Agent Carter is, so far, not an official part of MCU continuity, though that could certainly change with the multiverse expanding throughout the entire franchise. What’s certain is that the series remains a great source of entertainment for the many fans of Peggy Carter. It’s also the source of some of the best quotes in her entire live-action history so far.

Agent Carter showcases the strength, ingenuity, and humanity of Peggy Carter. Many of her best quotes reflect these qualities, as well. As she navigates a world without Steve Rogers, but still full of men who doubt her and women like Dottie Underwood who want to kill her, Peggy delivers some of her best lines.


When She Drops A Big Hint

“Darling, you have no idea.”

The first episode of the series establishes Peggy Carter’s new status quo and provides for one of her best lines. As she’s leaving for her new job, her roommate, Colleen, tells her not to stress because she works at the phone company: “It’s not life and death.” Peggy responds with this quote.

The quote shows Peggy’s wit and charm as fans then see Peggy enter what outwardly appears to be a phone company but is actually a duck blind hiding the New York City headquarters of the nascent S.H.I.E.L.D., where Peggy is currently assigned.

When She Throws Shade At Stark

“For all I know, you did steal your inventions.”

Peggy Carter has a contentious relationship with Howard Stark, the inventor of Captain America’s shield and in the multiverse of What If..?, the HYDRA Stomper armor. A great line that shows her refusal to back down against anybody happens when Tony Stark’s father is accused of being a traitor. Peggy supports him, but his behavior and secrecy lead to her stating that she actually doesn’t know if he’s responsible for his own inventions.

Her quote is a blistering and sustained rebuke of the egotistical Stark, and includes an unflattering comparison to Steve Rogers: “Steve Rogers dedicated his mind, his body, his life to the SSR and to this country, not to your bank account.”

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When She Rejects Her Code Name

“Never speak again.”

One of the best characters in What If..? is Captain Carter, and she’s accompanied in the pilot episode by the Howlin’ Commandos. In Agent Carter, they’re the cause of a classic Peggy line that shows her wit and inherent tendency to take charge. When Dum Dum Dugan and Peggy reunite after the war, she tells him to “Never speak again.”

This comes after Dum Dum attempts to give her a codename: Miss Union Jack. Peggy roundly rejects this, which may explain why she does not go by Captain Britain in What If..?, though her comic book counterpart from Earth-101 does.

When She Stands Up For Herself

“Because unless I have your reports, your coffee, or your lunch, I am invisible.”

Peggy is one of the strongest women in the entire franchise. Her grit and determination are on constant display, especially in this standout quote from episode seven of the series. She confronts Chief Dooley after he reprimands her for taking the initiative by pointing out the all-male staff expects her to only bring them coffee and fill out reports.

She explains her actions in producing positive results in the organization’s investigation by saying, “I conducted my own investigation because no one listens to me. I got away with it because no one looks at me. Because unless I have your reports, your coffee, or your lunch, I am invisible.”

When She Shows Bravery

“I, however, am not afraid of you.”

Dottie Underwood is one of the most underrated characters in the MCU. The equal of Peggy Carter in just about every way, the assassin and spy very nearly takes Peggy down in their early encounters. When the two confront each other in the first episode of season two, Peggy reveals her fearlessness in the face of danger by simply saying she’s not afraid of Dottie.

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Peggy respects Dottie’s abilities, her power, and her ambition. “You have one chip to trade on: fear,” she says, “And fear is the one tool that little girls who grow up handcuffed to their beds learn. I, however, am not afraid of you.”

When She Tells Howard He Has To Move On

“Steve is gone.”

Some fans believe that Peggy Carter is better off with Daniel Sousa than Steve Rogers, and in large measure, her arc in the series is about letting go of Captain America. In episode eight of the series, a quote from a difficult conversation with Howard Stark shows how hard it is for her.

Peggy finally lets herself move on a little bit – clearly she never did completely – by saying “Howard … I know you loved him. I loved him, too. But this won’t bring him back. Steve is gone. We have to move on – all of us. As impossible as that may sound, we have to let him go.”

When She Was Funny & Impulsive

“I have a terrible idea!”

Dottie Underwood factors into another great quote for Peggy Carter that reveals how funny and impulsive she is. Though Peggy, for the most part, seems very together, she reacts on the fly a lot of the time. “I have a terrible idea!” is the perfect encapsulation of this, when she turns to Dottie for help in taking down Whitney Frost.

With Peggy injured, they need Dottie – a great stand-in for Peggy in virtually every way – to help infiltrate a party and get their hands on a sample of Zero Matter before it’s too late.

When She Gets Restless

“I could do with a hobby.”

Peggy’s tendency to find trouble is a hallmark of the series. A great quote from season two reflects her relentlessness when it comes to stopping the bad guys. When a colleague asks her if she plans on punching all of L.A., she replies with “Maybe. I could do with a hobby.”

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Despite often facing overwhelming odds, with its HYDRA, Roxxon, or Whitney Frost, Agent Carter always launches into action with very little concern for her own well-being.

When She Gets Her Catchphrase

“Do as Peggy says.”

One of the absolute best quotes of the series is a showcase of the respect and loyalty Peggy Carter inspires in others. Though she reprimands Dum Dum Dugan a little for his choice of nickname for her, he also coins the phrase “Do as Peggy says.”  This would become a refrain in the series and also in her appearances in the What If..? animated series.

Peggy’s leadership has been instrumental in the MCU and the greater multiverse. It’s likely to continue, as Captain Carter will return in season two of What If..? and perhaps even beyond as she’s one of the most likely characters to appear in the MCU proper.

When She Demands To Be Taken Seriously

“I know my value.”

Perhaps Peggy’s best quote in the series and maybe the MCU is “I know my value.” Her validation of her self-worth and refusal to be discounted by the limited mindsets of her peers at the time in many ways defines who she is. Despite her proximity to events and clear contributions to major battles, she continuously gets dismissed by the men of her time.

But Peggy isn’t having it, and in episode eight, makes it clear for everyone who wants to know, “I don’t need a congressional honor. I don’t need Agent Thompson’s approval or the president’s. I know my value. Anyone else’s opinion doesn’t really matter.”

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