The Star Wars prequel trilogy isn’t exactly remembered as one of the best examples of modern cinema. In fact, it has been pretty much panned across the board, with The Phantom Menace and Attack Of The Clones receiving particular scrutiny. Revenge Of The Sith, however, achieved a more mixed response.

George Lucas liked to throw a few references into the films he directed, and the third episode of the Skywalker Saga is no different, so here and ten Easter eggs.

10 The Original Boba Fett Cameo

Despite the fact that Boba Fett didn’t really do anything, he became one of the most iconic characters in Star Wars. The man inside his costume, Jeremy Bulloch, seemed to really enjoy his job, frequently dressing up in character. He didn’t voice the character, so in Revenge Of The Sith, he was finally given a role that allowed his voice to be heard.

He plays Captain Colton, who is given just one line and one scene, in which he tells Senator Organa that he is being called to an emergency Senate session.

9 The Millennium Falcon

George Lucas obviously quite likes the ships he created for the Star Wars franchise. So much so, in fact, that he breaks his own timeline by including references to Tie Fighters and X-Wings in Episode II.

In Episode III, he makes sure the Millennium Falcon can be seen touching down on the landing pad. This has been confirmed by Lucas to be the actual Falcon, and technically, could have Lando at the helm at the time.


8 Katie Lucas

Following on from her appearances as one of Anakin’s friends in The Phantom Menace and Lunae Minx in Attack Of The Clones, George Lucas’ daughter Katie makes her trilogy of cameos complete in Revenge Of The Sith.

In this one, she plays a character named Chi Eekway Papanoida who is seen at the opera just as Anakin is shown entering Palpatine’s personal box.

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7 Jett Lucas

Technically, Jett Lucas’ appearance in Revenge Of The Sith might well be enough to be classed as an actual acting role rather than a cameo. This is because he actually reprises his role from the previous film; a padawan called Zett Jukassa (which sounds a lot like Jett Lucas, right?).

In Attack Of The Clones, he didn’t really do anything, but he is given a semi-heroic, semi-tragic role in Revenge Of The Sith. He attempts to attack the clone troopers with his lightsaber, doing quite well for such a young child, until he is killed by a blaster.

6 George Lucas

After his children had made their appearances on screen in Star Wars, George Lucas decided it was time for him to have a go. He dons some blue paint and a rather impressive garment and plays Baron Naoluwiksi Papanolda.

Despite only appearing very briefly in Revenge Of The Sith (alongside his daughter, in fact), the character went on to appear in The Clone Wars and has a very detailed backstory which includes time spent as a playwright on his home planet.

5 THX 1138

A lot of directors like their first-ever attempt at film to be buried amongst the rubble. They never revisit them, and they’re almost always either terrible, unknown, or both. George Lucas, on the other hand, loves to slot references to his first film, THX 1138, everywhere he can.

In Revenge Of The Sith, it comes in the form of the numbers 1138 themselves. They can be seen adorned to the helmet of Clone Commander Bacara.

4 The Empire Logo

One of the best things about Revenge Of The Sith was the decision to fix the visual side of things. The first two prequel films are known for their terrible overuse of green screen, and while Revenge Of The Sith didn’t do away with this completely, it did cut back and give us a few cool visuals.

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One of these comes right at the end, where Anakin is lying on the medical table about to become Vader. The shot zooms out and reveals a pattern around him that looks too similar to the Empire logo to be a coincidence.

3 The Wilhelm Scream

Whether this is an Easter egg or simply a convenient use of an existing sound effect is hard to tell, but given its persistent use in basically every Star Wars film, it seems likely to be an overt nod for committed fans.

In this film, it happens in the scene where the Republic is firing at General Grievous’ ship. One member of the crew inside the Republic ship is blown up and the specific recording can be heard.

2 The Kitchen Sink

Stemming from a joke made by the crew of Star Wars, the actual kitchen sink was animated an edited into the film. Right at the start, the title crawl is followed by a long shot of various ships in battle with Grievous.

There is so much debris floating around in space that the animation team decided to bring the idea of ‘everything but the kitchen sink’ to life, and show an actual kitchen sink floating across the screen. Out of context, you’d never notice it, but once you know it’s there it actually becomes quite obvious.

1 Quinlan Vos

The only time we had seen Quinlan Vos on screen was for a brief moment back in The Phantom Menace. This was way before his character became a fleshed out and frequently present in the expanded universe comics. Apparently, he was set to appear in a prominent role in this film, but he ended up being written out of the final version of the script.

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Instead of being present, a very subtle nod to the fans of expanded universe material appears when Obi-Wan explains to Anakin what he missed from a briefing. Apparently ‘Master Vos has moved his troops to Boz Pity’. It seems unimportant to most but would have been a cool moment for those familiar with the character.

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