The characters of The Vampire Diaries are dynamic and varied, with a lot of complex development and character traits that defined their arcs throughout the seasons.

Every character in the series makes their own particular impression. And unsurprisingly, those impressions can be easily matched with the particular vibes of all of the months throughout the year. But which The Vampire Diaries character would a fan be, based on their birthday month?

Updated on January 13th, 2022 by Hilary Elizabeth: There are so many memorable characters on The Vampire Diaries that it’s difficult to narrow down twelve major players who embodied each month of the year. So even more fan-favorite TVD characters and their corresponding birth months can be discussed. 


January – Alaric Saltzman

Those born in the month of January are people of strong discipline, morality, and family values. They’re known for being pretty prickly and inscrutable on the outside, but once they’ve brought someone into their inner circle, they are the most loyal.

January is a time for new beginnings, and although it’s one of the coldest winter months, it’s also a month of transformation. While every character in the series goes through some sort of transformation, Alaric’s transition from a normal teacher to a vampire hunter that could even pose a threat to Damon and Stefan seems to nicely symbolize the fresh start of the new year.

February – Tyler Lockwood

Those born in February are known for being independent thinkers, and they have quite a passion for humanity as well.

Although Tyler Lockwood might not look like an artistic humanitarian on the surface, he is really the only person in the Mystic Falls gang who had any mind for issues greater than survival. Tyler broke free of Klaus’ sire bond, and he used that freedom to free the other hybrids who had been enslaved.

February – Rebekah Mikaelson

Another TVD character who seemingly represents the month of February well is Rebekah. As everyone knows, February is most notable for hosting Valentine’s Day, the holiday of love.

Above all things, Rebekah is notorious for her complete inability to give up on love, no matter how many times she’s burned by it. And just like Bekah, February might seem a bit chilly and unwelcoming on the outside, but at heart, romance is the key to everything.

March – Bonnie Bennett

March is yet another transitional month within the year, it is just on the edge of winter and brings the season into spring. This seems like a pretty apt representation of Bonnie Bennett, the hero of Mystic Falls.

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When things seem hopeless and lifeless in the world, Bonnie’s magic metaphorically and oftentimes literally brings everything back to life. Witches in The Vampire Diaries are known as servants of nature, so it’s only right that a witch symbolizes the revitalization of nature.

April – Klaus Mikaelson

April is when the year has really gotten into full swing, spring has officially begun and the world seems to be bursting with life.

Klaus might be a literal dead man, but when it comes to the supernatural world of The Vampire Diaries, he’s downright revolutionary. Not only does he dream of transforming the world in a major way, but he has created legions of vampires and is even the start of his own species.

May – Stefan Salvatore

May is undoubtedly one of the most pleasant months of the year. The weather is lovely, the temperature is just right, and there is nothing that sticks out about the month in a good or a bad way.

Similar to Stefan, May might be less memorable than some other months in the year, but it’s perfectly enjoyable and a nice reprieve from those other times of year that seems to revolve around one specific holiday or season.

June – Caroline Forbes

There’s a reason why Caroline was so fixated on having a June wedding with Stefan from the very start of the series. June isn’t just considered the ideal wedding month by many couples, but it’s the moment where spring shifts into summer.

It’s also the point at which most schools end their year and students are blessed with the freedom of vacation, which seems to be a pretty apt metaphor for Caroline’s transition from an average girl into an exceptional vampire.

June – Lexi Branson

Stefan and Lexi have a friendship that’s so strong that even death can’t keep them separated for long, so it’s only right that they’re positioned next to each other on the calendar as well. And Lexi really does seem like the June to Stefan’s May.

She is more fun and carefree than Stefan is, and she sees the best in her bestie and brings those wonderful qualities out in him. Her happy, unflappable demeanor is a total June vibe.

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July – Jeremy Gilbert

July is the absolute peak of summer, which has its good and bad qualities. Of course, many people love summer more than any other season, but sometimes the fun that comes with it can get a little too extreme.

July is a time for partying and living in the moment, but if anyone gets caught up in that feeling it can go sideways fast. For instance, Jeremy was someone who liked to party and take the edge off, but that wild impulse could get scary pretty quickly.

July – Kol Mikaelson

Another character in The Vampire Diaries who seems well-suited to the month of July is Kol Mikaelson. Unlike the more brooding Jeremy, Kol is a great representative of the attitude that comes with July’s excitement.

Kol is mostly focused on enjoying himself as much as possible, and he doesn’t concern himself with a lot of the drama going on in Mystic Falls. He’s not overly serious and he manages to have a good time no matter what he’s doing, which is a great attitude for this month.

August – Damon Salvatore

August is the moment where the heat of summer starts to fade into the calm, somewhat eerie autumn, so it seems apropos that August babies would be best represented by Damon.

Damon has all of the fire and ferocity that comes with summertime, but he also has that cool, detached mystery that is such a distinctly fall feeling. August often manages to feel like two things at once, which perfectly suits the unpredictable Damon Salvatore.

September – Elena Gilbert

September is the true beginning of fall, marking the beginning of the end of the year in a sense. Sure, there are still a few months left to go, but autumn represents a more calming time.

Elena seems like the best symbol of September in The Vampire Diaries, as TVD is largely her story and it essentially begins as Elena’s more carefree and childish life is replaced by a deeper and more somber era after she has lost her parents, an event that unsurprisingly changes her completely.

October – Matt Donovan

There is a certain duality to the fall season, and to October in particular. Of course, there is the spookier, more gothic side of the month that revolves around Halloween, but there is also the softer side of autumn that is all about pumpkin spice lattes and pleasant walks through the changing leaves.

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Matt obviously leans into the latter aspects of October, as his basic, inoffensive, but still-enjoyable nature is basically a pumpkin spice latte in human form.

October – Kai Parker

On the flip side of that, while Matt Donovan is a great avatar for the Pinterest-perfect aspects of October, Kai is obviously the scary Halloween representative of this ghostly month. Kai Parker is essentially a slasher movie killer, and he absolutely relishes being the villain.

He’s the kind of macabre baddie who would slaughter his entire family on Halloween and then open up his home to trick-or-treaters and pretend that the corpses were all a part of some elaborate holiday haunted house.

November – Katherine Pierce

November is a dark and mysterious month that feels like fall and winter. By this time, it’s obvious that the year is almost at its end, and many people are ready for it to be over. The sun is setting earlier and the days and nights are cooler, often making people feel more isolated and alone.

There is no one in The Vampire Diaries who is more isolated and alone than Katherine Pierce, so the month of November really befits her.

November – Mikael

November is a month that has a lot of different vibes to it as well. Yes, it’s chilly and a little grim, but it’s also home to Thanksgiving and has now become an extension of Christmas, which are times where everyone likes to focus on family.

And, even if it’s in the most twisted way possible, there isn’t anyone more family-oriented than Mikael. The Mikaelsons redefine the term “family dysfunction,” and they really have their father to thank for that.

December – Enzo St. John

December is a unique time of the year because it marks the end of things, it’s wintery and cold, but it’s also known as “the most wonderful time of the year” by many.

Enzo seems to be a great character to embody those conflicting elements. Because yes, he is a scary, lonely, and dangerous vampire, but despite all of the darkness he has gone through, he’s actually a pretty happy-go-lucky guy who still has a lot of optimism in life.

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