Anyone who has been on Tumblr in the last ten years has seen the wide range of Supernatural paraphernalia and knows that the fandom is practically royalty. Supernatural fans are known for their ability to come up with a completely relevant Supernatural gif for any thread, show-related or not, as well as their ability to create fantastic stories and theories about the characters. Sometimes these ‘headcanons’ make their way out into the wider world, especially in fanfiction stories.

With hundreds of thousands of stories, it’s no surprise that some have the same theme. Whether it’s a fictional romance or a happy time Sam and Dean missed, there’s something for (almost) everyone.

10 Alternate Universe/Timeline

Supernatural is no stranger to the idea of multiple universes, so it’s not surprising that fanfiction authors like to write about alternate Winchesters. In the later seasons of Supernatural, the main characters are frequently seen jumping from universe to universe. They even dropped into an episode of Scooby-Doo! The show is by no means indifferent about time travel, either, since the leads have gone back to the past countless times, once killing Hitler.

Some authors write the main characters into other fictional universes, such as The Vampire DiariesDoctor Who and Sherlock. While this isn’t the most popular fanfiction headcanon, it is certainly not unpopular.

9 What Happened/Is Happening in Heaven?

Very rarely does the Supernatural fandom get a glimpse into the lives of the Angels in Heaven, so the fans have decided to take over the narrative! From what viewers have seen, Heaven is pretty boring. It’s kinda like a bank. However, fans like to spice things up a bit when they are in control.

It seems the only time anything interesting happened in Heaven was when Lucifer was in control, so fanfic writers have tackled some similar narratives. Some include in-depth scenes from when the Archangels helped Chuck (God) lock-up Amara (God’s sister), or the relationship between Chuck and Lucifer before the Mark.

There are also stories of Heaven after Chuck went MIA, and from the thousands of years before Supernatural began.


8 What Happened in Hell?

Supernatural is pretty upfront about what is happening in Hell, so writers have fewer blanks to fill in. However, similar to Heaven, we don’t know what happened in Hell before the pilot.

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We also didn’t get too close of a look at Hell during the first few seasons, so there are several fics about Sam and Dean’s various trips to Hell, along with all of the other characters. As weird as it sounds, fans are all about Lucifer and Crowley and their Demons, so it’s not surprising that a fair share of the stories are about their backstories and their rule in hell. Some stories make the reader a Demon helping Lucifer and/or Crowley, and some are just from the perspective of an outsider looking in. Either way, they’re worth a read.

7 Rewriting an Episode

Even in our favorite shows, we all have a few episodes we could have done without. Supernatural is no exception. After about Season Seven, the structure of Supernatural episodes changed, going from a more free chain of episodes where they just went on normal hunts to primarily focussing on the “big bads” of the season. It took some time to adjust, so fans wrote about the hunts they had come to love as a way to cope. Even after the fandom had started to adjust the Winchesters’ new style, these fics kept being written, and honestly, no one is complaining.

However, this is not the only reason for fans rewriting episodes. They could just not like the ending, or the execution. When writing a 300+ episode series not every episode is a crowd pleaser… or, you know, good. Of course, there are countless stories we all love, but if there’s one that just didn’t sit right, find a fic about it. Or write one…

6 Slash Fiction

Slash Fiction is romantic fanfiction with a same-sex couple. Almost every show has some sort of slash fiction written about it, and Supernatural is certainly no exception. With an endless list of ships, it’s almost impossible to not have any.

The best part about this particular fanfiction genre is that the characters know about it! Well, one branch specifically, but we don’t talk about it. Not gonna lie, there is some pretty crazy slash fiction out there, so definitely don’t look into it if you have a weak stomach.

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5 High School and College AU’s

One of the more popular kinds of Supernatural fic features our favorite hunters as teenagers! Similar to stories of Sam and Dean’s childhood, these take place in high school and college. However, they don’t always illustrate what their lives would have been like realistically.

These stories are more imaginative as most of them include characters such as Castiel and Charlie Bradbury as the brothers’ closest lifelong friends, when in all actuality they wouldn’t even have met them yet.

4 Angels’ Wings

Supernatural never really lets the viewers see an angel’s wings. We know they exist and we know that they influence the angels’ abilities, but we don’t know what they look like. For example, when we first met Castiel in the Season Four premiere, “Lazarus Rising,” he had the silhouette of wings, but not the feathers themselves. We know that they exist and can break, as we learned in a later season, but their appearance is a mystery. Fans have taken the matter into their own hands.

Most wing-based fanfictions make the wings different depending on the personality of the angel who wears them. Castiel’s wings are often portrayed as black, where Gabriel (aka the Trickster) is usually imagined with fiery orange and red wings.

3 Character(s) x Reader

One of the most popular kinds of all fanfiction, Character(s) x Reader. These stories let the fans be active members of the narrative, which can be very fun. Picture this: you’re sitting in Baby’s backseat next to Castiel with Sam and Dean upfront, Dean singing along to some godawful song. It’s the perfect way to spend your time.

Supernatural fans love to be a part of the story, which is surprising given how often Supernatural characters die. These stories insert the reader as a romantic interest, a friend, a family member, or even an enemy. Not to be that person, but why would you willingly want to be an enemy of the Winchesters? Immediate death.

2 Sam and Dean Childhood

Early in the series, the viewers would occasionally get glimpses into Sam and Dean’s lives when they were growing up, hopping from motel to motel. As the seasons went on these flashbacks almost dwindled out, but there is an unimaginable amount of fanfiction based on what we were told.

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One of the many perks of writing fanfiction is getting to change the narrative. Since there is so little insight into the Winchester Brothers’ childhood, most of the story is up to the fanfiction writer. These stories can fill in the gaps left in between flashbacks or open a whole new realm of possibilities. Either way, the fans love it.

1 Destiel

Perhaps one of the best things to come from this T.V. show: Destiel. Whether you support it or not, there’s no debating that there is some serious subtext going on between Dean and Castiel. Everyone knows that the writers aren’t going to confirm Destiel, so it seems the only choice was to leave the couple to the fans.

There are thousands of Destiel fanfictions out there, varying from high school rivalries and Demon! Dean. Out of all the fics on this list, this is the one you are most likely to have read or at least heard about.

Destiel is so strongly believed that even Misha Collins (Castiel) and Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester) have mentioned that there’s something there we aren’t being told. Technically this is slash fiction, but it deserves its own category.

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