Bob’s Burgers has delighted fans for years with its cute family moments and the Belcher bonding experiences. Whether it’s watching Linda and Bob’s sweet scenes, Teddy’s inclusion in the Belcher tribe, or valuable parent-child interactions, the series has proven to be more than silly jokes and banter.

Even though there are many moments in the show that entice fans, the memorable moments between the Belcher siblings stand above the rest. The kids always seem to get into trouble and create crazy schemes in order to get what they want. However, the Belcher kids also prove that they are best friends and will do whatever they can to support each other.

10 The Belcher Kids Work As Blueberry Farmers

In season 3 episode 3, Bob fires the Belcher siblings so they can have a memorable summer, causing one of the most heartbreaking separations in Bob’s Burgers. The kids, however, find a job working a pot farm posing as a blueberry farm and begin working again. The kids even make a pact to keep their secret jobs from their parents.

This plot shows viewers the bond that the siblings have and the lengths they will go to in order to do something together. It also demonstrates how the Belcher kids will make promises and pacts with each other often, further deepening the trust and that they have in each other.

9 The Belcher Kids Get Out Of Gym Class

When Tina, Gene, and Louise tire of participating in gym class, Louise schemes up a way for them to trick Mr. Frond into letting them have “independent study”. Their plan works until they have to prove to Mr. Frond and the faculty members at Wagstaff that they have been practicing a synchronized swimming routine and perform it for him.

This moment further defines the great relationship between the Belcher siblings. Not only do Gene and Tina go along with Lousie’s idea, but they help her ensure their lie stays solid so that they can continue to not go to gym class. This plot also shows how much the kids rely on each other and how they are willing to formulate crazy schemes in order to get their way.


8 The Belcher Kids Dunk Mr. Frond

In episode 16 of season 11, Tina is caught up in a pretend romance with a voice on her Spanish practice tapes. However, while Tina is preoccupied, Gene and Louise are practicing in order to dunk Mr. Frond at the school’s fair. They are disappointed in Tina, but finally pull her away from her studies so she can help.

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This moment shows how strong the bond is between the Belcher siblings. Despite Tina’s infatuation, she is pulled away from her crush after Gene and Louise remind her of the commitment she made to them. This episode also shows the lengths that Tina will go for her siblings, even if it means putting herself on the back burner.

7 Louise Suffers With Tammy For Tina

Louise and Tina are a close pair, and Louise shows how much she cares for Tina at Tammy’s bat mitzvah. Tina is desperate to go the bat mitzvah, so she signs the Belcher family up as a caterer. During the event, Tammy gets trapped with Louise inside of a pinata. Louise realizes how happy Tina is and decides to suffer with Tammy inside the pinata so Tina can shine.

This moment not only shows how deep Louise and Tina’s bond is, but it also shows a sweeter side to Louise viewers aren’t used to seeing. Louise might treat her siblings like they are pawns, but this moment solidifies that Louise does genuinely love Tina and Gene and would do whatever she could to make them happy.

6 The Belcher Kids Capture And Eat Lobster In Secret

Tina, Gene, and Louise get into a lot of mischief, and eating lobster without their parent’s knowledge is yet another secret they keep. During season 1, Bob shares how much he hates Lobster Fest, but the kids have never been able to try lobster. Louise devises a conniving scheme and they capture a lobster, cook, and eat it.

This moment between the Belcher siblings highlights how the kids interact with each other. The moment also further defines how much the siblings trust each other and how their plan to keep their lobster indulgence a secret is just another layer into how close they are.

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5 Tina And Louise Help Gene Love Music Again

At one point in the series, Gene creates a band with Tina, Louise, and a few other friends. However, Gene’s passion for music is damaged by Darryl and the other band members commenting on how Gene is not good at playing music. This hurts Gene, and he tells his sisters to get rid of his keyboard. They don’t and instead help him to rediscover his love of music.

This moment further showcases the bond between the Belcher kids and how they truly know each other better than everyone else. Tina and Louise also utilize this experience to make sure that Gene not only rediscovers his passion for music but also regains confidence in himself and his talents.

4 Tina Keeps Louise’s Crush A Secret

Tina and Louise have a close sister bond, and Tina is the only person Louise reveals her secrets to. In season 3 episode 21, Tina is devastated that she can’t go to the Boyz 4 Now concert. Lousie helps Tina get to the concert and stays while it begins, but becomes immediately infatuated with Boo Boo. Louise admits her crush to Tina and her desire to slap Boo Boo.

Tina keeping Louise’s secret emphasizes how close their bond is and how the Belcher kids typically stay loyal to each other. This moment also takes Tina and Louise’s sister bond to another leve,l because Louise’s crush on Boo Boo would be the first time she has acknowledged liking someone else in that way.

3 Gene Defending Louise

Gene is a hilarious character, but viewers often forget that he is also an important member of the Belcher family. In season 7 episode 5, Gene is left in charge of Louise, but the pair causes drama with Logan. Logan tells Louise that he is going to make her pay for humiliating him, but Gene stands up for her and takes her punishment for her.

The series constantly shows Gene as a hilarious character, but this episode paints Gene as a strong brotherly figure too. Gene and Louise have always gotten along, but Gene often falls at the wayside. However, this episode proves that Gene is capable of being an older brother and can stand up for Louise when he needs to.

2 Tina And Gene Help With Louise’s Topsy Project

Tina and Gene demonstrate that they would do anything for Louise, and their actions in the episode titled “Topsy” further highlighted that. In the episode, Louise dedicates her science fair project to humiliating Thomas Edison, and she enlists Gene and Tina to help her. Gene writes and performs his original music and Tina reluctantly agrees to play Topsy and put herself up for possible electrocution.

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This episode further displays the sibling bond between the Belcher kids. Louise is in desperate need of help and Gene and Tina are eager to do what they can for her. This episode also reveals the crazy lengths that the kids will go to in order to help each other out, like creating elaborate soundtracks or potentially getting injured.

1 Gene Saves Tina And Louise From Quicksand

By far the best moment between the Belcher siblings occurs in season 3 episode 14. During this episode, the Belcher siblings attempt to find a lost dog for a cash reward, but Gene refuses to help because of his fear of snakes. However, when Tina and Louise get stuck in quicksand, Gene overcomes his fear in order to save his sister.

This is the best sibling moment because it displays how brave Gene can be, especially when it comes to helping his sisters. Gene definitely takes a backseat to Tina and Louise, so it is exciting to see him in a confident and brotherly role. This episode also puts the kids in another stressful situation, but it also shows that they are able to overcome difficult moments as a strong group.

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