Ramona Singer left The Real Housewives of New York viewers and her new pal Eboni K. Williams horrified after her entitled outburst over a lovely Shabbat dinner. Eboni had planned a night of culture and conversation, but Ramona’s white fragility is showing through once again.

The famous Singer Stinger has been the show’s OG, but she may be losing the title in the not-so-distant future. The mother of one’s loud mouth has gotten her into numerous situations which have often left viewers questioning her intentions. Season 13 has not been a friend to Singer as racial tensions heightened. Throughout the episodes, fans and Williams have noted that Singer seems uncomfortable with the topics being presented and often tries to bring the chat back to her. As the first Black housewife on the show, Williams’s addition has led to some tough conversations about race and culture, with some even calling her “preachy.” However, Williams’ teachable moments haven’t really sunk in with Singer, and viewers are over it.


In the newest episode, Willams was excited to host a Black Shabbat party where she invited some of her close Black friends who traveled to Israel with her to mesh with the ladies. As she does at most of her dinner parties, Williams wanted to speak on the connection between the Black and Jewish communities. The 64-year-old had other plans and interrupted Williams to talk about how the Italian and Jewish cultures have a lot in common. The chat quickly took a sharp turn which left the newbie horrified.

The conversation was meant to be about how the Black and Jewish communities have become weaker, but Singer jumped in, saying, “How about when I went to college, the Jewish people hated me?” Sonja Morgan tried to shut her friend up, but Singer continued, and even fake cried and said she wished she was born Jewish. After having more than enough, Willams yelled, “Ramona, we’re not going to make it about you and your white isolation!”

For Bravo viewers, it was hard to watch Singer act out so selfishly in front of a bunch of others whose ancestors have suffered so much. There has been plenty of behind-the-scenes drama for the cast of The Real Housewives of New York, with it being announced that the RHONY reunion has been pushed back to October. It has been rumored that Singer is nervous Williams will make her out to look bad, but it already looks like she is doing a great job of that on her own.

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The Real Housewives of New York airs Tuesday at 9 pm EST on Bravo.

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