The underrated Tangled should be considered a Disney classic with memorable songs, great characters, and an even greater love story that keeps fans wanting more. Like every Disney movie, it has a lot of upbeat and funny moments but also has moments that will leave anyone in tears. From singing and dancing ruffians and thugs to wholesome romance and gut-wrenching scenes, Tangled has it all.

Some of it’s funnier moments touch upon friendship and taking risks to go an adventure while it’s sadder parts are great plot points that make the film so endearing. It’s a mature film that has something for pretty much anybody, whether they’re looking to laugh or cry.

10 Funniest: Flynn’s Opening Sequence

The movie starts on a great note, with Flynn Rider first explaining the history of the magic flower that gives Rapunzel her golden hair. He then goes on to explain what his part is in the whole story, to which the audience gets his criminal backstory and details of how he stole the crown and ended up in Rapunzel’s tower. The whole sequence is very funny because it summarises why Flynn Rider is such a lovable character in the first place.

9 Saddest: When Flynn Gets Stabbed

Towards the end of Tangled, things get pretty dark. Once Flynn escapes and reaches Rapunzel’s tower, he’s stabbed by Mother Gothel. It’s a shocking twist and it’s one of the saddest moments because he was so close to rescuing her.  The whole scene is probably the most dramatic of the film and for a moment things don’t look very hopeful for them.


8 Funniest: The Snuggly Duckling

One of the funniest parts of the movie is when Flynn takes Rapunzel to The Snuggly Duckling, which seems to be a hangout for all of the ruffians and thugs that Mother Gothel tells her about. At first, Rapunzel is terrified, but then when she talks she talks to them about her dream to see the floating lanterns on her birthday, they break into song and sing about their dreams, which becomes one of the most memorable parts of the movie.

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7 Saddest: When Rapunzel Thinks Flynn Betrayed Her

After Rapunzel and Flynn get to see the floating lanterns and have a romantic moment, things go downhill pretty quickly when Flynn is apprehended by his former partners in crime, leading to them tying him to a boat making it appear as if he abandoned Rapunzel.

It’s heartbreaking to see her reaction and it’s even harder to watch knowing that Flynn was forcefully put on that boat and that he would never have left her.

6 Funniest: Maximus Finds Flynn

Disney is great at creating lovable animal sidekicks, and Maximus is no exception. His job as a royal guards horse is to hunt down Flynn Rider and he does a very good job of it. When he finally finds him he tries to attack him, Rapunzel intervenes and Maximus warms up to her very fast, but not to Flynn. Their dynamic continues throughout the film and it’s so much fun to watch.

5 Saddest: Mother Gothel Locking Rapunzel Away

Exactly according to Mother Gothel’s plan, once Flynn leaves Rapzunel, she turns to her mother. However, once Rapunzel finally realizes the truth that she’s the lost princess, Mother Gothel locks her away again, only this time more forcefully. This is one of the saddest parts of the movie because we get to see how truly awful Mother Gothel can be to Rapunzel.

4 Funniest: When Rapunzel & Flynn First Meet

Rapunzel and Flynn’s first meeting is part of what makes their connection so unique compared to the other Disney movies. He climbs her tower and she knocks him out with a frying pan, an object that becomes a running joke throughout the film because of how effective it is. Once he wakes up he tries to charm her but she doesn’t fall for it. Their whole interaction in this scene is a perfect introduction to their relationship and it’s even funnier when he tries to use his smolder.

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3 Saddest: When Mother Gothel Yells At Rapunzel

Mother Gothel is a terrible person who steals Rapunzel for her magical hair. She attempts to treat her well most of the time but she’s just manipulating her in order to keep her in the tower.

Rapunzel’s one birthday wish is to go and see the floating lanterns that light up the sky every year, except Mother Gothel refuses to let her go. She yells at her and tells her that she’ll never leave the tower and it’s pretty upsetting to watch.

2 Funniest: Flynns Reaction To Rapunzels’ Glowing Hair

Rapunzel has healing powers that make her hair glow, and when she heals Flynn’s hand and uses her powers to find an exit to stop them from drowning, he gets to see those powers first hand. It’s safe to say he doesn’t take it very well and proceeds to freak out about her glowing hair and it’s magical healing qualities.

1 Saddest: When Flynn Dies

The saddest part of the film is when Flynn dies. He tells Rapunzel that she was her new dream and because he cut Rapunzel’s hair, she can’t heal him. It’s really sad and bleak, but thankfully Rapunzel still has power through her tears, and when a teardrop land on him it heals him and brings him back.

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