Nimue gets a new backstory never before seen in the new Netflix show, Cursed. Katherine Langford plays the main role of Nimue who is entrusted with Excalibur. The show takes a fun spin on the Arthurian legend. Instead of focusing on Arthur as the famed king and wielder of the Sword of Power, it chooses a female leader. That person being fey sorceress Nimue.

The show is getting some good remarks for its unique spin on a character that plays a minor role in the famous tales. Between the Fey, Nimue’s journey, Merlin, and the gruesome battle scenes, the show has potential. Let’s takes a look at why the show is worth watching and where it falls short.

10 Watch: The Fey And Magical Elements

The fun aspect about the Arthurian legends is the inclusion of fantasy, magic, and mystical creatures. The show doesn’t fall short of including an array of magical creatures that are dazzling to see on screen. They also add more context to the overall storyline. To start, Nimue is Fey. When using her powers she manipulates nature.

Along the way, audiences are introduced to characters such as Yeva (Olwen Fouéré), a Fey that resembles a white bird. Audiences also meet different human-like creatures that Nimue comes to protect. The show also includes more morbid creatures like a demonically possessed bear and the Widow, a collector of death.

9 Skip: Beginning Elements Forgotten

One of the downers of the show is that it takes a while to pick up. It may be discouraging at first watch.  In the first beginning episodes, audiences are introduced to Nimue and her role as a Fey. There are certain elements to the storyline that are forgotten. Slight spoiler, Nimue’s mother is High Priestess of the Sky People village.

The council converges to find out who the Hidden have chosen as their new summoner. Much to the dismay of the council, they choose Nimue who refuses the title. This moment never progresses in the show.


8 Watch: Nimue’s Origin

A huge reason why watching Cursed is a good idea is for Nimue’s origin story. In many Arthurian legends, Nimue is often seen as a water nymph or more commonly known as the Lady of the Lake. She bestows Excalibur upon Arthur Pendragon. Beyond that, most people don’t know much about her.

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The show reimagines the character. It depicts her as a powerful sorceress and Fey who will lead her people to safety from the Red Paladins. She is entrusted to deliver the sword of power to Merlin (Gustaf Skarsgård), but she has a deep connection with its power. Audiences also find out where her immense power comes from and see her develop a relationship with Arthur (Devon Terrell). All of which isn’t part of the legends.

7 Skip: Anti-climactic At Times

As much as the show did a good job of revamping Nimue and the legends, it sometimes falls short on excitement. Fans stay intrigued with Nimue’s future journey but the journey sometimes gets a bit boring. It wouldn’t be surprising if you make use of the 10-second skip ahead feature Netflix offers.

There are a number of important battle scenes in the show. Some of them rise to a level of interesting to watch. The other scenes, while noting its seriousness, the fight scenes are subpar.

6 Watch: The Villains Make For A Good Show

What’s a heroic storyline if there are no good evil villains to go up against? Thankfully, the show has a great anti-hero that rivals Nimue all the way through. The main evil comes from the Red Paladins. The Red Paladins are mercenary monks under the order of the Catholic Church. It’s no surprise that the church is against anyone who uses magic or is of magical origin.

The Red Paladins really kicked it up a notch on the evil. Their main goal is to kill and murder all Fey and magical creatures to cleans the Earth. They are dedicated to the cause and see no room for failure. On top of that, they have the Weeping Monk (Daniel Sharman). A skilled mercenary who is able to track and kill the Fey.

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5 Skip: Uther Pendragon’s Story Isn’t As Important

Unlike other renditions of Arthurian legends, Cursed puts Uther Pendragon’s story on the backburner. Uther is king, but it doesn’t follow the classic legend. If looking for a complex story between Arthur and Uther, it doesn’t really exist in the show. Arthur and Uther, so far, have no relation to one another.

Instead, Uther (Sebastian Armesto) lacks cunning, which he later makes up for. He is also inherently complicit in the Red Paladins path of bloodshed and destruction. The complex story structure involving Arthur’s birth and Uther’s reign of Camelot is nowhere to be seen.

4 Watch: Nimue Isn’t A Weak Character

Nimue as the central figure of the show does a good job of being strong and valiant while still dealing with human emotions. It’s one reason to stick to watching the show. Nimue grew up as an outsider because of her Fey powers. She is still in a stage of denial over who she is but rises to the occasion when tasked with delivering the sword of power

Along the way, Nimue proves to be a strong character as she not only must face the Red Paladins, the fate of the sword of power but also the fate of the Fey. She proves her stance among the Fey and against those who wish to destroy them and her. Nimue also doesn’t let her budding romance get in the way of what must be done.

3 Skip: Nimue Doesn’t Use The Extent Of Her Powers

Despite Nimue proving to be a valiant character, an aspect that may be annoying to some is her lack of realizing her powers. While Nimue rejects her powers due to the trouble it caused, she never fully uses them when needed. It takes a while for Nimue and for viewers to see her take advantage of her immense magic. 

There are instances where Nimue uses her powers to fight off enemies but it’s anticlimactic. There is an overall feeling that something is missing in terms of Nimue’s capabilities that is yet to be seen.

2 Watch: Merlin’s Story

Merlin is an interesting character to follow within the show. Most renditions of Merlin are as a weak and feeble old man, while others are a younger version like in BBC’s Merlin. Cursed’s version takes on a new look. Merlin has been around for centuries and is the most powerful wizard to exist.

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This version is plagued by tragedy and something dark that he can’t bear to face. Hence his drinking problem. Along the way, audiences go on a hot and cold journey on how to really feel about Merlin. He holds a dark past but is also broken and looking for redemption.

1 Skip: Arthur’s Storyline Is Meek

Don’t expect a lot from Arthur in this show. Despite Nimue being the main character, the Arthur many knew from legends isn’t involved. This Arthur still hasn’t ascended to his higher calling. Instead, he is a mercenary left with the debt of late father. He is raised by his uncle and aunt alongside his sister.

He has no heir and has no real tie to the throne. While Arthur does show aspect of heroism, he lacks the mystical journey that many know from the legends. But, it’s only the first season and maybe more is in store for Arthur.

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