One of the most visceral aspects of the horror RPG Vampyr is its collection of terrifying enemies. In general, enemies in the game are divided between the human Guard of Priwen, which includes rookies, cadets, gunners, brawlers, executioners, and chaplains, and the supernatural Monsters, which include various Skals, Beasts, and Ekons. And while the enemies are frightening in their own right, the boss-level versions of them take the terror to a new high.

There are many spooky and unsettling baddies in the game, but which Vampyr enemies are truly the scariest?

10 Reverend Kane

In a subtle nod to the petrifying Reverend (Julian Beck) in Poltergeist II, Reverend Kane is the first Priwen Chaplain that Jonathan Reid faces in the game. Armed with a giant cross that he beats Jonathan with, Kane can also shine a holy light on him and drain his lifeforce in a hurry. He’s also impervious to John’s vampiric powers, making him doubly dangerous.

Aside from his frightening power, Kane’s terror is derived from the appearance of an otherwise benevolent church official. He should be a person a player can trust to lead them into the light. Instead, Kane subverts his clerical status to deal out merciless murder.

9 Sewer Beast

The vicious Sewer Beast in Vampyr is a black, leonine, bipedal monster with glowing red eyes and razor-sharp claws and teeth. As the first Beast encountered in the game, the nasty subterranean ghoul will startle most players during their first go-around.

While the Sewer Beast often telegraphs his moves, he is impervious to melee and blood attacks, which makes him hard to defeat. Cudgels and shotguns work best, but the Beast will rapidly attack during reloading. While there are more difficult bosses to face, few are more physically imposing than Sewer Beast.


8 Fergal

The sheer size, scale, and stature of Fergal, the impenetrable Priwen Brawler boss in level 3, is a really mortifying enemy to overcome in Vampyr. The sickly gray visage and jaundiced zombie eyes imply weakness, but the towering giant is as powerful as they come. When battling this baddie, the game truly feels like a horror movie.

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Worse yet, Fergal uses coy shadow attacks to appear and disappear in an instant, which provides countless jump scares while fighting him. Resistant to melee attacks, it’s impossible to beat Fergal in a fistfight, forcing Jonathan to mount patient long-distance attacks with the right weapons.

7 Leon Augustin

Much like Fergal, Leon Augustin is a gargantuan sewer-dwelling enemy whose imposing physical stature presents a terrifying challenge in the game. As a Vulkod, a lupine vampire, Leon appears to be a bipedal werewolf but really possesses vampiric powers to match Jonathan’s. If that isn’t scary, what is? It’s characters like these that would make the horror game an amazing TV show.

Moreover, fighting Leon in extra-tight quarters with little room to maneuver fosters a sense of inescapable claustrophobia that increases the terror quotient. The good thing is, if a player can defeat Fergal, Leon isn’t much more difficult.

6 Mary

With sunken, bloodshot eyes, dark veins on her neck, and gaping facial lesions, Mary is a vampiric ghoul whose appearance alone will make a player’s skin crawl. However, it’s the sudden revelation that she is Jonathan’s sister that comes as such a mortifying shock.

Mary wields the cross from her own morbid grave as a weapon and will often spew noxious vomit at Jonathan without an ounce of remorse. Part of her sneak attacks includes blooming giant rosebuds full of infectious blood, which will explode in Jonathan’s face if not careful. The capper? When her life meter is low, Mary will drink the blood of a priest in the cemetery and power up.

5 Priscilla & Roger McPherson

Double trouble abounds when Jonathan peruses the West End in chapter 4 of the mega-popular vampire video game. Two extremely formidable and versatile Skal monsters come in the form of married couple Priscilla & Roger McPherson.

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Dealing twice the pain at once, Priscilla is a Blinker Skal that can use smoke clouds to appear and disappear around the room. Roger is a Ferocious Skal that uses feral aggression to attack Jonathan. While facing them one at a time is the wisest way to defeat them, the sinister siblings are scary to face nonetheless.

4 Eliza Mullaney

While Eliza isn’t all that difficult to defeat, her hideously mutated, boil-ridden visage and disgusting vomitus attacks are frightening with a capital F. Dwelling on the West End with Priwen Guards protecting her, the Ill-Formed Dazzled Skal has a high shadow resistance and will continue to growl and spew infectious bile at Jonathan until he is dead.

Yet despite her mortifying appearance and infection spreading, Eliza is one of the easier bosses in the game to defeat if given the right weaponry. Get up close and bombard her before she can projectile vomit from a distance.

3 Doris Fletcher

Fusing the iconography of a ravishing Eqyptian queen with the odious mutations of slimy bulbous pink Blob, Doris Fletcher is one of the most physically alarming Skal monsters in Vampyr. As the primary source of the plague in the West End, Doris must be defeated in the theater during the Grand Guignol mission.

Doris’ horrifying visage is fortified by her vicious swordplay and a legion of fellow Skals that she beckons to assist her. Later, she slinks her disgusting pink tentacle at John with a 360-degree accuracy range. If that isn’t frightening enough, Doris will projectile vomit across the room with ease.

2 Disaster Harriet

Until the vile Harriet Jones gives way to the real final boss in Vampyr, players are led to believe she is the last monster to slay in the game. As such, her bizarre form is as terrifying as they come, especially the gory tumescent bulge sprouting from her left arm. Yikes!

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Once Jonathan happens upon Disaster Harriet in the sewers where the Skals dwell, she is actually very easy to defeat since she is a mere ploy to reveal the true final boss. However, her grotesque appearance as one of the most over-the-top horror characters is as disturbing as any in the game.

1 The Red Queen’s Avatar

Once Disaster Harriet is easily defeated, she gives way to The Red Queen’s Avatar, a giant amorphous floating corpuscle with the most barbarous attack modes Jonathan will encounter. She’ll wield dual-sickles, use Shadow Mist and Blood Spears, vanish and reappear in an instant, and sic a smaller version of herself on Jonathan if all else fails.

Even scarier, the weaker The Red Queen becomes, the more powerful her special attacks become in response. As a frightening final boss should be, the physical appearance and formidable attacks make The Red Queen the scariest of them all.

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