With his thick accent and great delivery, few action movie heroes can deliver lines as memorably as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Perhaps more so than almost any other actor, his movie quotes have become iconic and have been repeated by fans for decades. But, some of Schwarzenegger’s stand-out lines don’t get the attention they deserve.

There are a number of reasons these lines have been overlooked. In some cases, they are featured in some of Schwarzenegger’s less popular movies. In other cases, they might be overshadowed by more famous lines in the movie. Despite being forgotten, these Schwarzenegger quotes remain as mighty as the man himself.

10 No. So You Can Go F*** Yourself – The 6th Day (2000)

In The 6th Day, Schwarzenegger branched out from the typical straightforward action movie to a sci-fi actioner. The movie is nowhere near as interesting as Schwarzenegger’s mind-bending sci-fi Total Recall, no matter how much it wants to be.

But, with the movie’s silly premise involving cloning, Schwarzenegger does get the chance to deliver this gem of a comeback. When confronting the scientist who stole his life, Schwarzenegger suggests the man clone himself in order to quite literally “go f*** yourself.”

9 Only Pain – Conan The Destroyer (1984)

Schwarzenegger got his first big movie franchise with the sword and sorcery adventure Conan the Barbarian. He returned to the role of the powerful warrior in the sequel, Conan the Destroyer, which didn’t live up to the promise of its predecessor.

However, this line hints at the humor Schwarzenegger would bring to future roles, as well as the willingness to present himself as more vulnerable than his size suggests. After being tended to following a battle, Jehnna guesses that there is nothing that hurts Conan. Bloodied, he wryly responds with “only pain.”


8 You’re Luggage – Eraser (1996)

One of the hallmarks of a good Schwarzenegger movie is his ability to deliver a silly one-liner in the middle of an action scene. Eraser gives him a few opportunities to do so, but his most memorable one comes during a shootout at a zoo.

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After the mayhem allows some of the animals to get loose, Schwarzenegger is forced to battle the bad guys and the escaped alligators. When he is cornered by one of the alligators, Schwarzenegger shoots the beast before suggesting a good use for its carcass. While it’s not entirely necessary to tough-talk an animal, it’s pretty funny.

7 Of course. I’m A Terminator – Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)

Schwarzenegger really broke out in Hollywood thanks to his iconic villainous turn in The Terminator as the relentless T-800. Terminator 2 was not only much bigger than the original Terminator movie, but it also had the brilliant idea to make Schwarzenegger’s cyborg a good guy this time.

This makes for a lot of fun moments as young John Conner attempts to befriend the killer machine. After John orders the cyborg to rough up some thugs who are hassling them, he is shocked when the T-800 tries to kill them. But, in his robotic and emotionless voice, the Terminator points out that’s sort of his whole purpose.

6 To Be Or Not To Be… Not To Be – Last Action Hero (1993)

Schwarzenegger really showed he was willing to poke fun at his action movie star image with the underrated Last Action Hero. The movie follows a young boy who is magically sucked into his favorite action movie. However, it also takes place in a universe where Arnold Schwarzenegger the actor really exists.

This leads to a lot of funny jokes, including the fake trailer for Schwarzenegger’s take on Hamlet. While Schwarzenegger is not exactly an obvious actor for a Shakespeare movie, hearing him deliver an action movie twist on this iconic line is undeniably fun.

5 The Difference Is, I’m Just Going To Kill You – Collateral Damage (2002)

Schwarzenegger has a talent for delivering some very intimidating and badass lines. They are often so effective that they can even work in a movie that is otherwise quite forgettable.

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Collateral Damage finds Schwarzenegger playing an everyman whose wife and child are killed in a terrorist bombing, so he tracks down the terrorist for revenge. When the two men come face to face, the villain offers the typical explanation that they are not so different. But, as Schwarzenegger points out, unlike the antagonist, he only has one target in mind. Despite other lackluster elements of the movie, that line gets the heart pumping.

4 I Did Nothing! The Pavement Was His Enemy – Twins (1988)

For the first time since becoming an action movie star, Schwarzenegger decided to try something outside the action genre with the comedy in Twins. The pairing of himself and Danny DeVito as long-lost twins was immediately funny. It also gave him the chance to play against type as the gentle and friendly Julius.

While Julius has no intention of hurting anyone, he can sometimes be clumsy. When on the sidewalk, he accidentally trips a passerby, who falls. The man angrily asks him why he did that, but Julius innocently tries to blame the pavement. It is such a strange line, but it’s so wonderfully delivered by Schwarzenegger that it’s hard to forget.

3 Only Bodies – Commando (1985)

Commando is one of the most quintessential cheesy, over-the-top action movies from the 80s and is a whole lot of fun. It also gives Schwarzenegger endless memorable one-liners as the one-man army, John Matrix.

While many of these lines have become iconic, there is one classic that seems to get overlooked. After single-handedly taking down an army of bad guys and saving the day, Matrix’s backup arrives. The commanding officer asks if John left anything for them, but he coldly replies, “Only bodies.” If he wasn’t the hero, that line would be pretty unsettling.

2 No Sequel For You – Last Action Hero (1993)

While Last Action Hero was heavily criticized upon its release, it has since earned a kinder reputation for its clever meta take on the action movie genre. Being set inside the world of an action movie allows the story to play with the tropes while also telling a fun fantasy story.

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The climax of the movie finds aspects of the movie spilling out into the real world, including the main villain. This leads to the great finishing line that leans into the movie’s meta-commentary as Schwarzenegger promises the villain, “no sequel for you.”

1 You’ve Just Been Erased – Eraser (1996)

Eraser feels like one of the most underrated movies of Schwarzenegger’s career. While it is not a masterpiece, it is a fun action flick that stars Schwarzenegger as an operative who protects witnesses and helps erase their existence. It felt like the setup for a new franchise.

Schwarzenegger’s character of John Kruger even has his own action movie catchphrase. While he usually delivers it to the witnesses he just helped vanish, the line takes a new meaning at the end of the movie when John sets up the villains for their demise.

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