The Real Housewives of New York’s Ramona Singer has been giving Bravo iconic content for 12 (going on 13) seasons. Fans have seen her rollercoaster friendships, the rise and fall of her marriage, and plenty of unique one-liners that only Ramona could pull off.

Over the past decade, Ramona has mispronounced words and sayings that are now known as “Ramona-isms.” Even Andy Cohen poked fun at Ramona’s mispronunciations on Watch What Happens Live by asking her how to pronounce different words. No matter how hard Ramona tries to say the right thing, she can’t help herself.

10 “You’re Making A Mountain Out Of A Hole Mill”

In one episode of RHONY, Ramona and LuAnn are having a civilized disagreement when Ramona tells her “I’m thinking you’re making a bigger mole… You’re making a mountain out of a hole mill.” LuAnn ignores Ramona’s slip but someone in the background corrects Ramona politely.

The correct saying is, “You’re making a mountain out of a molehill.” It’s an idiom for someone overreacting over something small or trivial. Nice try, Ramona.

9 “We’re Just Like Oil & Vinegar”

The relationship between Ramona and Bethenny has always been tumultuous. One minute they’re getting along, and the next minute they’re arguing over who’s in the wrong. In one argument between the ladies, Ramona is clarifying that she’s naturally maternal but Bethenny isn’t the kind of woman who needs a friend who’s also her mother.

Ramona clarifies that the two are just like oil and vinegar. Bethenny chimes in “Oil and vinegar go together. You mean oil and water.” Ramona, however, shuts Bethenny down and reminds her that when you mix oil and vinegar together it separates. Oddly enough, Ramona isn’t wrong. Although the correct saying is “oil and water,” Ramona makes a valid point about the two separating.


8 “She’s Not Burying That Hotchet”

In the ninth season, Ramona is venting to Carole about an argument that Dorinda is in. Ramona was hoping the two women could “bury the hatchet” so that they could all stay at her home together but it wasn’t looking good. Instead of saying “burying the hatchet,” Ramona said, “she’s not burying that hotchet.”

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“Burying the hatchet” is a phrase pertaining to putting your differences behind you and moving on. While Ramona wasn’t far from getting it right, hotchet isn’t a word.

7 “You Had The Ordacity!”

Watching Ramona yell at Bethenny on the streets of New York City on her cell phone was iconic. Ramona was annoyed that Bethenny didn’t show up to her skincare line reveal, which proved that she didn’t support Ramona’s ventures. As a fellow businesswoman herself, one would assume Bethenny would applaud other businesswomen. However, that wasn’t the case between Ramona and Bethenny.

While screaming at Bethenny, she said “I’m very, very upset and hurt that you had the ordacity at your lunch.” Unfortunately for Ramona, the word is audacity, not ordacity. But it’s a beloved moment by RHONY fans everywhere.

6 Tinsley Isn’t The “Marriage-ing Kind”

Because of Tinsley’s socialite status and seemingly having a perfect life, most of the women belittled Tinsley out of jealousy. Her relationship with Scott was a large topic of conversation over the years because of their ups and downs.

Were they together or weren’t they? Eventually, Ramona chimed in and said that Tinsley wasn’t the “marriage-ing kind.” Romona actually met that Tinsley wasn’t the “marrying kind,” not the “marriage-ing kind.”

5 The “Psycho Ward”

In the ninth season, the women are on a group vacation when an argument breaks out between Ramona and Sonja vs. the rest of the group. Tinsley is upset that there are stories about her in the paper, regarding information that only Sonja or Ramona would share.

While talking to the cameras, Ramona said, “Tinsley, settle down. You’re near hysteria. You’re gonna end up in the hospital or the psycho ward.” Ramona is out of line, as per usual, but she meant to say the psych ward — not the psycho ward. Being in a psych ward does not make a person a “psycho.”

4 Sonja Is “Coma Toast”

A lot went down when the women of New York vacationed in St. Barths. Not only did LuAnn bring home a few pirates—which freaked out Heather—but Sonja was hungover beyond belief.

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As always, Sonja and Ramona shared a room during vacation and are oftentimes responsible for each other. But even Ramona couldn’t bring Sonja back to life after a wild night out. She whispered to herself that Sonja was “Coma toast.” What Sonja meant to say was comatose; meaning that Sonja was so drunk that she was unconscious.

3 “Quacamola”

Ramona always seems to embarrass herself on vacation. It’s not always her actions that get her into trouble, it’s her misspoken words.

In one episode, Ramona is talking to the housekeeper and mispronounces guacamole. She, instead, pronounced it guacamola. This moment reminded viewers of the time she couldn’t pronounce the word reggae. As successful and well-off as Ramona is, she sure does know how to mess up vocabulary.

2 “Cyanide Doesn’t That Kill You?”

This moment between Ramona and Sonja is one of the best. No matter how much Ramona and Sonja have been through as friends, they always have the best times together.

Sober or drunk, Ramona’s ability to mispronounce phrases or hear the incorrect word is like a magical talent. Side eye and cyanide are most definitely two different things and yes, only one of those things can kill a person.

1 “I Avoid The Press Like A Lee”

In the vacation episode where Tinsley calls Ramona and Sonja out for selling stories to the press, Ramona denies talking to the press because she avoids “the press like a lee.” The women at the table appeared to ignore Ramona’s misuse of the phrase but fans were confused by what she meant.

Over on Reddit, some fans thought she meant “leper,” while others thought she meant “leech.” But regardless of what she meant, none of those words make sense.

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