Ahsoka Tano will be getting her own titular show on Disney+ and Star Wars fans are incredibly excited to see what’s in store for this live-action iteration of the character. Audiences are already very familiar with the Jedi from her previous animated appearances as well as her narratives within the extended canon material.

For those wanting to get up to speed with everything happening in a galaxy far far away and be prepared for Ahsoka, then here is a chronological and canon look at all of the different films and TV shows that are crucial to Tano’s overall story. Many of these may tie directly into the show itself and all be streamed on Disney+


Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)

Episode II saw the birth of the Clone Wars which Ahsoka spent most of her Jedi career fighting in. The film is a crucial part of Ahsoka’s own narrative as plenty of her best friends, including Captain Rex, were essentially birthed during this period of the timeline.

Indeed, while Rex may appear in the Ahsoka series, it is here that Anakin Skywalker begins to become a more powerful Jedi Knight. This is the iteration of Anakin that Ahsoka forges a relationship with, as the Mentor and Padawan begin their journey thanks to the consequences of this production.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars – (2008)

Although it wasn’t very well-received at the time of its release, The Clone Wars film is a crucial piece of brave Ahsoka’s story. It’s the project that saw the young Jedi get introduced to audiences for the first time and is also where Anakin was assigned as her master.

With Anakin potentially showing up in the Disney+ show and Ahsoka developing greatly since this initial appearance, the movie is a great look at how far these characters have really come. It also serves as a reminder as to how dangerous the war was, resulting in Ahsoka’s incredible experience as a warrior.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars  (2008-2020)

It was in The Clone Wars series where Ahsoka grew into the character that audiences know her to be today. Although she may have started out naive, she quickly began to learn the hard way what it took to survive and how to truly be a hero within an ongoing war.

She faced some of her toughest tests and ultimately walked away from the Jedi Order after a false accusation was levied at her. The adventures she went on were stunning to witness, but what’s more important is the development of a character who essentially grew up on screen in a way rarely achieved in animation.

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)

The Clone Wars and Episode III actually take place at the same time towards the season finale. The show does a great job of explaining why Ahsoka is absent from the movie therefore as she faces the siege of Mandalore, fighting against Darth Maul’s forces.

This is the debut of Darth Vader, the rise of the Empire, and the destruction of the relationship Ahsoka had built up for so long. It’s a pivotal turning point for the former Jedi who must now face the sad realization her friend and mentor is gone. This moment is one that will play a huge role in Ahsoka. 

Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–)

Though it has only been one season, The Bad Batch has already answered a lot of questions about the period of time where the Empire rises up. Although Ahsoka is not currently present within the series, there’s a chance she will show up in the future. Some of the characters who became allies to her are a huge part of the show.

The likes of Rex, for instance, continue their arcs here and the era will be so important in how the galaxy is shaped. Some of the characters seen here may well play a part in Ahsoka on Disney+, especially if she is in need of old friends to help her on her hunt for the Chiss warrior.

Star Wars Rebels (2014–2018)

Ahsoka’s story was continued in Rebels where she was saved from the dangerous position she found herself in the past and joined up with the Rebel Alliance to fight against the Empire. Here she met the likes of Hera as well as fought Darth Vader for the first time.

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The show also introduced Ezra who Ahsoka may be looking for in her series, as she hunts down the man that was last with the young Jedi, Thrawn. Indeed, Thrawn is the main villain of the piece, meaning Rebels might be the most important show to watch yet.

Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (Film 1983)

The final installment of the original trilogy created a new era in the galaxy. It redeemed Darth Vader which Ahsoka must have felt through the force and would have potentially reconnected her with her former Master, Anakin. What’s more, it saw the end of the Empire.

The next time fans see Ahsoka on screen it’s in this post-Empire galaxy. That change in the timeline is very important and audiences who are unfamiliar with the galaxy far far away may need to watch this in order to understand how things now stand for Tano.

The Mandalorian (2019–)

Disney+’s The Mandalorian is the live-action debut of Ahsoka Tano in all her glory. It’s season 2 where fans first get to see the character on the screen in this way and the story continues on from Rebels with Ahsoka brandishing her white lightsabers.

This will lead directly into Ahsoka and it’s where fans first got a tease as to the fact she will be hunting down Thrawn. This is crucial watch to prepare for the Disney+ Star Wars show as it might not even make sense without this introductory moment that acts almost like a backdoor pilot.

The Book of Boba Fett (2021–)

Fans are likely now preparing to watch The Book Of Boba Fett as it is the next installment of Disney’s live-action slate in the galaxy far far away. Ahsoka probably isn’t appearing in this show, but it continues to show the state of the universe at this specific period of time.

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What’s more, both shows have actually been spawned from The Mandalorian meaning that fans can get a good idea of what a live-action spin-off like this actually looks like. Someone like Fennec Shand who is appearing in the show also has animated roles in the likes of The Bad Batch and its plausible the two could crossover in the future.

Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens (2015)

In a lot of ways, The Force Awakens is a turning point for the galaxy. It’s a sign of a new era, although the First Order is quickly overtaking the newest iteration of the Republic, forcing the Resistance to rise once more. Strangely, Ahsoka is absent from this time.

Essentially this film signifies Ahsoka’s future. Everything she does in her series could have an impact on the newest trilogy of films. The state of the Jedi Order for instance and Luke’s insistence on training a new generation might be played off of, especially in regards to both Grogu and Ezra’s role in all of this.

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