Warning: SPOILERS for Shadow and Bone season 1 below!

The Shadow and Bone season 1 ending wraps up storylines and teases what’s to come – and we break it all down. The Shadow and Bone season 1 finale, “No Mourners,” sees General Kirigan (Ben Barnes) and Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li) enter the Shadow Fold under the pretense of destroying it and uniting Ravka once again, but things don’t quite go that way. Instead, Kirigan’s true motives are revealed and to showcase his power, he extends the Fold to destroy Novokribirsk, the city in West Ravka.

After Kirigan and his loyal Heartrender Ivan (Simon Sears) kill the majority of the passengers on the skiff, Mal (Archie Renaux) and the Crows – Kaz Brekker (Freddy Carter), Inej (Amita Suman) and Jesper (Kit Young) – attempt to save Alina and kill Kirigan, while protecting the Squaller Zoya (Sujaya Dasgupta) enough to get them out of the Fold. In the scuffle, Alina is able to break the connection Kirigan has to her power, reclaiming it as her own, and Mal battles the Darkling until leaving him for the volcra to devour. The Crows, Alina, Mal and Zoya make it out of the Fold and set out on their respective journeys – the Crows back to Ketterdam, Alina and Mal away from Ravka, and Zoya back to Novokribirsk to find her family. As it happens, all those leaving Ravka wind up on the same ship where Matthias (Calahan Skogman) is imprisoned after Nina (Danielle Galligan) accused him of being a slaver. One final scene shows Kirigan exit the fold with some new shadow creatures.


The Shadow and Bone season 1 ending paves the way for what’s next for each of the characters, from the Crows returning to Ketterdam without the Sun Summoner they were meant to retrieve to Alina planning on honing her powers until she’s strong enough to destroy the Fold. There’s also the matter of what exactly Kirigan’s new creatures are and what they mean for his future. Now, we break it all down and explain everything from the Shadow and Bone ending.

What Happens To The Shadow Fold: How It Expands & What It Means

As established in a previous episode, Kirigan was the one to create the Fold – not one of his ancestors as he originally told Alina. Though the Fold’s original creation was an accident, a byproduct of using merzost, Kirigan extending the Fold to encompass Novokribirsk means he was able to wield some level of control over the Shadow Fold. This is likely because of Kirigan obtaining an amplifier in the form of Morozova’s stag. In addition to being able to control Alina’s powers, Kirigan possessing his own bit of the stag gave him an amplifier of that boosted his abilities, presumably giving him enough power to control and extend the Fold. If that’s the case, then when Alina removed Kirigan’s amplifier from his hand, she took away his additional power, meaning he wouldn’t be able to expand the Fold again.

That means his original plan is now moot. He had intended to use his own abilities as a Shadow Summoner and Alina’s Sun Summoner powers to control the Fold and use it as a weapon to subjugate the entire world to his rule. If he can’t expand the Fold or control Alina, though, then his threats become hollow – but that’s only if non-Grisha know he can’t make good on his threats anymore. To those not on the skiff, all they know is someone expanded the Fold and destroyed Novokribirsk. Since Kirigan survived, he could use the fear that would inspire against the kingdoms he would rule – particularly Ravka, Fjerda and Shu Han.

After all, by wiping out Novokribirsk, Kirigan also killed those who hoped to secede from the larger Ravkan country, effectively ending their bid for independence. So he’s already set a deadly example. And while he may not be able to extend the Fold again, he’s got some new shadow creatures (more on those later) that he’ll be able to wield in his fight for power.

How The Stag Comes Back & Alina’s Powers Return

Warning: This section contains spoilers for the Shadow and Bone book.

All throughout Shadow and Bone season 1, Alina has visions of Morozova’s Stag and it’s not until the ending that the reason for her visions is explained. As Alina tells Kirigan before she removes the bit of stag in his hand, “The stag chose me.” She finally understands that there are two parts of Kirigan’s power: The physical amplifier in his hand, and the idealogical connection that, since he was the one to kill the stag, he’s the one who has control over the amplifier. To reclaim her powers, Alina has to break both connections, so she removes the amplifier from Kirigan’s hand and declares the stag chose her, indicating an animal who can become an amplifier has the ability to choose who wields it.

This is a bit of a divergence from the books, in which the basic theory is the same insofar as it’s believed only the person who kills an animal can use its bones as amplifiers. However, Alina’s ability to reclaim the stag as her own amplifier is explained as her having earned it through sparing the stag’s life, meaning she had as much right to the amplifier as the Darkling. Further, in the books, Alina and the Darkling’s connection was reestablished through other means after the end of the first book – and had larger implications. Since the Shadow and Bone show changes the mechanics of the stag’s amplifier and how Alina and Kirigan control it, it’s unclear whether they will still be reconnected after the season 1 finale, though it appears it will likely follow the books.

Regardless, since the stag chose Alina, that means not only is she able to reclaim control of her Sun Summoner powers from Kirigan, she now has a very powerful amplifier. As a result, Alina’s abilities will be extended beyond what was seen in season 1. However, she’s still not strong enough to destroy the Fold – yet.

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Why Alina and Mal Leave Ravka & Where They’re Going

Warning: This section contains spoilers for the first two Shadow and Bone books, including Siege and Storm.

As explained by Zoya in the Shadow and Bone season 1 finale, Alina isn’t safe in Ravka. Since so few survived the skiff – and most of them are headed to Ketterdam – those outside the Fold won’t know why it expanded and destroyed Novokribirsk, and they’re likely to blame Grisha. Because Alina was expected to destroy the Fold, she’s the most obvious scapegoat for it extending, especially since the group believes Kirigan to be dead. As such, the people of Ravka will fear and hate her for the role they’ll believe she played in expanding the Fold.

Beyond the unhappy people of Ravka, there’s also the Apparat (Kevin Eldon), who assumed control of the Ravkan throne after the king became ill at the winter fete. Zoya says the Apparat will blame all Grisha, making the country an inhospitable place for any Grisha, let alone the Sun Summoner. And as Kaz points out, Alina is valuable for her powers. Since there were bounties for her capture even as far away as Kerch, that means she’s not safe anywhere in the world. As a result, Mal and Alina decide to go on the run, hiding her identity as the Sun Summoner while they find new allies and Alina hones her powers enough to be able to return and destroy the Fold. Thankfully, it seems rumors are spreading of the Sun Summoner’s death, which will help Alina hide from those who are hunting her.

Although Alina and Mal board a ship bound for Ketterdam, in the books they head to Novyi Zem, a country across the True Sea where they can lay low. However, at the start of the second book, they’re found by the Darkling and forced out of hiding. After, Alina decides to look for more amplifiers that will help her on her quest to destroy the Fold. In addition to the stag, there are two other amplifiers created by Morozova, and Alina sets out to find them both. It’s possible that’s where season 2 will pick up and the storyline it will follow.

What’s Next For Kaz & The Crows

Warning: This section contains minor spoilers for the Six of Crows book.

In the Shadow and Bone season 1 finale, Kaz, Inej and Jesper board the ship bound for Ketterdam despite not having captured the Sun Summoner, meaning they won’t be able to claim the bounty of one million kruge from the merchant Dressen (Sean Gilder). This creates a couple of problems for Kaz and the Crows. Not only will Dreesen be angry that Kaz is unable to deliver the Sun Summoner, but he won’t deliver the money the Crows were after. As a result, Kaz will be in debt to Tante Heleen (Deirdre Mullins), to whom he gave the deed to the Crow Club as collateral to allow Inej to leave Ketterdam, with the intention of paying Heleen with the one million kruge they were meant to receive for the job. Since Alina gave Kaz the hairpiece she wore on the skiff, Kaz will likely be able to pay off Heleen and reclaim the Crow Club in addition to paying off Inej’s indenture.

Still, as Inej says in the finale, Dressen and Pekka Rollins will be angry with the crew when they return to Ketterdam, so even if they pay off Heleen, they’ll still have a powerful merchant and a gang leader to contend with. Kaz mentions he has a plan, one that requires a Heartrender, and while his exact plan is unclear, this does appear to be the setup for Nina to join their crew. When the Six of Crows book kicks off (the events of which take place after those that occurred in Shadow and Bone season 1), Nina is already part of Kaz’s gang, the Dregs, and he utilizes her abilities as a Heartrender from time to time. It seems that whatever plan Kaz has in mind will bring Nina into the fold so that all the pieces are in place for Shadow and Bone season 2 to follow the story of Six of Crows.

In that book, Kaz assembles a team of six – himself, Jesper, Inej, Nina, Matthias, and the yet-to-be-introduced Wylan – to pull a heist on the Ice Court in the Fjerdan capital of Djerholm. With Nina heading to Ketterdam and having met Kaz and the Crows, it seems the Shadow and Bone finale is setting the stage for season 2 to feature that heist. It’s also possible that the reasons for Kaz taking Ice Court job will tie into season 1, whether because he needs the money to pay off Dressen or Pekka Rollins, or for some other reason having to do with the trouble the Crows will face returning to Ketterdam without the Sun Summoner.

Why Nina Accused Matthias Of Being A Slaver (& What Happens Next)

Warning: This section contains minor spoilers for the Six of Crows book.

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In “No Mourners,” Nina and Matthias arrive at a northern Ravkan town, where their initial plan is to go their separate ways because both have loyalty to their countries, which are at war. However, after their time getting to know each other, they come around to the idea of fleeing the continent entirely and running away together. They seem decided to do so and head to a pub to eat, but while there, Nina is found by Fedyor (Julian Kostov), the Heartrender Kirigan tasked with bringing Nina back to the Little Palace. Instead of allowing Fedyor to capture Matthias, Nina loudly accuses Matthias of being a slaver, relying on the man from Ketterdam to hear and capture Matthias instead so he can collect the bounty for slavers. In the world of Bardugo’s Grishaverse, folks from Ketterdam are well known for desiring money above all else. Instead of loyalty to their country, they have loyalty to money. So in that moment, Nina relies on the man’s loyalty to getting paid to help her escape the Grisha.

In doing so, Nina betrays her country and the Grisha by siding with a Drüskelle like Matthias, since Drüskelle hunt Grisha with the intent to try and execute them as witches. Although Nina was already preparing to desert Ravka and the Second Army, this is a much more obvious betrayal, which Fedyor would bring back to General Kirigan a.k.a. the Darkling. Of course, the Second Army is perhaps without a leader depending on what’s next for Kirigan, so it’s possible Nina’s betrayal never makes it back to leadership. Nina claiming Matthias is a slaver also forces him to betray Fjerda. Since Drüskelle are an elite unit in the army, being branded a slaver is a stain on his reputation and would affect his standing. So although Nina and Matthias were planning to run away together and desert their countries, these events force them to betray their loyalties in a much harsher and more conspicuous manner.

In terms of what’s next, the Shadow and Bone season 1 finale sets up Nina and Matthias to be where they are at the start of the Six of Crows book. As previously mentioned, Nina may become a member of the Dregs and help Kaz out with her Heartrender abilities, while Matthias is in the Ketterdam prison of Hellgate. The one difference appears to be that Nina will join the Dregs while she’s waiting for Matthias’ trial so she can recant her statement. In the book, the trial’s already happened and Matthias is a convicted slaver, despite Nina trying to recant. In fact, it’s Kaz’s promise of a full pardon for Matthias that convinces him to help in their heist on the Ice Court. This is a more minor change, though, and sets the stage for Nina and Matthias’ involvement in the Crows’ season 2 story.

How General Kirigan Survived & His New Shadow Fold Creatures Explained

Warning: This section contains minor spoilers for the second Shadow and Bone book, Siege and Storm.

The final scene of the Shadow and Bone season 1 finale sees Kirigan exit the Shadow Fold after being attacked by volcra, a feat that may seem impossible – and would have been if not for his new shadow creatures. Whereas the volcra are humans that were transformed into monsters during the creation of the Shadow Fold, the shadow creatures are new life created through merzost, what Baghra (Zoë Wanamaker) refers to as magic, but a corrupted kind. As she explains in an earlier episode, “Small science feeds us, merzost feeds on us.” That’s why Grisha become stronger and healthier when they use their power, but when Kirigan uses merzost, he starts to look diseased, with black veins. Still, as seen when Inej strikes Kirigan in the chest with her knife, he can use merzost to heal/save himself, even if it ultimately makes him weaker.

As for what the creatures are exactly, in the books they’re called nichevo’ya, creatures “wrought from shadow,” though they’re not introduced until very early in the second book, Siege and Storm. The nichevo’ya are stronger than volcra because they don’t fear light and they’re immune to most human weapons, like guns and knives, so they’re able to leave the Shadow Fold (unlike the volcra) and they’re much harder to kill. As such, Kirigan likely used his nichevo’ya to fight off the volcra to which Mal left him, and he’s able to bring them with him as he exits the Fold. In the books, human weapons do slow down the nichevo’ya even if they can’t kill the creatures, and Alina is able to use her powers as the Sun Summoner to dispatch them. Still, this means Kirigan has a new and very deadly ability going into Shadow and Bone season 2 that will make him a more formidable enemy no matter what he has planned – whether he tries to hunt down Alina or reclaim his place in the Second Army.

Biggest Book Changes To Shadow & Bone’s Season 1 Ending

The biggest change Shadow and Bone’s season 1 finale made to the story of the book was incorporating the Six of Crows characters and Zoya into the trip through the Fold where the Darkling eliminates Novokribirsk. In the Shadow and Bone book, Alina and Mal face off against the Darkling alone. After his demonstration of power at Novokribirsk and because no one on the skiff is their ally, Alina is forced to regain her power by having the realization of earning the stag’s amplifier by sparing its life and saving Mal from the volcra. Together, the two leave the Darkling and all those aboard the skiff to fend for themselves in the Fold – which means their deaths are on Alina’s hands instead of Kirigan and Ivan. That particular change from the book makes Alina more of a hero and Kirigan more of a villain.

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The addition of the Crows and Zoya also ensures the majority of the main characters are all involved in the climactic event, bringing the season to a more cohesive end, with most joining the fight against Kirigan. Since Kaz, Jesper and Inej’s season 1 storyline is completely new, all of it is a major divergence from the Shadow and Bone books. As far as the Six of Crows novels are concerned, they never mention the Crows leaving Ketterdam let alone a mission to retrieve the Sun Summoner. Further, Kaz’s intention to pay off Inej’s indenture to Heleen with the jewels from Alina is another big change, as in the books it is the Dregs’ leader (not Kaz) who buys Inej’s indenture from Heleen, though, for now, it appears the show cut out his character entirely. This means that in the books Inej is much more beholden to Kaz, whereas the show sets up for her to be free in season 2 – though whether things work out that way remains to be seen.

The last major change is concerning Zoya’s character, who’s another addition to the skiff sequence. In the books, she’s left behind at the Little Palace, but later defects from the Darkling’s army to join Alina. The reason is the same: Zoya has an aunt in Novokribirsk that the Darkling kills in his attack. However, she travels to the destroyed city to learn of her family’s fate off-screen (or off-page) and her changed loyalties are only learned later by Alina when Zoya joins her side. Zoya being part of the season 1 finale means she switches sides earlier, and she’s also set up as a major character going into season 2 – this falls in line with the books as Zoya becomes one of Alina’s close allies.

All told, though, the Shadow and Bone season 1 finale remains true to the books and sets up for season 2 to stay close as well. Although the Crows’ story was completely new, “No Mourners” sets the stage for season 2 to dive into the first Six of Crows book by ensuring the characters are essentially positioned where they should be. Nina and Matthias’ story from season 1 is told in flashback in the book, so it’s also brought them to where they need to be. And Alina is on the run, though in Shadow and Bone she’s more determined to return and destroy the Shadow Fold, whereas in the book she was more intent on surviving and living her life with Mal. Still, with the Shadow Fold a threat to Ravka and Kirigan surviving and creating his nichevo’ya, there will be plenty of need for Alina and her Sun Summoner powers in Shadow and Bone season 2.

Shadow and Bone season 1 is available to stream on Netflix.

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