In Horizon Zero Dawn, Aloy not only fights and overrides machines, but she can also hunt and use parts from wildlife. Though the non-mechanical animals are far from the spotlight of Horizon Zero Dawn, they are just as useful for gathering materials. From upgrades to crafting to trading with merchants, animal loot is a crucial part of the game.

There is little variation among the wildlife of Horizon Zero Dawn, especially compared to the many types of machines in Aloy’s world. Even with the animals added in The Frozen Wilds DLC, only a handful of creatures remain from the world before the Faro Plague. Regardless, the wildlife is fairly easy for players to find, hunt, and use. Each animal has the chance to drop a selection of loot after Aloy has hunted them. They can drop bony, fatty, or rich meat, or bones and skin unique to the animal. It’s also possible for them to drop an Animal Talisman Skull, Tail, or Tooth that can be traded for Shards.


Animal parts in Horizon Zero Dawn can be used to trade for Shards, purchase merchant items, upgrade Aloy’s equipment, and craft certain items. All three varieties of Health Potion require rich, fatty, and/or bony meat, making those meats high priority. Meat is also used to purchase or craft Fast Travel Packs, as well as several Carry Capacity Upgrades. More unique items, like skins and bones, are needed for higher-level upgrades and purchases as well, so hunting wildlife is a sound investment for players hoping to get the best Horizon Zero Dawn experience.

Horizon Zero Dawn: Wildlife Guide (Best Hunting Spots & Uses)

In the Horizon Zero Dawn base game, there are a handful of animals scattered throughout the different regions. Mammals like boars, foxes, and raccoons are seen roaming, as well as smaller creatures like rats and rabbits. Turkey and geese can also be found walking or flying throughout the world, and salmon and trout swim in its waters.

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Boars and turkeys are very easy to find, both because they’re plentiful in all areas of Horizon Zero Dawn’s world and because they’re large enough to notice from afar. They’re also more likely to be wandering out in the open, as opposed to staying in wooded areas or by the water. They will be startled like any animal Aloy approaches, but they are less aware of their surroundings.

Foxes and raccoons are a little less common and more likely to be found in wooded areas. Since they’re lower to the ground, they might be hidden among tall grasses and plants, so using Aloy’s focus to highlight them is a useful strategy. The same is true for rabbits and rats, who are even smaller – especially the rats that hide in various Old One ruins. All these animals are keener and more skittish than boars and turkeys, so players will need to be mindful of how loud and visible Aloy is when approaching. Geese are the least common animal to find but are likely to be located around higher elevations and bodies of water.

Fortunately, trout and salmon are easy to find in any body of water large enough for fish to swim. Also, unlike the responses from the Horizon Zero Dawn machines or other animals, they won’t even notice Aloy’s approach, making them easier targets. Players can simply shoot them with arrows from land and swim over to them to gather their parts.

The Frozen Wilds DLC added a few additional animals: badgers, goats, owls, squirrels, and a new variety of rabbit. Since these creatures live in the unforgiving cold of the Cut, they seem to stick more to forested areas rather than wandering in the open. Using Aloy’s Focus is crucial to hunting in Ban-Uk territory, as the goats and rabbits blend in with the snow, badgers can hide amongst tall foliage, and owls and squirrels can hide in trees.

With the Frozen Wilds DLC, players have access to the “Traveler” Skill branch, which includes the “Expert Carver” skill. Upgrading Aloy’s skill significantly increases the chance of looting skins and bones from hunted wildlife. Given that these items are much rarer than the different types of meat, this is a great way to make the most of Aloy’s hunting.

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Horizon Zero Dawn is available on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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