Fans of Impractical Jokers collectively agree that Murr receives the worst punishments out of the guys. Joe, Sal, and Q seem to enjoy torturing Murr more than anyone, and his punishments always end up being the most outlandish. As the pact behind the show goes, you can never say no to a punishment, so Murr has had to face hot water often.

Impractical Jokers doesn’t skimp when it comes to penalizing the guys, and the friends enjoy making each other suffer. A lot of Murr’s punishments are difficult to watch given how easy it is to feel bad for him, but there’s no denying that they can also be the funniest ones on the show.

10 “The Closer” (2019)

Cringe-worthy punishments are often the hardest to watch, and Murr being forced to shut everyone’s screens made viewers want to turn away from their own. The guys sent Murr into a coffee shop where Murr had to close customers’ laptops while they were in the middle of their work.

Because of Murr’s methods, a majority of people simply found it odd, and others even laughed over the absurdity. However, there were a couple of customers who were angry and confronted Murr about his rudeness.

9 “Human Piñata” (2013)

A person doesn’t get more helpless than being strung up and lifted by a crane, stuffed with candy, and surrounded by hungry children. After the kids couldn’t crack the Murr Piñata open, the jokers took a swing at it. With still no luck, Joe’s sister’s husband was brought into the picture, as he was eager for revenge after Murr filmed a prank with his wife.

After some pretty decent hits, the candy fell out and Murr thought he was free. Rather than letting him down, the crane simply lifted him even further up in the air and quite literally left him hanging.


8 “Browbeaten” (2016)

Murr had no idea what he’s in for when the jokers take him to a barber’s shop and sit him in the chair. It’s not until a man starts coming at his eyebrows with a razor that he catches onto what’s happening. Sal, Joe, and Q don’t stop there, and shave his head, leaving one patch of hair in the back.

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Since the hair will regrow eventually, Murr was sent to the DMV to get a new driver’s license photo taken to commemorate the moment forever. On top of it all, Murr was the sponsor for his nephew’s confirmation which was coming up just two weeks after his punishment.

7 “Like A Boss” (2018)

Forced to say whatever the guys tell him, Murr is sent undercover to a Tumblr meeting with the intention of heckling the speakers. Unbeknownst to Murr, the CEO is aware of what’s going on, but the rest of the employees are under the impression that he works for the company. As the episode’s name suggests, Murr obnoxiously yells, “like a boss,” during one speaker’s presentation and is chastised by the people around him.

Eventually, they get so fed up that they start communicating on Slack and ask security to remove him from the meeting. Sal, Q, and Joe planned a perfect ending to the punishment by having Murr heckle Guy Fieri, who Joe asked to call into the meeting.

6 “The Q-Pay” (2017)

The jokers doled out a punishment that is the complete opposite of “Browbeaten” and gave Murr hair instead of shaving it all off. Luckily, he got to keep his eyebrows this time around, but instead of setting him up with a hair transplant, the guys cut off Q’s hair and had a wig made for Murr’s head.

Murr had to wear it for the rest of the season, and just like how he had to get a new driver’s license photo with no hair, he’s forced to get a new passport to show off his stylish new do.

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5 “Sucks For You” (2019)

Whenever the jokers have to give a presentation, it usually comes with a catch. To no one’s surprise, Murr wouldn’t be giving a normal speech, as there were two tubes connected to his microphone. One was full of helium and the other was full of sulfur hexafluoride.

Every time the guys told Murr to suck, he had to breathe in the gas which caused his voice to go either high or low. The audience members were clearly confused and had no idea what was causing Murr’s voice to change, but most of the fluctuations were perfectly timed with what he was reading.

4 “Dark Side Of The Moon” (2016)

Murr goes into this conference blind, and the only information he’s given is that he needs to raise his hand when the speaker asks for a volunteer. When a doctor starts talking about prostate exams, it doesn’t take long for Murr to catch on.

Murr is forced to join him on stage while he receives a very uncomfortable prostate exam in front of a crowd. The people in the audience look away, but the jokers can’t keep their eyes off the screen. The entire crew of the show even huddles around to watch.

3 “Paradise Lost” (2017)

When the jokers head to Hawaii to cause some chaos, another one of Murr’s worst fears is revealed. It’s no secret that he’s terrified of heights, but Murr also isn’t too fond of sharks. Sal, Joe, and Q put his passport in the bottom of a cage in the middle of the ocean, and make Murr retrieve it.

They give him a mirror to shine around as a means of distracting him, while they secretly detach the cage and let Murr float away. Once Murr realizes what’s happening, he’s already drifted far from the boat.

2 “In Poor Taste Buds” (2014)

Getting injected with Novocain isn’t a pleasurable sensation, and most people can’t wait for it to wear off after visiting the dentist. But Murr has a boatload of the numbing agent injected into his gums and is sent to teach a class on different foods from around the world.

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Pronouncing things properly is difficult enough when a person can’t feel their mouth, but Murr samples foods and drinks in front of his audience. Everyone in the crowd tries not to laugh as he struggles to get the spaghetti in his mouth, but it was nearly impossible given how hilarious this punishment was.

1 “Look Out Below” (2014)

Murr’s skydiving punishment was so extreme, it felt borderline cruel. However, there’s no denying that it’s a fan-favorite episode and one of the wildest things the jokers have ever done. Murr’s biggest fear is heights and he always said he would never go skydiving. When he realizes what his punishment is, Murr even tries to flee the scene.

However, the guys remind him that he can’t back out of the punishment without getting booted off of the show. Murr looks as if he’s going to burst into tears the higher up they go, and there was even a moment where it seemed as though Q might let him out of it. But when he’s forced out of the plane, Murr’s face was so iconic that it led to him getting a ferret tattoo during a later punishment.

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