Carey Mulligan is starting the new year off with a bang with two big flicks: Promising Young Woman and The Dig. These two movies couldn’t be more different, and Mulligan offers a brilliant and intriguing performance in each.

From revenge-thriller to a period piece drama, there’s so much to love about each of these dynamic roles. It’s time to stack up her time as Cassie and Edith, and reflect on all the reasons that each of these dynamic and memorable roles could easily be Mulligan’s best.

10 Promising Young Woman: It’s Totally Different

Fans are used to Carey Mulligan being sophisticated and elegant, and this role was totally a turn-around for this talented actress. No one expected her to have a role like this, and she knocked it out of the park.

Sometimes, it takes a different role for an actress to really shine – and this was certainly no exception. It proved that she can tackle anything.

9 The Dig: It’s What Fans Love About Her

Much like her famous role in The Great Gatsby, the character of Edith is sophisticated, and this period piece throws fans back to a beautiful era where things were elegant and totally different.

From her wardrobe to her accent to her hair to her elegance, this role fit Carey Mulligan like a glove, and it’s hard not to applaud every second of her performance.


8 Promising Young Woman: She’s Sassy & Fierce

It was refreshing to see Mulligan play a woman who only cares about revenge and truth, and her character didn’t have time for anyone. From spitting in Bo Burnham’s coffee to sauntering to “Toxic”, this sassy performance was perfect.

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Carey Mulligan is believable as a woman with nothing to lose and everything to gain, and her attitude had fans spitting out their own coffee while they watched.

7 The Dig: She’s Reserved & Ambitious

Edith Pretty was a woman whose husband died and has a terminal illness herself. However, she also has the curiosity to drive her to excavate her land.

Mulligan brought a certain reservation and hesitation to Edith’s character, and it was stunning to watch her be determined and caring while also hiding in the shadows. She invited fans into her mystery.

6 Promising Young Woman: The Feminist Narrative

It’s always exciting to see a well-loved female actor come on screen and show just how strong women are. This movie has a very, very prominent narrative, and it’s all about feminism and against rape culture.

While Mulligan can’t be credited for writing the script, she certainly can be thanked for bringing the story to the big screen in a whole-hearted and infatuating manner.

5 The Dig: The Life & Death Narrative

While this flick certainly isn’t as thrilling or right in the face of fans, it has a deeper and more subtle message about life and death. With Edith’s illness and the remains being found from Anglo-Saxon times, it gives audiences a sense that life is eternal.

The simplicity and subtlety of this drama is enlightening, and Carey Mulligan brings it to life in a genuine way that fans definitely applaud her for.

4 Promising Young Woman: It’s Comedic & Fun

There aren’t many roles where fans can appreciate this side of Carey Mulligan. Even the actress herself claimed she had to let loose (specifically for that pharmacy dance scene).

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Of course, this role gave her a chance to shine in a whole new way. She’s blunt, funny, and lets everything go. With some hilarious one-liners to sarcastic banter, there’s a lot to love.

3 The Dig: Her Character’s Depth

One complaint that fans may have about Fennell’s newest flick is that Cassie is very black-and-white, and has little growth or depth. On the contrary, there’s a lot more to dissect when it comes to Edith Pretty.

From the touching scenes with her son (Archie Barnes) to her dynamic with Ralph Fienne’s Basil Brown, there is a lot to wonder about Edith’s character. Fans don’t get to know a lot, but she’s still intriguing in what she offers.

2 The Dig: She Fit The Era & Elegance

There could be an entire shoutout to how stunning Carey Mulligan looks throughout this entire film, but the bigger picture is definitely the era that this film takes place in – the late 1930s.

Beyond that, Mulligan brings a flair of elegance and grace that the role required, but she gives it an extra feeling that demands empathy and grace. It’s easy to imagine her actually owning that land in 1938.

1 Promising Young Woman: She Didn’t Hold Back

If there’s one thing that has made Promising Young Woman unforgettable, it’s that it really doesn’t hold any punches. It’s bold, polarizing, and totally memorable. Carey Mulligan dives straight into the complexities of Cassandra.

From smacking gum to hitting a car with a crowbar, there’s so much to love about the raw and refreshing nature of Cassie – and it’s all because Mulligan crushed every second of it.

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