The Twitch hit Phasmophobia is a co-op horror game all about ghost hunting. It also has some impressive voice recognition AI, a feature which allows players to directly communicate with ghosts. This also means ghosts in Phasmophobia will respond to certain words and phrases players may accidentally use. In this way, voice recognition makes Phasmophobia an even more immersive and memorable experience.

The premise of Phasmophobia has four players being dropped off at a certain haunted location. By working together, they must gather evidence and try to discover what kind of spirit is causing the paranormal activity. However, the ghost can turn violent and begin killing players in Phasmophobia – so the investigation must be completed in a timely manner.


Players are given several pieces of equipment to help with their ghost hunting efforts. These include Spirit Boxes and Ouija boards in Phasmophobia, which can be used to communicate with spirits. The voice recognition AI is set to respond to about two dozen different questions on the Ouija board, and about the same amount with the Spirit Box. Some questions overlap, but several are unique to whatever equipment the player is using to communicate. This means if players ask the right questions using the Spirit Box, the ghosts will respond to their voice and answer. However, the voice recognition in Phasmophobia doesn’t stop there.

How Voice Recognition Works In Phasmophobia

While the Spirit Box allows Phasmophobia players to ask certain questions aloud, there are some aspects of Phasmophobia’s voice recognition that players can’t necessarily control. This aspect of gameplay is where Phasmophobia really cranks up its fear factor. The voice recognition AI means ghosts are programmed to recognize certain keywords and phrases, such as knowing when a player says “I’m scared” or uses “panic” in sentence. This can make the ghost respond to the player directly, or it can make them turn violent more quickly.

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Using the ghost’s name is another way to anger the spirit quickly. Because the ghosts in Phasmophobia hear EVERYTHING that players say, using certain words and asking certain questions can have dire consequences. It also means nothing players say to one another is safe, since the ghost can listen and use that information. This adds to the realness of the game, and it also keeps everything in Phasmophobia feeling incredibly scary as players investigate the ghost’s presence.

The voice recognition in the game is extremely impressive. It’s just one of the many ways Phasmophobiacreates such an immersive experience. New updates are coming to the game soon, which means developer Kinetic Games will likely add in even more ways for ghosts and players to interact.

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