The zodiac sign of Libra is an air sign, and the Ravenclaw house of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the house represented by the element of air as well. So, it’s only natural that Libras and Ravenclaws have a lot of common ground between them.

Libras and Ravenclaws are very similar in their demeanor, belief systems, and overall outlook on life. But that doesn’t mean that they’re identical twins. So in what ways are people born under the sign of Libra and those who are sorted into the Hogwarts house of Ravenclaw similar, and in which ways are they different?

10 Are: Intellectual

Like all air signs, Librans are quite skilled when it comes to all things intellectual. They can think fast, they tend to know a lot of information about a lot of things, they know how to think outside of the box, and ultimately they just like to use their minds to their fullest potential.

They’re a natural match for Ravenclaw, because Ravenclaw caters to all of their innate abilities and individual passions.

9 Are Not: Intuitive

Libras might have pretty good instincts, but they’re not the type to trust their intuition over their intellect or over whatever information is presented to them. And although it seems somewhat counterintuitive, the same cannot be said about Ravenclaw.

Ravenclaws are people who are willing to go wherever their mind takes them, and if they have an intuitive feeling about anything they often believe that it’s for a reason, and they’ll explore that intuition as much as they can.


8 Are: Persuasive

The sign of Libra is represented by balanced scales, and that symbolism perfectly represents the core of Libras. They are people who love to find balance. So if they ever encounter someone who takes too strong of a stand on anything, they’re right there to present the strongest counterargument they can.

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They’re very good at convincing people to see their perspective, so they can typically persuade even the strongest minds to understand a new point of view.

7 Are Not: Eccentric

Libras are not afraid to get creative or go outside of the box if need be, but they’re not people who live their lives outside of the box either.

Libra is one of the most social signs in the zodiac, and they love being relatable and fitting in with any group of people that they encounter. They can sometimes harbor strange ideas or beliefs, but they’re not going to wear that on their sleeve.

6 Are: Creative

The air signs of the zodiac are the thinkers of astrology, and Libra is the sign that represents balance in all things.

So that interesting combo leads to Librans usually being the type who can let their minds run wild and imagine every scenario and perspective under the sun, as well as come up with some ideas that most people couldn’t even conceive of. That creativity is another quintessential Ravenclaw trait.

5 Are Not: Independent

Ravenclaws are experts at getting stuck inside of their own heads, and because they are so intellectually curious and have such a huge mental capacity, they can be happy as clams on their own almost all of the time. Libra definitely does not feel the same way.

The social Librans don’t just want to have ideas, they want to share ideas, and they want to learn from others just as much as they want to learn things themselves.

4 Are: Cultured

Anyone with an insatiable mental thirst that needs to be quenched by new and exciting things at all times is bound to be very cultured, and both Ravenclaw and Libra have that constant thirst for knowledge.

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Ravenclaws love to seek out and understand new and foreign things, and Libras love to relate to people in any way that they can, so experiencing new cultures and people is a deep need for them.

3 Are Not: Elitist

Ravenclaws are students who value wit beyond measure more than anything else, so they’re a perfect match for their Hogwarts house. But the fact that they value one thing above all else and their entire school experience revolves around that one thing tends to make them a bit elitist.

On the other hand, while Libras are quite brainy, they aren’t usually the type to talk down to people or look at them as less than because of their differences.

2 Are: Diplomatic

Libras are social butterflies, and their success in relation to other people rests on two major traits. Firstly, that they truly enjoy interacting with others. And secondly, that they are willing and able to understand where any person is coming from and why they do the things they do.

They are natural born diplomats who know how to say things in the right way, just as many students who are sorted into Ravenclaw are.

1 Are Not: Judgmental

As a sign that are represented by the scales, the judgement of Librans is actually pretty exceptional. But with that said, they are not ones to take their judgement as the sole judgement that is worthwhile, and they’re not prone to judging people just because they are dissimilar from them or disagree with them.

Unfortunately, the same really can’t be said for Ravenclaws.

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