Long Shot was one of Seth Rogen’s most recent films and was a surprise hit for many. Following Fred Flarsky who runs into his former baby sitter, Charlotte Field, the two embark on a romance and a political mission.

While the movie was well-received there’s plenty of room to add a sequel to the mix. Therefore, here’s 10 elements that would be great to see included in any kind of follow up to this comedy hit.

10 Time As President

The end of the film sees Field interviewed for various political programming after becoming the President of the United States. The sequel could very much follow up on this and explore her time as the commander in chief.

The first female president will likely come along with a number of challenges and it would be interesting to see her maneuver in this very different political landscape, now that she’s at the top of the pecking order.

9 A New Election

An election has already been the topic of the first film, but running an electoral campaign from the position of the incumbent is far different than being a leading candidate from outside of the White House.

The story can really be turned on its head by looking at Field after her first term as she fights to secure another one, alongside Flarsky and some of the difficulties of these types of campaigns.


8 A Scandal

A good scandal has taken place in most political governments at some stage. It’s bound to surface during Field’s time in office, but it’s unclear what the scandal could possibly be.

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It may be something from Fred’s past that makes her question her relationship with him and how he is affecting her polling numbers. It could allow the writers to re-examine their relationship and what audiences thought about the two.

7 Fred’s Turn

Fred may be interested in running for office himself. A sequel could certainly see him give the job a try with the support of Field who would have of course already served as president for some time.

Switching the roles like this would give the sequel a completely different feel, as Fred would have to tackle completely different problems compared to Field, in terms of gaining the approval of the public.

6 Mole In Government

There’s always a chance of a leaker within the government and a sequel could explore this concept of having a mole amongst the people. If suspicions are raised towards Fred due to his media links, this could cause a lot of conflict.

This is another political angle that would make the pair look at their relationship and the trust they have for one another while raising the stakes of the dramatic moments.

5 International Incident

There’s bound to be another international incident during her time in office. We’ve already seen Field be both the best and worst politician since she managed to stop a major incident whilst high!

The sequel may be able to take a look at other issues that the president will have to deal with and how she responds to them. This would be a more political driving factor for the plot though.

4 Childhood Drive

One of the key plot points for the first film was the fact that Charlotte Field had really had the same ambitions all her life. Even looking back at her childhood shows how caring she was about other people.

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The sequel should have more of these elements, with her drive as a young woman contributing to her current successes. It manages to add a bit more depth to these characters.

3 Starting A Family

On a personal level, it may be very different to see the pair start a family together. A pregnant president is obviously not something that has ever been seen in US political history.

It comes with it a number of unique challenges and could actually pose a few interesting questions about things like maternity leave and women in positions of power.

2 Political Differences

There may be a number of political differences between the two that haven’t surfaced yet. As more and more threats and factors come into the White House, the couple might actually drift in terms of their beliefs.

Sometimes the decisions that have to be made in a position of power isn’t what everyone else would choose from the outside. This could cause a lot of conflict between the two.

1 The First Dude

The first dude of America isn’t exactly a role that has been filled before. In fact, there’s never been a male in that position which could create lots of different issues and shed a light on how society normally treats the first lady.

It’s an interesting plot thread to follow and one that can deliver on the last film from a setup towards the end and continue to explore this relationship from a completely different perspective; while in the middle of an incredibly important job.

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