Warning: This post contains spoilers for I Know What You Did Last Summer. 

I Know What You Did Last Summer pulls a switch that initially comes as a shock, but there are certain clues that hint Lennon was actually her twin sister Allison before the surprise reveal. One of the biggest changes that came with the updated iteration of I Know What You Did Last Summer was the main character, Allison, had a twin sister named Lennon. At the end of the season 1 premiere, the latter is presumably dead, hit by the car Allison was driving. With the way the story unfolded, however, the Amazon series wanted the audience to believe one twin was not the other, but there were certain giveaways that revealed the truth.


To say that Lennon and Allison didn’t get along would be an understatement. And I Know What You Did Last Summer hinges upon the sisters’ interpersonal conflict to drive the narrative at the start of the show. In the series premiere, Allison and Lennon are introduced attending the same graduation party and it isn’t difficult to see that the two are wildly different. Identical only in physical attributes (and played by the same actress, Madison Iseman), they’re easy to tell apart because of their style. However, the biggest tell that Allison was not, in fact, Lennon was her outfit. Although Allison and Lennon’s clothing seemed similar enough, the former was wearing a differently-styled white tank top than her sister, with Lennon’s black straps showing atop her shoulders while Allison’s aren’t. The (very small) difference between their tops becomes noticeable when the friends take Lennon’s body to the cave.

Additionally, the twins’ shorts are — again, only slightly — different, with Allison’s being somewhat longer. They’re also wearing disparate bracelets on their wrists (Allison’s is colorful while Lennon’s is black). Each twin is also wearing different shoes, one sports black Vans, while the other dons black chucks. Earlier in I Know What You Did Last Summer’s premiere, Allison thanks her dad for driving her to the party because she doesn’t have her license. Lennon can drive, however, so when her friends pile into the car at the end of the night, they think Lennon hitting the mailbox means she’s high from drug use and drunk. But the reality was that Allison hit the mailbox because she didn’t really know how to drive.

At the start of I Know What You Did Last Summer’s season 1 opener, Allison shows up to the party wearing her hair in a tie, a gray hoodie, and her mother’s necklace. Lennon, on the other hand, is sporting an olive green jacket, with glitter adorning her eyes and her hair down. As the conflict over the course of the night escalates between them, their outfits start blending together to look almost matching so as to fool the audience into believing Lennon was the one who hit her sister and not the other way around, right before the truth is revealed.

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Even the story unfolded to make Lennon look worse than Allison, as though to make her actions clearer by the end of I Know What You Did Last Summer’s series premiere. It’s meant to make the reveal all the more shocking when it’s discovered that Allison is actually the twin behind the wheel. Still, there are enough differences that, in hindsight, point out each sister’s true identity well before the accident that changes everything for good.

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