Game Of Thrones might have reached its conclusion, but the spinoff show House Of The Dragon is set to see the return of many of the famous houses of Westeros with which fans became familiar throughout the fantasy saga. Each of the houses is defined by its sigils. These carefully designed logos can be found across their uniforms, weapons, castles and banners. They represent the values of the houses in question and often play into the narrative Game of Thrones portrayed to audiences.

Not every sigil is a winner, though. Whether they’re better designed or just more intimidating, certain house sigils are more effective than others. Of all the house sigils in Westeros (and there are lots, hundreds when counting all the vassal houses), these 10 are the best.

10 House Tyrell’s Sigil

The sigil of House Tyrell perfectly represents its leadership. On the surface, the house is one of wealth and glamor. And the likes of the inspirational Olenna Tyrell and her granddaughter, Margaery, appear as the diplomatic leaders of the house, in spite of the bumbling Mace.

The sigil, as a flower, reflects that false facade. A pretty set of petals that hide its thorns beneath its supposedly pleasing appearance. The sigil also represents Highgarden as the house’s place of power, but ultimately acts as a metaphor for the scheming the Tyrells have been involved with and how they always somehow come back smelling like roses. There’s something very subtle about the design though that perhaps doesn’t cause fear for other houses.

9 House Mormont’s Sigil

House Mormont is a proud family that has a long history and was once a mighty predator in the North. The bear reflects that strength and links well with members such as Jeor Mormont, who was nicknamed the Old Bear, and the young Lyanna.

Indeed, Lyanna in particular often portrays the roar of the bear well, with her bravery overshadowing her youth and stature. The sigil’s solid green field represents the woodland over which the Mormonts preside, and the “Here we stand” motto feels like a combination of a tree that doesn’t move and the bear that sits on the sigil. It’s perhaps a simplistic design compared to others, though.


8 House Bolton’s Sigil

Some houses use their sigils to strike fear into their enemies and indeed their allies. Most of the Northern houses actually use natural elements within their sigils, assuming the icons of animals that may hold the spirits of the old gods. The Boltons instead use the imagery of humankind.

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The flayed body atop the banners of House Bolton is representative of the method of torture these gruesome murderers employ in times of war. The antagonistic nature of this design and the grimness of the image inspires fear and match well with the likes of the cruel and ruthless Ramsay Bolton. It doesn’t inspire hope as other sigils do, though.

7 House Arryn’s Sigil

House Arryn uses the natural curves of a bird for its sigil’s design, and it is incredibly beautiful. It doesn’t bring might with it as other house banners do, but it does display House Arryn’s wisdom and elegance. Of course, it also acts as a reminder to its enemies.

The fact is, House Arryn resides over an impenetrable fortress that essentially sits atop the clouds. This bird demonstrates the lengths, or rather heights, to which an enemy must go to invade the house, with Arryn looking on at the events below. It’s not an overly memorable sigil, though.

6 House Lannister’s Sigil

House Lannister is known for its riches, so it’s no surprise that the lion on its sigil is gold. There’s a fearsome and proud set of emotions associated with a lion, and the banner is perhaps one of the most inspirational within the world of Westeros.

Lions also reflect royalty, and it’s the Lannisters that so desperately craved the Iron Throne for so long. The rearing lion is an image that’s seen frequently in royal sigils and coats of arms throughout actual history, though, so the Lannister emblem doesn’t stand out to viewers as unique or original. On the other hand, it lends House Lannister a sense of tradition and conservatism for the same reasons.

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5 House Martell’s Sigil

House Martell has always remained a mystery to most of Westeros as they sit apart from the main kingdom. Their sigil firstly represents the natural heat of the area; the Martells are no stranger to the sun. The heat of passion, which the Martells feel strongly, is also symbolized within that fiery image.

The sigil is especially brilliant because it also demonstrates that the Martell’s are fighters. They may have a reputation for being passionate lovers, but they are spear-wielding warriors as well, and they aren’t afraid to remind their enemies of that. There’s something very artistic about the design, although its message might not translate to some of the more literal houses within Game Of Thrones. 

4 House Greyjoy’s Sigil

House Greyjoy is another old house that holds most of its power in its mythology more than its ongoing actions. Indeed, Westeros defined the Greyjoys more by the biggest mistakes Theon Greyjoy ever made than any major political decisions in recent years. The Kraken is a mighty and ancient beast in its own right.

But it’s also a mythological creature that hasn’t been seen as much because of the vastness of the ocean. It’s a sigil that shows the house is dangerous but is held back because it also admits that attack is essentially rare. It does beautifully connect the house back to the seas as well.

3 House Baratheon’s Sigil

House Baratheon has taken on two sigils throughout Game Of Thrones, with the stag repurposed by Stannis Baratheon. The original sigil is one that represents the natural background of the North, as well as reminding other houses that the Baratheon’s hold the Iron Throne.

It’s a simple design though which limits the overall look and the stag isn’t always dangerous. The addition of the flames and the heart of passion to the Baratheon sigil improves it greatly. It’s symbolic of the new link to the Lord of Light but there’s a self-destruction to the imagery which ultimately matches the implosion of the once omnipotent house.

2 House Stark’s Sigil

House Stark is one of the most famous from the franchise and the sigil that the banners are adorned with matches the ferocious nature and seriousness of Ned and his clan. The dire wolf is a fascinating symbol as it’s vicious and brave like the House Stark itself, but can also be loyal and gentle at times.

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It’s a perfect visualization of everything those at Winterfell stand for, with the family stronger as a pack but still incredibly lethal when going solo. The only downside of the symbol is that it could be mocked as a mutt, but even a small dog can cause damage to those that mistreat it. Once again, the natural image of an animal (a fantastical one at that), sets the Starks firmly in line with the old gods.

1 House Targaryen’s Sigil

House Targaryen will forever be linked to the dragons that they manipulated to gain power across the Kingdoms. The sigil of their house is very much leaning into that concept, with the many heads of the dragon demonstrating the extent of the family’s influence.

The three-headed dragon is also linked to the journey of Daenerys Targaryen who is prophesized to walk amongst two others on her way to the Iron Throne. It inspires fear and dread, with the blood-red of the dragons clearly symbolic of the destruction they may cause. But there’s a reality to the beast that cannot be ignored. Fire does after all bring about destruction and peace, chaos and creation.

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