Although Game of Thrones brought a rich fantasy world and insanely intricate narrative to life, the driving force behind the series was always its well-developed and unique characters.

No character on Game of Thrones is exactly like another, and the cast of characters is so vast that there is someone for every viewer to love in the series. Every fan of Game of Thrones is bound to be a fan of a specific character as well, but what does everyone’s favorite character say about them?

10 Brienne Of Tarth

Any Game of Thrones fan who likes Brienne more than any other character is bound to both be kindhearted and honest as well as totally unique.

What makes Brienne so distinct in the world of Westeros is that she cleaves to honor and justice in a way that almost no one else does. And, while she doesn’t fit into traditional society and completely breaks the mold of what women can be in her world, she’s completely unashamed to be herself.

9 Theon Greyjoy

Anyone who thinks that Theon Greyjoy is the best character in the entire series is guaranteed to be a nuanced, complex, and thoughtful person. Theon undeniably had one of the best character arcs in the show, and his redemption was one of the most moving stories in the entire series.

Fans of Theon undoubtedly believe that no one is beyond saving, and they’re very likely to understand that nothing in this world is truly black and white.


8 Cersei Lannister

Game of Thrones viewers who are fans of Cersei Lannister in particular are likely to be ferocious as a lion in their real lives.

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Much like Cersei, they probably don’t have a lot of use for rules and restraints, and when someone challenges them they are never afraid of the fight. Anyone who can admire a character who is as clever and ruthless as Cersei is the type of person who is similarly smart and cunning.

7 Jaime Lannister

People who favor Jaime Lannister the most out of all of the characters in the series are probably people who like to be classic with a bit of edge too.

While they might appreciate the standards of society and strive to be the best person that they can be, they don’t always live up to those goals. Their failure to live up to those standards could be because they can’t, but if they’re a Jaime fan, it’s more likely that they don’t feel that the rules should necessarily apply to them.

6 Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion is unsurprisingly one of the most popular characters in the entire Game of Thrones world, and it’s easy to see why.

Not only is he the wittiest character in the series, but his character archetype will likely resonate with many people. He is brilliant and underappreciated, so fans of Tyrion are likely the kind of person who doesn’t feel like they quite fit in even though they have a lot to offer the world.

5 Bran Stark

Although the world of Game of Thrones is obviously a magical fantasy land, anyone who loves Bran above all else is likely drawn to all things mystical and mysterious.

Bran fans love to explore their own imaginations and the imaginations of others, and they likely have insights and ideas that no one else has really thought of before. They’re the type of people who would much rather daydream about fantastical things than be stuck in reality.

4 Sansa Stark

People who are fans of Sansa Stark in particular are likely the kind of people who are constantly underestimated. Sansa fans are always the last people to give up hope for anything, and even though the world they live in is brutal, they understand that they don’t necessarily have to be brutal too.

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Everyone around them might not recognize their strengths, but they’re some of the toughest people in the world, and they wind up victorious in the end.

3 Arya Stark

Game of Thrones fans who like Arya Stark the most are obviously badasses, but what sets them apart from the crowd is actually their inherent sense of justice and fairness in a world that is typically very unfair.

Like Arya, they can’t stand to see bad people win, and when people who are in a position of powerlessness are taken advantage of, Arya fans are the type of people to speak up and demand that they be treated properly.

2 Jon Snow

Game of Thrones is a series that loves to constantly subvert the expectations of the audience, but from the start of the show to the end, Jon was as close to a classic fantasy hero that GoT ever had.

So then, the fans who love him best tend to love the classics. They are kind people who are prone to nostalgia, and although their ideals may seem simple and outdated, they are incredibly strong-minded in their beliefs and choices.

1 Daenerys Targaryen

Fans of Daenerys Targaryen are all about action. They are quick to question any rules and regulations that don’t make sense to them, and they have no problem challenging authority if they think that authority isn’t working in the way that it should be.

Once a Dany fan decides that they want to do something, then they’re going to make it happen, and they don’t have a lot of time or patience to explain themselves or second-guess their decision-making.

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