The TV series Outlander has brought a new perspective to the theories of time travel that fascinate many viewers. The dramatic story with lots of action and romance is based on the books by Diana Gabaldon, and continues to attract fans every season.

In the story, the theories of time travel are explained through a genetic predisposition that some of the characters in the TV show and the novels have. Not everyone can get through the stones, some have died trying and others simply cannot travel. Here is a list of all the characters in Outlander (TV Show and novels) who have traveled through time at some point.

13 Hector McEwan

This character traveled by accident from 1841 to 1737. He is a healer that Roger met when he was looking for his son Jeremiah in the year 1739. In addition to time travel, he has a kind of healing power: when he cures his patients, a blue light comes out of his hands, Roger notices this characteristic when he heals Buck and Brianna from injuries and health problems. In his own time, Hector has a wife and two children.

12 Comte St. Germain

Their origins and real life are unknown. Comte St. Germain appears in the series during 1744, when he was a member of the French court. He tries to take revenge on Claire when he loses a shipment of goods as a result of a smallpox epidemic that she tries to stop. He is also known to have lived in 1630 and to have tried to travel to the future.

As a curiosity, this character is based on the real Comte St. Germain, who is frequently annexed in novels, movies, and television for his particular life and his aura of mystery, where he is attributed with qualities of an alchemist, humanitarian, and healer.


11 Master Raymond

Claire meets a mysterious apothecary when she lives in Paris in 1744. His life is quite unknown, but it is known that he is a prehistoric time traveler and that he may have an ancestor in common with Claire, since he recognizes her as one of his descendants. He cures Claire of an infection when she suffers a miscarriage (of the first baby she was expecting with Jamie), after the Comte St. Germain tried to poison her.

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10 Wendigo Donner

Wendigo Donner has been traveling through time since 1968 trying to stop the genocide that the Native Americans experienced. Along the way, he loses himself as he tries to survive and later attacks Claire’s family when he tries to return to his time. This Native American activist reveals his ability to travel through time when he whistles the song “Yellow Submarine” to Brianna.

9 Kenneth

This character met Gillian Edgars (Geillis) in 1960 when they both shared an interest in the stone circles in the area, as well as being members of the Scottish National Party.

Kenneth travels from Craigh na Dun to the year 1743 trying to change the past of his country, in spite of traveling at the same time as Geillis she arrives 10 years earlier and he a few hours before Claire, managing to discover that she is a time traveler too.

8 Jeremiah Walter MacKenzie

Roger MacKenzie’s father travels back in time by accident when his plane crashes during World War II. Disoriented, he arrives in a hostile 1739, where he is beaten and imprisoned. He is later rescued by two men who identify themselves as time travelers and help him return home, one of them is his son who tells him that he loves him before saying goodbye. Shortly after returning, Jeremiah dies, but minutes before, he can rescue Roger.

7 Amanda Fraser MacKenzie

Mandy is the daughter of Roger and Brianna and was born in 1776, after her parents traveled to the past to reunite with Claire and Jamie. The girl has a special bond with her brother Jeremiah, which allows her to find him when he disappears. Her family must travel through time when they discover that she was born with a heart condition, which cannot be treated by Claire and that can be fatal for Mandy.

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6 Jeremiah Alexander Ian Fraser MacKenzie

Jemmy or Jem is the son of Brianna and Roger and was born in 1770. The boy has lived in different periods such as the years 1980, 1978 and 1770, and is characterized by being brave, stubborn and physically resembling his mother and grandfather (Jamie Fraser) with red hair and blue eyes.

5 Geillis Duncan

She traveled to 1733 from 1968 (where she had the named Gillian Edgars). Geillis planned her journey through time trying to change history. She married Arthur Duncan, the procurator fiscal, and started to work with medicinal plants, earning a reputation as a witch for selling spells for love, abortion, and poisoning.

Her lover is Dougal MacKenzie and she tries to make him assume the control of his clan. When Claire travels to the past for the first time the two women meet and Geillis suspects that the protagonist of Outlander comes from the future. While Geillis is expecting Dougal’s child she is imprisoned with Claire during a witch’s trial.

4 William Buccleigh MacKenzie

Geillis manages to have his son and give him up for adoption to William and Sarah MacKenzie in 1743. William Buccleigh or Buck is Roger’s ancestor and they meet on a sea trip from Scotland to the United States. Buck travels to 1980 through the stones in Craigh na Dun and decides not to return and give his wife freedom, after they had problems.

3 Roger MacKenzie

After the death of his parents he is adopted by Reverend Wakefield and when he was 5 years old, he meets Claire, before she travels back in time for the first time. As an adult he falls in love with Brianna, Claire and Jamie’s daughter. His ancestors are Geillis and Dougal so he has the genes for time travel and has used them to go to the 1770s and 1980s.

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2 Brianna Randall Fraser

Brianna grew up thinking her father was Frank Randall, her mother’s first husband. After Frank’s death, Claire tells Brianna and Roger about her journey back in time to the 18th century and about Jamie. Brianna travels back in time for the first time from 1971 to 1769 and there she meets her aunt and cousins, and later, her biological father.

1 Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser

The story begins with Claire’s journey through time, although it is believed that she may be the only time traveler, more characters who also have this ability begin to appear in the plot. Her journey to Scotland in the 18th century takes her to Jamie, with whom she falls in love and shares different adventures.

To save the life of the baby she is expecting, Claire must travel to the future where she raises her daughter Brianna with Frank Randall. When Brianna grows up, Claire decides to go back in time to be with Jamie again.

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