Since the first Hotel Transylvania movie was released, adult and child fans alike have enjoyed watching their favorite quirky, kind monsters navigate their latest crisis (usually bought on by one of Dracula’s poorly thought out schemes). With the newest film Hotel Transylvania: Transformania being recently released, fans have been fondly remembering their favorite monster characters.

The differences between the character’s views, preferences and personalities are at the heart of the Hotel Transylvania films, as they are usually the cause of their trials and tribulations (particularly those between Johnny and Dracula). In a film all about the supernatural, it seems only right to consider the character’s zodiac signs so every fan can find out who they relate to the most!


Aries – Winnie

Aries are brave, intelligent and highly determined people who hold themselves to very high standards and are always ready to throw themselves into their next goal.

When Johnny leaves Hotel Transylvania for fear of being killed by Dracula (despite ‘zinging’ with Mavis), Winnie displays her overachieving nature by smelling his scent and identifying where he went, what plane he’s getting and even what food he ordered (all the while her siblings bickering between each other). She demonstrates her Aries nature throughout the films by being repeatedly unafraid of evil and bullies.

Taurus – Dracula

Taureans value consistency. They like familiarity, enjoy being in control and can be very wary of change. In the underrated vampire movie, Dracula wanting things to stay the same is often a main theme – he tries to stop Mavis from falling in love with a human, wants his grandson to be a vampire and is concerned about retiring.

Every time Dracula is faced with some new situation, he is reluctant to give up control and so he orchestrates a plan to maintain it. However, this kind-hearted vampire’s schemes are always ineffective and, through them, he learns life lessons about embracing change.

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Gemini – Johnny

Geminis are charismatic, funny and talkative. They are often the life of the party, thrive on human relationships and seem to know a little about everything.

Johnny, spectacularly portrayed by Andy Samberg in one of his best roles, is forever stealing the stage, captivating everyone (except Dracula) with his quirky and humorous Gemini nature and positive Gemini outlook. He always finds a way to have fun, no matter what else is going on, and is forever telling stories about “when [he] was backpacking across…,” providing endless entertainment for the guests staying at Hotel Transylvania.

Cancer – Dennis

Cancers are known for being sensitive and warm people, prone to taking on the problems of others because of their kind nature. While they have a large capacity for others’ feelings, they do have some firm boundaries.

Dennis shows these qualities as, even at such a young age, he is so concerned with making everyone else happy. Nonetheless, he certainly demonstrates that he has some boundaries after taking on the emotional load of his family. Dennis eventually reaches his limit and becomes angry when Vlad’s cronies attack Winnie, turning into a vampire to protect her.

Leo – Frankenstein

Leos are known for having big personalities. They are warm and kind people who often enjoy being at the center of things, but some Leos can also be somewhat vain.

Frankenstein demonstrates his big personality and love of capturing people’s attention when he performs on stage at Hotel Transylvania. He is a loyal and diligent friend to Dracula and is forever helping and covering for him. Frankenstein’s vanity is a big theme in the fourth film when he turns into an attractive human and becomes (charmingly) obsessed with the way he looks.

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Virgo – Ericka Van Helsing

Virgos are fixers. They tend to be exceptional at helping others, however, they can have a tendency to be judgmental. Ericka, one of the many great characters played by Kathryn Hahn, demonstrates her Virgo energy, repeatedly.

When she is first introduced in the movies, she judges and loathes monsters and wants to destroy them all. However, this is because of her great grandfather’s influence and her desire to help him. When she learns that monsters are not evil, she becomes a kind and helpful partner to Dracula.

Libra – Wanda

Libras are known for being kind, good people who try to avoid and resolve conflict. As the diligent parent to numerous children, Wanda is forever trying to look after and do what is best for her large offspring.

Despite being exhausted, she continually strives to be the best parent she can be and this does, of course, involve a lot of resolving conflicts between her werewolf pups and peeling them off each other during scraps.

Scorpio – Murray The Mummy

Scorpios are considered to be complex and cool people. They are highly skilled at understanding others, all the while giving away very little about themselves.

For three of the movies, Murray very literally hides from others. No one sees his face as he is always wrapped up (except when he briefly becomes human in the fourth film). As an ancient mummy, his experiences are varied and numerous, but he gives away very little about all he knows despite, presumably, knowing an awful lot.

Sagittarius – Eunice

Sagittarians are known for being loud, friendly and honest. They are unafraid to express their true feelings but do so in a charming and inoffensive way.

In this fantastic animated sequel movie, Eunice certainly demonstrates Sagittarian energy. Throughout the films, she can be seen telling Frankenstein and his friends off, sternly but affectionately letting her feelings be known. Her big, charming, charismatic and happy-go-lucky personality is also shown throughout which she uses to humor and relax her fellow monster friends.

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Capricorn – Griffin

Capricorns are understood to be responsible and dutiful individuals, who value being respected and are responsive to praise. Although Griffin sometimes finds himself in sticky situations (and unsurprisingly, given that his whereabouts are often unknown), he consistently and diligently tries to help his friend, Dracula, navigate the difficult situations that he creates for himself.

Additionally, Griffin feels the need to try to impress others, as he shows when he tries to convince the group that he has an invisible girlfriend.

Aquarius – Professor Abraham Van Helsing

Aquarians are intelligent and can be highly eccentric people. They are conceptual, curious and smart, although they can be suspicious of others.

Professor Abraham Van Helsing is the ultimate Aquarius genius. As an example of animated movies that deal with serious issues, he is initially very suspicious of and has an unjustified prejudice against monsters. He has an unquenchable curiosity and is forever running new experiments and inventing new things (like the piece of equipment that makes monsters humans and humans monsters) in his lair in the basement of Hotel Transylvania.

Pisces – Mavis

Pisceans are known for being dreamers, romantic and demonstrating both extreme wisdom and sometimes immaturity. Mavis demonstrates her Pisces energy throughout the four movies: she dreams of leaving Hotel Transylvania and exploring the world and she wants to find her soulmate and believes in ‘zinging’ with only one person in her life.

While she is often the wise voice of reason in her unconventional family, she can be seen acting a bit childish in her moments of exasperation.

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