Widely regarded as one of the best animated movies of all time, Coraline is one of writer Neil Gaiman’s many fantastical classics as well as one of director Henry Selick’s masterpieces of stop motion. The film is known for its stunning visuals, terrifying story, and exceptionally quirky characters.

Seeing that it is full of occult, supernatural elements, fans of the film are likely to be drawn to the world of astrology. Thanks to their distinct personality traits, the characters of Coraline can easily represent every sign within the zodiac.

12 Aries – Father


Being a fire sign and the youngest of the zodiac, Aries are sometimes known for their abrupt outbursts. This is definitely seen in Coraline’s father, such as when he screams after Coraline accidentally flips the power off, for example.

Represented by the ram, Aries tend to be headstrong about their passions, just like Father is about his work. However, he still leans into his inner child and can be playful when he needs to be. This is especially true when he sings a cute little tune for Coraline during the first dinner scene to show that he isn’t all that high-strung, at least not all of the time.

11 Taurus – Miss Spink


Miss Spink is one of the most loyal friends to Coraline throughout the film, expressing the reliability of a Taurus. When it comes to her relationship with Miss Forcible, her partner, Miss Spink is the one who tends to ground the couple during their loving bickering, just like an earth sign would.

However, Taurus is known for being quite stubborn; they like things their way and nothing else will do. This is blatant in Miss Spink’s devoted attachment to her dogs. Both her and Miss Forcible just can’t seem to let go of their precious canines, stuck in their routine of getting their dogs taxidermied as a means of keeping them forever.


10 Gemini – Other Mother


When considering the two-faced stereotype of Geminis, the Other Mother fits perfectly. At first, she seems like a loving safe-haven for Coraline after having issues with her real mother, but Other Mother turns out to be quite the opposite and ends up becoming one of the most terrifying children’s movie villains of all time.

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Despite her being the story’s villain, Geminis do not always deserve their negative reputations. The sign represents duality, which often translates to versatility. Though the Other Mother is evil, she is quite talented in the way she goes about her malicious plans. Plus, Geminis are often great communicators – except in the Other Mother’s case, she is more of a great manipulator.

9 Cancer – Wybie


Wybie is undeniably the biggest sweetheart of the movie. He is timid, like that of a Cancer, and is still a caring friend to Coraline despite their love-hate relationship.

Another major Cancer trait is the ability to be very protective of oneself and others. Audiences can see this manifest as a conflict for Wybie throughout the film. He stays cautious of his Grandmother’s wishes that he doesn’t get involved with the supernatural happenings at the Pink Palace, but ultimately helps save Coraline from the Beldam towards the end of the film.

8 Leo – Mr. Bobinsky


If there is one thing for certain about Mr. Bobinsky, it’s that he loves to perform. Like a true Leo, he adores when the spotlight is on him, and nearly every conversation he has with Coraline somehow circles back to how highly he thinks of himself.

Leos have a tendency to be naturally talented in some regard, and that is undoubtedly reflected in Mr. Bobinsky’s dazzling circus scene that likely proved to be incredibly difficult, expensive, and yet so impressive for the filmmakers to create.

7 Virgo – Ghost Children


Virgos are considered the helpers of the zodiac, and perhaps the most helpful throughout Coraline’s journey are the ghost children that she meets while placed in captivity by the Other Mother. Despite being hopelessly trapped inside Coraline‘s bleak fantasy world for years on end, the ghost children are sympathetic toward Coraline instead of hostile.

Though, ironically, Coraline is the one who helps free them from the Other Mother’s terror. And yet, the children provide the most useful and practical advice to the protagonist regarding how to defeat the Beldam, just like any Virgo would.

6 Libra – Other Father


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Unlike Coraline’s real father, the Other Father is extremely easy-going. This is a well-known trait of most Libras who can easily adapt to any situation. Although, the Other Father is a bit too easy-going, so much so that he does whatever Other Mother says at all times with no free will of his own.

Still, Libras can notoriously get along great with just about anybody. The Other Father uses his Libra-like charm to his advantage in order to make a great first impression on Coraline by singing a fun, upbeat song for her.

5 Scorpio – Coraline


By the nature of their sign, Scorpios are intrinsically drawn to the dark side of life, and what better way to describe Coraline Jones? Constantly getting herself involved in spooky scenarios, she just seems like the type of person to be born on or around Halloween.

More Scorpio traits include passion and determination, both evident throughout Coraline’s character arc, whether it be her drive to convince other characters about the existence of the other world, or her deep-rooted motivation to escape it. Scorpios can also come off as quite intense at times, which Wybie would certainly attest to Coraline’s boisterous character.

4 Sagittarius – Miss Forcible


The second half of the iconic neighbor duo, Miss Forcible brings out the wild side of the couple like a fire sign would. Unlike her counterpart Miss Spink, Miss Forcible is a bit more outspoken and blunt – both stark Sagittarius traits.

Additionally, many a Sagittarius is known for being a free-spirit who can move through life with ease. This makes sense for Miss Forcible, someone who exudes poise and is confident in her appearance, especially displayed during her sensuous performance in the other world.

3 Capricorn – Mother


Coraline’s real Mother is definitely representative of a Capricorn, seeing that she is all about the success of her business and virtually nothing else. She has a stoic demeanor and practical attitude, making her well-organized and put together.

Despite all the hard work, prioritizing her work is where Mother falls short for Coraline. She’s far from the most sympathetic character and she tends to be quite strict with her daughter, all undeniably Capricorn-like traits. Her treatment toward Coraline gives the protagonist motivation to continually visit her Other Mother, who on the surface seems far more compassionate.

2 Aquarius – Cat


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With Aquarius being the most supernatural placement of the zodiac, it only makes sense that it represents that of the mysterious Cat. In standard Aquarius fashion, the Cat is perhaps the most unique character of them all. He appears consistently throughout the story, and yet doesn’t reveal his magical abilities until much later on.

Like an Aquarius, the Cat is very clever and in touch with the spiritual world around him. He is also incredibly independent, especially in the sense that he is the only character besides Coraline that does not have an “other” alter.

1 Pisces – Wybie’s Grandmother


Though Wybie’s Grandmother is mostly just a distant voice in the film, what we do hear of her (whether directly or through Wybie himself) shows that she genuinely cares about the wellbeing of others as she consistently warns about the dangers that lie within the Pink Palace. Pisces have great intuition, being that they are the oldest and therefore wisest of the zodiac, which is extremely fitting for Wybie’s Grandmother.

Despite not seeing much of her character, her absence does relate to that of a common Pisces who tends to be quite reserved due to their highly sensitive nature. She is seen briefly at the very end of the film when she joins the Pink Palace tenets for a garden party, finally showing her more friendly side as well.

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