House Frey and its lord, Walder Frey, aren’t the first House from Game of Thrones where you’d think they’d be funny. After all, the Freys kicked off the infamous Red Wedding, a major game-changer for the series, and completely unexpected for most television viewers at the time.

However, Walder’s actions, as well as the way he went about it (remember the game of mayhaps?) ensured that there are some side-splittingly funny memes about House Frey. Arya’s revenge on her mother and brother also added to the fountain of memes. Therefore, we’re presenting a few hilarious memes here, for your reading pleasure.

10 Rest in Pie

This meme, of Walder Frey’s sons Lothar Frey and Walder Rivers, cements their death in a hilarious context. Arya Stark murders the entire male line of the house in revenge for the deaths of her mother Catalyn Stark and her brother Robb, including the two sons of Walder Frey.

She then feeds them to their father in a pie, also covered cleverly in the meme. The concept of feeding children to their father in the form of food is also a Greek mythology reference. Therefore, this certifies another way Arya is fantastic, as she can both take her revenge and brand it in a slogan!

9 When I Get Married

This meme takes on a darkly comedic tone. The creator imagines what might happen if they play the Rains of Castamere at their wedding reception. Who would panic? Who would outright leave? Who wouldn’t get the reference at all? Oh, the possibilities!

Of course, the Rains of Castamere don’t herald the start of a massacre, but now the song is forever connected to the Red Wedding and the murder of the Starks, which can certainly put a damper on the festivities. However, if the creator did want to pick a medieval song as a wedding reception piece, there are plenty of other, less-murderous possibilities.


8 I Don’t Always Cook Dinner

Here’s another darkly comedic take on Arya’s murder of House Frey: it’s dinner cooked family-style. The entire male line of the house is killed at the dinner, of course, which certifies the large-scale murder by way of poisoned wine.

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This also draws a parallel to House Frey’s murder of Robb and Catelyn. The creator is having Arya once again draw from slogans, as this line is reminiscent of Dos Equis alcohol advertisements. This adds more levity into an extremely depressing situation, showing how Arya can work situations to her advantage and gain the results she actually wants. In this case, it’s revenge.

7 Political Alliance

This meme shows off Robb Stark’s immaturity in making decisions for his family and his marriage. His concept of the political alliance was, of course, wildly off-base after wrecking negotiations because he fell in love. Therefore, to the viewer, it’s understandable (in an awful way) why his family was murdered at the Red Wedding.

However, to Robb, it still doesn’t make sense, as shown in this meme. Robb’s inability to understand and work with the political system is the reason he fell. This plays a large part in Martin’s novels by way of cutting down the playing field of the War of the Five Kings.

6 Guest Right

This meme honors the time-honored format for jokes: puns! Specifically, puns based on names that are easy to turn into something else. Frey sounds a lot like the beginning of the world ‘afraid’ with a bit of a mangled pronunciation.

Therefore, Walder hasn’t heard of guest right, because of course, he hasn’t. Why would he? It’s in his name. Though this pun may seem pretty silly compared to other jokes, it fits the basic premise of the events leading up to the Red Wedding and is at least a little humorous to boot.

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5 Oathbreaker

This meme of Walder Frey explaining his thought process is pretty intriguing and can even be a little confusing. Walder has Robb Stark, an oathbreaker, killed by breaking his own oath.

Along with the fact that one of the ways he does so is through a children’s game, Walder’s plan is very storybook-like. Applause for Martin for adding in fantasy and fairytale concepts wherever he could. This adds a symbolic structure to the planning of the Red Wedding, which encapsulates the political structure of the Great Houses and their political plots.

4 Wedding

Here, Walder Frey is reacting to the concept of a Dothraki wedding with at least three deaths. Of course, the Red Wedding contained plenty more death than that, and that’s why he considers the concept ‘adorable’. However, that’s pretty disturbing. Creepy, but hilarious.

However, it once more touches upon just how realistic Martin made his universe, as well as how much blood and murder are in these novels and the television show. The Dothraki are painted as warriors, and Westeros is clearly still medieval, so though it’s not surprising, it’s still somewhat sad to see just how normalized murder is in this universe.

3 Right?

Here, the creator again riffed off the phrase ‘guest right,’ which morphs into the Starks guessing incorrectly about their safety. Walder is also wearing cartoon sunglasses, clueing the audience in that he believes himself to be in charge and relaxed during this scenario, and indeed he has everything set up exactly how he wants it to go.

Luckily for him at the time, everything goes as planned, and the Red Wedding is carried out. Appreciating a good pun goes a long way to finding the humor in a strange situation.

2 Arranged

Hamilton references abound! However, in this case, it’s true yet again, as Walder Frey did arrange everything for the events of the Red Wedding to fall into place. Since Robb Stark mucked up the original plan by falling in love, Walder Frey put everything in motion to kill him, his new bride, his mother, and the rest of their retinue.

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Though it’s quite difficult to see Walder Frey as anything approaching the greatness that is Daveed Diggs as Thomas Jefferson, it is possible to see the similarities to the situation here.

1 Goes Around

Here, we get some good old-fashioned karma: Catelyn being murdered comes around to her daughter doing the actual killing years later in a similar position. It’s quite poetic, actually.

It once more lays down the lovely mirroring we get with the Red Wedding and Arya’s revenge on House Frey years later. Robb Stark is killed at his wedding feast, and Walder Frey is killed after being served a pie that contains his sons. This is just before a dinner that kills all the men of the house via poisoned wine.

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