her relatable. She’s messy, passionate, and has a lust for life despite her personal issues. Nevertheless, Reddit u/Steviethequeen felt Carrie was one of the worst characters.

They wrote, “Carrie Bradshaw is kind of the worst.” Despite their love for Carrie, they felt she was a bad friend makes things about herself. And while Carrie has her faults, the popular opinion is that all of the women in the group have these low moments — it’s what makes the show a success.

A Bad Protagonist

As the protagonist of the show, Carrie’s flaws are what make her character interesting. If she made all the right decisions, she wouldn’t have grown and the show would have been boring. Despite the problems Reddit has with Carrie, her growth is one of the best aspects of the show.

Reddit u/Dogproblems4 wrote, “I think everyone agrees Carrie is the worst protagonist of all time.” Carrie had her faults, but the “worst protagonist of all time” is the far-fetched unpopular opinion.

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Carrie Acted Horribly At The Parisian Artshow

When it came to quotes about love, Carrie came out on top. She knew she was looking for an all-consuming kind of love and knew her bond with Aleksandr wasn’t that.

When she moved to Paris, Carrie was invited to a party for her book and she felt like she finally found her purpose when her career was praised. Instead of going, Alek encouraged her to go to his exhibit instead because he couldn’t imagine going without her. But when Alek ignored her for his colleagues, Carrie realized she was losing herself and made the wrong decision. She left the exhibit but realized the party for her had already ended. While a majority of fans felt horrible for Carrie, Reddiu/Crazychickenlady72 felt Carrie acted like a “pouting, petulant child” at that exhibit and that “she acted horribly during their relationship.”

Was She As Stylish As She Thought?

As a woman in New York CityCarrie loved fashion and had an incredible shoe collection. She took risks for style and didn’t care what others thought.

Shockingly, Reddit u/serenity_flower wrote, “Am I the only one who didn’t really think Carrie was that stylish at all?” While some agreed her choices in the early seasons were unique, the majority of Reddit loved that Carrie wasn’t afraid to play around with fashion.

Sarah Jessica Parker Wasn’t The Right Casting Choice

Although Carrie is in her early 30’s when viewers meet her, she’s still questioning all of life’s mysteries through her column. Her ability to be a functioning adult who was also lost in herself made fans appreciate her. She wasn’t always put-together like Charlotte.

However, Reddit u/Marserina felt that Carrie was “vapid” and “egotistical.” In an even more unpopular opinion, the same Redditor found that “SJP is the worst actress they could have picked to play Carrie as well.”

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Was Samantha Actually Carrie’s Best Friend?

The popular opinion on Reddit is that Miranda was Carrie’s best friend (and vice versa). Although the four women were best friends as a group, Carrie and Miranda leaned on each other and gave each other hard-hitting advice when it was needed.

On the contrary, one Reddit user found that Samantha was actually Carrie’s go-to best friend. They wrote “She didn’t judge Carrie’s affair” and “She was also the most supportive one of Carrie wanting to move to Paris.” And while Samantha always cheered on Carrie, it was Miranda Carrie called in dire situations with Big, Aidan, and life.

Carrie And Big Never Should Have Ended Up Together

Carrie and Big had their toxic moments, but they also had these perfect moments that made them destined to be together. The majority opinion is that although Carrie and Big had their problems, they were always supposed to be together.

Reddit u/mmirrah, however, felt differently. “This may be an unpopular opinion, but Carrie and Big should never have ended up together and if she had any self-respect she would’ve cut him off during the early seasons.” As viewers know, Carrie and Big had this cosmic connection, and shutting him out in the beginning wouldn’t have been possible for her.

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