Video of a battle in Halo 3 between a Flood Infection Form and a Brute Chieftain with a Gravity Hammer ends in a surprise victory for the smaller Flood Form. The clash takes place on the bridge at the end of The Covenant, the seventh campaign mission in Halo 3.

While Halo 3 was incredibly popular when it launched back in 2007, the game has since seen a resurgence as part of Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Developer 343 Industries’ staggered port of Halo: MCC to PC beginning in 2019, combined with cross-play and seasonal updates, has compelled many players to return to the venerated FPS series. Although multiplayer remains the most popular mode, players sometimes experience the familiar atmosphere of the Halo universe by revisiting the classic campaigns. Some fans might think they’ve seen all there is to see after running through Halo‘s campaigns tens of times over the years. But sometimes, things can happen that even veteran players have never seen.


A notably rare occurrence in Halo 3 was captured by user LimpService and posted on the Halo subreddit on June 25. The video begins with LimpService in the middle of an encounter with a hammer-wielding Brute Chieftain toward the end of The Covenant. While LimpService is hanging back on an elevated platform, the Brute Chieftain wastes the rest of his Invincibility equipment fighting the player’s temporary Flood allies. As the player throws a Spike Grenade at the Brute’s feet to weaken him, a group of four lowly Flood Infection Forms decide to take on the powerful Brute Chieftain by themselves.

One pops on the Chieftain to no effect. Another breaks off to infect a dead Brute body. The third one hangs back, perhaps fearful of its fate. Meanwhile, the fourth Flood Infection Form charges valiantly, straight at the Brute Chieftain. It jumps on the Brute, but instead of popping and doing relatively no damage as one would expect, the Infection Form desperately hangs on. The Chieftain writhes in agony as the Flood infects and transforms its body into a grotesque Combat Form. The player, in shock at what’s happening, declines to interfere and stares on as one of the harder mini-bosses in Halo 3 becomes a new Flood ally – all thanks to the heroic actions of the weakest enemy unit in the franchise.

The Halo campaigns, particularly the first three, have been well-trodden by fans over the last two decades. And yet, players can still experience moments and find hidden secrets that they’ve never noticed in any previous playthroughs. The fact that a Flood Infection Form can actively infect a living Brute Chieftain will likely shock many long-time Halo fans. New encounters and seemingly infinite replayability are part of what make Halo 3, and the rest of the original Halo trilogy, so charming.

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Source: LimpService/Reddit

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