Long before the release of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, fans knew the current story arc would be wrapped up in this expansion. However, none of them could have predicted the way Endwalker concludes the saga. The Main Scenario Quests (MSQ) are full of twists and turns that shock players. Many of the plot twists are bold and risky, but considering that Endwalker is one of 2021’s highest rated games, this worked out for the best.

After about a decade of build-up, fans have become deeply invested in the plot of FFXIV. Over that time, a lot of questions have come up about the nature of Hydaelyn and Zodiark, and it wasn’t until Shadowbringers that fans started getting answers. Of course, after learning that the two deities are primals rather than true gods, FFXIV players were left with even more questions than they’d had at the start of the expansion.


Once they learned the truth about Hydaelyn’s nature, some fans became distrustful of her, and some theorized she, in addition to Zodiark, would become an enemy in FFXIV Endwalker. Others had faith that despite her deceit, she had been acting in the best interest of mankind throughout FFXIV‘s entire timeline. What they didn’t expect, though, is who – or what – the greatest threat turns out to be.

Why FFXIV: Endwalker’s Zodiark Story Is Surprising

From the first time he is mentioned in FFXIV, Zodiark is framed as an enemy to the Warrior of Light. He’s the embodiment of darkness, and until Shadowbringers illustrates the importance of balance between light and darkness, this seems like an innately bad thing. Yet, although players learn that this balance is important, the Ascians’ plan to feed all new life in the world to Zodiark in order to bring back the sacrificed ancients is enough to convince most he should not be freed from his prison.

With this knowledge of Zodiark’s background and awareness that an end was coming to FFXIV’s overarching storyline in Endwalker, a lot of fans expected Zodiark to be the final (or at least penultimate) boss. Additionally, with Fandaniel’s mysterious background and his obsession with bringing about the apocalypse, most assumed that he would be featured prominently throughout Endwalker. So, naturally, players were surprised that at just level 83 in the MSQ, Fandaniel merges himself with Zodiark and becomes Endwalker’s first trial boss.

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Zodiark’s story gets even more surprising when Fandaniel himself kills his people’s deity after the Warrior of Light has weakened him enough for the Watcher to imprison him again. Fandaniel then reveals that killing Zodiark has been his plan all along. He explains that he wants to bring about the Final Days, the apocalypse the primal was originally created to prevent. With this revelation, players realize the Endwalker story is setting them up to fight against a threat they know almost nothing about, and the stakes are higher than ever before.

Why FFXIV: Endwalker’s Hydaelyn Story Is Surprising

During Endwalker’s very first quest, players are visited by an incorporeal projection of Hydaelyn. Though the conversation they have was teased in Endwalker’s launch trailer, a number of fans were likely surprised how early in the MSQ it comes. The next big surprise comes on the moon, when players learn the celestial body is actually a vessel created by Hydaelyn to transport the people of the Source to a new planet where they will be safe from the Final Days. Of course, it wouldn’t be FFXIV without some cute, fuzzy critters, so the vessel’s crew is made up of tiny bunny-like creatures born of Hydaelyn’s love for mankind.

When Hydaelyn gives the Warrior of Light an Elpis flower and says it will be their guide, players know it’ll be important. Nevertheless, it’s still shocking when the flower guides them back in time to Elpis, a new Endwalker zone and an ancient Ascian research facility. There, the player accompanies Hythlodaeus and Emet-Selch (another surprising development) on a tour of the grounds. Eventually, they also encounter Venat, the Ascian who becomes Hydaelyn’s heart later in her timeline. She helps the Warrior of Light learn about what causes the Final Days and escape Elpis without this knowledge being wiped from their memory.

Players later get the opportunity to venture into the aetherial sea with the other Scions and, for the first time in FFXIV’s story, meet with Hydaelyn in person. They ask if there’s any way to save the star instead of simply fleeing, and she informs them that there is. Though this is predictable, the following scene isn’t – Hydaelyn becomes FFXIV: Endwalker’s second trial boss, insisting that the Scions defeat her to prove they’re capable of winning against Meteion. Once players complete the trial, Hydaelyn sends them off with instructions and a few gifts to help them accomplish their mission. Then, as the final surprise in her story, she dies, fading away into the aetherial sea.

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Why FFXIV: Endwalker’s Ending Is Surprising

The ending of Endwalker is full of surprises as well. Meteion’s role as the final boss is an unexpected turn in the MSQ, particularly because she isn’t even introduced until about halfway through the expansion. Centering the climax of FFXIV’s overarching story around a character players haven’t had much time to get to know was a risky move for the developers, but it was the right one. Meteion’s abrupt transformation from a wide-eyed, bubbly girl to a despondent nihilist burdened by the despair of countless fallen civilizations is hard for players to watch, and it helps make them care about her story.

Another surprise in FFXIV: Endwalker – a good one, this time – comes when the Warrior of Light summons the spirits of Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus from the lifestream to help open the way to Meteion’s nest. Having had their memories restored after their return to the aetherial sea, the two Ascians seem pleased to reunite with the Warrior of Light and offer their aid against the threat that destroyed their home. Since players’ original parting with Emet-Selch happened when he died at their hand, his and Hythlodaeus’ peaceful sendoff in Endwalker offers satisfying closure for fans.

Zenos’ decision to help the Warrior of Light is the Endwalker MSQ’s last big surprise. Even though he only does it to ensure he has an opportunity for a rematch, his appearance is unexpected. It shows some development in the character, and it sets the stage for one last showdown with Zenos, which almost feels like a relieving return to normalcy after the magnitude of Endwalker’s story.

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker’s reviews have been great, proving that the unexpected way it closes the overarching story of Hydaelyn and Zodiark is compelling. Developers intend to continue the game by beginning a new story, but it will be some time before players get to experience this. In the meantime, they’ll be recovering from the emotional journey the game has taken them on.

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