There’s no chance that a still-running TV series that debuted all the way back in 1963 doesn’t have iconic scenes for fans to enjoy. In Doctor Who’s case, the grand moments and events big in scale have generally happened from 2005, when the “NuWho” era began. Still, there are scenes from the classic era that have stood the test of time.

Of course, there are so many scenes that qualify that it might be difficult to keep count. With that in mind, only select instances from regenerations sequences, “first time” Doctor moments, and scenes of tragedy have been chosen. 

10 The Master’s Return

Although the history of the Master’s depictions spans over half a century, Missy is still considered to be the very best one. This was bolstered by her shocking reveal, which shook the series to its core. As it happened, Missy had the Cybermen ready to attack when the Doctor inquired who she really was.

Her glee in confessing her identity, along with the Doctor’s aghast expression, has remained burned into fans’ minds. It confirmed that Time Lords could regenerate to different genders, and more importantly, that the Master truly was a true wild card.

9 The Death Of Adric

No matter where Adric ranks among the best companions for fans, viewers won’t forget his heartbreaking demise. Adric was attempting to stop a Cyberman-controlled freighter from crashing into Earth when the computer controlling it was jammed. 

He only got a few moments’ worth of comprehension before he was killed in the crash, which, incidentally, was the “meteor” that killed the dinosaurs. The iconic quality from this scene comes from the fact that Adric’s death was a reality check for fans that companions’ lives weren’t safe and that even innocent characters like him could very well die.


8 Eleventh Doctor’s Memory Speech

There is no shortage of funny moments when it comes to the Eleventh Doctor, which is what makes this emotional outburst from him so special. In order to save a girl from being sacrificed to a parasitic planet-sized creature called Akhaten, and realizing it feeds off memories and feelings, the Doctor chose to sacrifice his own.

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He did have a plan, involving overloading Akhaten with the many tortured memories he had, all the despair he carried, and the lives he’d seen burned. The Doctor gave an incredible speech during this as tears streamed down his eyes. It remains an incredible sight to see a man create fear in the hulking monster before him.

7 Twelfth Doctor’s War Speech

The Twelfth Doctor was the most inclined to give rousing speeches, all of which contribute to his most memorable quotes. This was a speech that put an end to a war that would have destroyed the Earth, and the Doctor was responsible for laying his heart out to make his case.

When the Zygons and the humans were close to blowing each other up, the Doctor confessed how he still saw the people in the Time War dead and how he could hear more screams than anyone would be able to count. It’s easily the best Twelfth Doctor moment and certainly among the most iconic overall.

6 Tenth Doctor’s Regeneration

The entire last year of the Tenth Doctor’s tenure had to do with him trying to avoid his own death. Unfortunately, this was futile and he spent his last moments in the TARDIS attempting to muster up the courage to face death with dignity.

As far as sad moments in NuWho are concerned, fans still find this hard to watch, as the Doctor was in tears and admitted he didn’t want to go. It’s the most memorable regeneration yet, and has cemented itself as the point in time when the series shifted into the Steven Moffat era.

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5 Ninth Doctor’s First Appearance

An easy inclusion in the list of best moments for the Ninth Doctor, this scene won’t ever be forgotten due to the fact that it was the first time fans were seeing the Doctor in a decade. In true Doctor Who fashion, he arrived right in the middle of the conflict.

As Rose was being surrounded by Autons, the Ninth Doctor appeared, grabbed her hand, and simply uttered “Run!” The NuWho had arrived, signaling to viewers that an entirely new saga was about to unfold.

4 The Fourth Doctor’s Indecision To Kill The Daleks

The reason why the Doctor never wants to kill anyone is best explained here. In this scene, the Fourth Doctor could easily have wiped out all the Daleks if he chose to bring two wires together, but he hesitated. His argument was that by killing them, he would be no better than them.

The scene raised a very big ethical and moral dilemma, in that if it was worth sacrificing one’s own morality and millions of lives to save others. It’s a conversation that remains relevant to this day, while also establishing that the Doctor as an inherently good man.

3 Rose And The Doctor’s Farewell

Easily the most popular couple to come out of Doctor Who, Rose and the Doctor were serious couple goals. Their separation remains a scene that shatters hearts, but fans seem to continue returning to it to feel the same pain once again.

As it happened, the Doctor had limited energy to appear in the alternate universe Rose was in. She professed her love for him while he built up to his own. Unfortunately, his admission was cut short at the last second. Everybody knows what he was going to say, but being unable to hear it makes it both a tragic and masterful scene in storytelling.

2 Second Doctor And Third Doctor Meet

At the time of the tenth anniversary of the show, nobody had seen multiple Doctors share a scene. The moment it happened is still a joy to watch, as the Second and Third Doctor squabble like a pair of schoolboys. The banter between them is hilarious, which also reflects their characterizations perfectly.

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More than anything else, it’s the fact that the scene is the first time Doctor Who took such a bold step. While the First Doctor joined them on-screen shortly, his role wasn’t as memorable as the other two, who could have bickered for the entire episode and fans wouldn’t have complained.

1 All The Doctors Save Gallifrey

Of course there’s no beating a scene where not ever Doctor shares the screen. The fiftieth anniversary special had the Doctors band together to seal Gallifrey in a pocket universe in order to save it from the Time War.

Each Doctor returned and did their trademark mannerisms and catchphrases for what was the ultimate dream come true for any Doctor Who fan. While it’s a different scene, the final shot is basically a continuation where all the Doctors were brought together for a grand picture.

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