Warning! Spoilers for Avengers Forever #4 by Marvel Comics

The most powerful Wolverine in existence is on his way to being reborn in the Marvel Universe, as Thor’s granddaughters are reforming the Phoenix Force-wielding hero one piece at a time. In Avengers Forever #4 by Marvel Comics, a piece of Wolverine’s dismembered arm is discovered, leading the Asgardian heroes on a quest to rebuild one of King Thor’s greatest allies.

The Phoenix Force-powered Wolverine played a key role in the 2018 Thor and King Thor arcs at Marvel Comics. In Thor #5 by Jason Aaron, Christian Ward, and VC’s Joe Sabino, King Thor encounters the powerful Wolverine, who has gained the powers of the Phoenix, as he observes the universe’s death. After a near-deadly confrontation, Wolverine agreed to help Thor take down Doctor Doom and ultimately sacrificed himself to help the God of Thunder defeat him. The Phoenix Force would later resurrect Wolverine, as he would fight alongside Thor’s granddaughters, the Goddesses of Thunder. Now, Thor’s granddaughters have returned on a quest to reassemble the hero to his proper form so he can be reborn.


In Avengers Forever #4 by Jason Aaron, Jim Towe, Guru-eFX, and VC’s Cory Petit, a storm tells the Goddesses of Thunder at the end of time to check in with Mjolnir. A firestorm breaks out upon going to the hammer; as Ellsiv notes, it’s the Phoenix Fire – a power they haven’t seen since encountering the Phoenix Force powered Wolverine. As the storm clears, Thor’s granddaughters find Wolverine’s dismembered arm with the claws fully out and take it as a message from King Thor that they must follow and trust the hammer to a new destination.

The Goddesses of Thunder end up in the same reality where Ant-Man and Ghost Rider fight against the Black Skull army. After helping them take down the villains, Ant-Man reveals he also found a severed arm of the Phoenix Force-powered Wolverine, as it crashed to his Earth in a similar cosmic firestorm. Thor’s granddaughters agree to leave a gift of rain and seeds from the lost gardens of Asgard to the former wasteland in exchange for the body part, as they begin a multiversal quest to reassemble Wolverine.

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Mjolnir is leading the Goddesses of Thunder across the Multiverse to rebuild a powerful ally. It’s not entirely clear why Wolverine’s strongest form needs to be reborn, but Thor’s granddaughters are making it their mission to ensure the Phoenix Force-powered hero is reassembled. So, where will their cosmic quest to reassemble Wolverine take them next? Readers will learn more at a later date. Avengers Forever #4 is in comic book stores now.

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