When Sabre took over Dunder Mifflin, there was a huge sea change to not only the way employees worked and even the products they sold, but there were some major changes in corporate too.

Being two of the best characters introduced after season 1 of The Office, David Wallace and Robert California have both been CEOs of the company at different times. They have completely different ways of managing the company, as one is level-headed and very business savvy, and the other one is a complete wild card, but that can sometimes work out just as well.

10 David Wallace Was The Best: He Sees Potential In Employees

Under the management of David Wallace, there might not have been as many opportunities for progression. However, this CEO did see potential in employees and offered progression to those who deserved it. He promoted Jim, and he even recognized when Michael did a good job. At one point, the former CEO even offered Michael a chance to work for ‘Suck It.’ On the flip side, Robert California rarely sees the potential of his staff, and instead makes crass decisions when it comes to promotions.

9 Robert California Was The Best: He Takes Risks With Employees

Though the risks Robert takes can often have terrible outcomes, they can also work to his benefit too. The CEO hired Andy as manager, and though he made a lot of mistakes as manager, there are times when he was the right man for the job, such as when he protected his employees’ rights. And though Andy was overlooked when he first applied, as Robert was hired as branch manager instead of him, the Cornell alum puts it best himself when he says he was the “first choice’s first choice.”


8 David Wallace Was The Best: He’s Great At Negotiating

When it comes to actual negotiating, David Wallace is always on top form, whether it’s talking about salaries or buying out Michael Scott’s Paper Company.

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Though he should have been fired for rehiring Ryan after he was arrested for fraud, which was part of the buyout, Wallace handled it like a champion. And on top of negotiating, he’s a ruthless businessman too, as he even tried to muscle out a local family business that operated in Scranton. But it’s nothing personal, it’s only business.

7 Robert California Was The Best: He’s More Entertaining

Though Wallace is the go-to guy for handling salaries and negotiating, he is possibly too by the book, as he never lets his guard down and is always in office mode. Robert, on the other hand, will attend the office parties, and he’ll even attend Dwight’s garden party that was essentially set up just to appease Andy’s parents. David Wallace would have never been in two minds as to whether he should bring a basil plant or a jar of Marmite to a party, and that’s exactly why California is a lowkey fan favorite.

6 David Wallace Was The Best: He Gives The Branch Managers The Perfect Amount Of Space

Though he might have crossed this line when he had Charles Minor watch every little thing that Michael did, for the most part, David Wallace gave branch managers the perfect amount of space to manage the branch. He would check up on them regularly without breathing down their necks. However, Robert California was too relaxed when it came to checking up on his managers’ work, becoming more invested in the office drama than anything else.

5 Robert California Was The Best: Every Employee Looks Up To Him

It might be through fear tactics, but every employee seems to look up to Robert, as they’re all always trying to impress him. From his very first appearance when he was being interviewed by Jim, Toby, and Gabe for the role of Branch Manager, he amazed and scared them at the exact same time. He has such a demanding presence that employees are even scared that they’ll get fired by Robert’s son, who is barely even a teenager.

4 David Wallace Was The Best: He Takes More Pride In The Company’s Products


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Robert has no belief in Sabre’s products, and he even openly admits that they are made for cheap. And after the Pyramid line of phones and tablets were a complete disaster, he used Todd Packer as a fall guy.

However, David Wallace is the complete opposite, as while he was working for Dunder Mifflin, he had so much pride in the company’s products, even if it was just paper and office supplies. He had so much pride in the products that he even gave Michael creative freedom when it came to creating the commercial, which, in the end, was completely unrelated to the products.

3 Robert California Was The Best: He Hosts Parties For His Staff

In the past, David Wallace has hosted a civilized dinner party for a select few employees. However, that was mostly for corporate employees and managers, and when Jan was invited, she brought along Michael, who also brought along Dwight.

Given the events that unfolded throughout the night, it’s no surprise that David doesn’t want to invite salespeople to his parties. But when Robert California was getting divorced, he invited the entire Scranton branch to his mansion. At the party, they all drank bottles of wine and got to hang out by his pool. There’s no question over which party seems better.

2 David Wallace Was The Best: Doesn’t Overstep His Boundaries

Throwing outrageous parties until the early hours of the morning might sound fun, but there needs to be some boundaries between the boss and the employees. Robert doesn’t have any boundaries, as he didn’t even care too much that Dwight tracked down his apartment and entered his home uninvited. On the other hand, David Wallace has never overstepped that line, and even at work events that he has appeared at, he has never drunk too much and has left at a reasonable time. This is unlike literally every other character that has been in a managerial position.

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1 Robert California Was The Best: He Is Unique

Wallace might be more level-headed, he might understand business and law much better, and he may be a better negotiator, but there’s no denying just how unique Robert California is. California is the self-proclaimed lizard king, which he exclaimed when Andy tried to threaten him, and it’s hilarious to imagine David Wallace ever saying something like that. The words that Robert uses are so methodical, and at the same time so strange, but he somehow comes across as totally convincing.

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