Hawkeye delivered a satisfying season finale that unveiled the heroic look that fans have been waiting for since the archer entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Across the show, there were a number of comic accurate and fun costumes, that were both practical and story-driven.

The MCU doesn’t often shy away from recreating genuine villain and hero suits from the comics and the Dinsey+ show is consequently no different. While fans will be thrilled to see many of these characters return in the future, hopefully, their iconic outfits will also accompany them in upcoming appearances.


The Tracksuit Mafia

The Tracksuit Mafia have been pulled straight from the comics, complete with their memorable catchphrases and unique uniform. Much like the name suggests, this group of thugs are outfitted with matching tracksuits, with the blood-red color the major feature of the look.

The leader of the Tracksuits is defined by a black uniform, much like the source material, and the finale of the show also saw some festive green fighters thrown in. Overall, it’s a memorable closet choice that can be reused as these criminals continue to provide cannon-fodder for the street-level heroes of Marvel.

Jack Duquesne

Jack Duqeunse is the famed Swordfighter of the comic books, who has clearly learned a thing or two from his fencing experience over the years. While his allegiance was murky throughout Hawkeye, the finale revealed he was perhaps more heroic than many would have thought. He didn’t don his traditional costume though.

Instead, the smart businessman went for a more stylish look, with a waistcoat and shirt accompanied by a sword at the hip. The overall design feels as if Jack is a swashbuckling adventurer from an old film, which is perhaps exactly as Marvel intended. With a little more armor or intricate design, this could become a really iconic costume.

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Wilson Fisk

Wilson Fisk’s return was heralded by Marvel fans and the end results didn’t disappoint. The character has taken some of the flamboyance from the page and applied it to the screen, with a Hawaiian shirt and matching fedora.

It took a while for Kingpin to don his infamous white suit, but now the gloves are off and the most comic accurate iteration of Fisk has been delivered in Hawkeye, complete with a cane that’s both lethal and announces the presence of the monster.

Maya Lopez

Maya Lopez has entered the MCU with a huge impact, ahead of her starring role in the titular spin-off show Echo on Disney+. Comic book fans will already know Echo is associated with lots of symbols, from the handprint to the sun that she wears on her leather jacket.

The look so far for the character is a simple one but effective. The blacks pay homage to the Ronin costume she may one day don, and the shape of the uniform reflects what fans know from the comics. Although it’s not a full hero suit yet, there are elements here that point in the right direction.

Yelena Belova

Yelena Belova’s first appearance outside of Black Widow was extremely exciting for audiences, especially because the character wore the costume that many will be familiar with from the comics. The familiar night goggles from anti-hero Yelena’s comic book appearances took center stage here.

The rest of the suit was a stealthy black to blend in with the assassin storyline that was being pushed, while also linking back to the Black Widow name that Belova currently carries with her. There were a number of intriguing gadgets attached to the suit, including some that Natasha would have used!

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Avengers Clint Barton

Clint Barton’s original Avengers look makes a reappearance in Hawkeye during a vital flashback for Kate Bishop. While it’s not the best suit of his from the season, it does remind fans of how far the character has come, with those early purple hues teasing the future costume.

The gear is very tactical and inspired by the S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms that were so popular at the time. The bow and arrow were limited in what it could do, as in the years since Clint has continued to hone his craft, forging arrows for every kind of situation. Overall it’s a stealthy and combat-worn look.


The LARPers have become a prominent force for good throughout Hawkeye as they continue to assist this heroic duo in their mission to take down Kingpin and the Tracksuit Mafia. While their original costumes are impressive, they are nothing on the Warrior Three-esque look of the finale.

The LARPers have upgraded and they now have access to genuine armor that they can use in battle. It may be that they form their own superhero team in the future, assisting the vigilantes across New York. Their mythical suits will definitely help them stand out; civilians have already begun to take them seriously because of the outfits.

Kate Bishop

Kate Bishop’s uniform evolves over Hawkeye but she largely starts the show with the same look as at the end, besides a few upgrades including the logo and shoulder pads. Kate’s purple aesthetic really shines here and the superhero costume is clearly an inspiring one she’s put a lot of thought into.

It’s bright and cheerful, showcasing the kind of vigilante she wishes to be, but it features all the bells and whistles necessary for being a superhero. Her look inspires Clint to change up his own image and could be a wonderful starting point for a number of exciting uniforms in the future.

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Finale Clint Barton

Clint Barton’s own look continues to change but the latest version of his costume seems to have been inspired by the 2000s Hawkeye comics. The purples and slightly more practical gear have been accompanied by over-the-top ‘superhero’ features which finally highlight the vigilante.

The combination of eras is a strange mix but they really work together. There are more opportunities than ever to hide secret pieces of equipment throughout the costume and the quiver is loaded up with more trick arrows than Clint might have previously showcased.


The Ronin costume has already been introduced into the MCU, but it has become one of the most recognizable suits because of its sleek design and comic book accuracy. The ninja-esque look continues to strike fear into criminals of the Marvel Universe.

The gold accenting is a beautiful touch and there’s a prestige and presence to the uniform that few other outfits can replicate. Although the series may end with the burning of the costume, it’s plausible that Echo dons her own version in the future.

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