Netflix recently announced that its new original miniseries The Queen’s Gambit has officially broken the streaming platform’s records to become its most-watched program ever. The series follows a troubled female chess prodigy, Beth Harmon, as she becomes orphaned and then adopted, and then works her way up the international rankings of chess players.

As she grows, she develops an addiction to tranquilizer pills, which she’s introduced to at the orphanage, and later becomes dependent on alcohol. Beth is unable to accept failure, which can be a strength and a weakness. One of the most fascinating things about her character is that she’s totally unaware that her gender should be considered a disadvantage to her career. Here are the five best and worst character traits of the nuanced and well-rounded Beth Harmon.

10 BEST: Self-Confidence

From the moment she’s taken in at the orphanage, Beth shows everyone just how confident she is in her own skin. She doesn’t think twice about being a female and doesn’t even realize why others should think it’s a disadvantage.

She’s not intimidated by being surrounded by male chess players and is certain that she can beat them all. She rarely ever doubts her abilities, which is why she’s so successful. However, this comes with its downfalls. For one, she can be cocky. And her confidence can be a big drawback when she finds herself losing.

9 WORST: Too Serious

When audiences first meet Beth, she’s a wide-eyed orphan whose mouth is always set in a firm line. She never laughs, rarely smiles, and doesn’t know the difference between a joke and a serious conversation.

People find it hard to understand her or get close to her for this reason, and it also scares a few of the other chess players away. She doesn’t really enjoy life or her chess journey because she’s so serious about it all. It’s understandable, but definitely one of her worst traits.


8 BEST: Dedication

Though Beth is talented and intuitive, she wouldn’t be as great at chess as she is if she weren’t also dedicated. She rehearses all of her games more than once, goes over those she has already played, reads books on chess, meets up with other players to compare strategies, and never gives up until she finds a solution.

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She is always looking for ways to improve her already near-impeccable game. It’s this dedication that gives her an edge over the countless other talented players. Without dedication, she would be just another one of the many.

7 WORST: Arrogance

Sometimes Beth’s sense of self-confidence can get the better of her. She can get a bit cocky and arrogant about her abilities, which makes others feel bad about themselves, feel alienated from her, or just resent her.

Though it hasn’t cost her a game yet, Beth has nearly lost on more than a few occasions. She gets so sure of her ability to win that she is blindsided by her opponent’s unexpected move. This throws her off so much that she struggles to recover – both within the game and afterward.

6 BEST: Open-Minded

Even though Beth knows she’s the best player she knows – maybe even the best player in the world – she still has an open mind and is willing to accept help from others, like Harry Beltik. Although, most of the books he lends her are ones she’s already read.

Benny Watts is another player who sees Beth’s potential and teaches her everything he knows to help her succeed. Of course, Harry and Benny (and Jolene) both teach her a lot that has nothing to do with chess, and she accepts these lessons, too.

5 WORST: Shut Off

On the flip side, Beth can also be quite shut off from the world. She only accepts help from Harry, Benny, and Jolene after a lot of growth. At first, she struggles to open up to anyone. She’s so serious that she doesn’t even really have any friends.

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Only when she becomes exposed to the world of high school does she begin to see that there are other people out there who might be worth getting to know. Otherwise, Beth finds it hard to open up emotionally. She struggles to figure out what’s going on with Townes and later doesn’t allow herself to focus on anything except for chess.

4 BEST: Persistence

Dedication is one thing, but persistence is another. Beth would be nowhere without her persistence. She doesn’t ever give up, even when things seem to be hopeless. She also trains herself to be persistent, even though it’s natural to her.

For instance, when Benny challenges her to speed chess, she knows it’s her weakness but still decides to play match after match, until she wins. Even when she does win, she insists on playing another, and another, and another.

3 WORST: Bluntness

Beth is almost unrecognizable as human sometimes, especially earlier in the series, because she’s so blunt. She seems to feel no emotion, has little consideration for others, and just says things as they are – if she decides to speak at all.

Her bluntness can be offputting to those who have grown up more or less in a “normal” environment. They struggle to understand her, and see no way that they can be friends. Beth gradually matures and learns to be more considerate as she grows.

2 BEST: Resilience

The most empowering thing about Beth’s character arc is the way she finally learns to depend on herself and only herself. For a long time, she believes that she needs the feeling that drugs and alcohol can give her in order to block things out and visualize her games.

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At the end of the series, in Russia, Beth is able to win a game sober. Once again, she visualizes the chess pieces on the ceiling, but only because she has grown enough that she is able to calm herself down without any substances. After everything she’s been through, Beth is able to come back and be her best version of herself, and not just in chess.

1 WORST: Perfectionism

Without a doubt, Beth’s biggest weakness is her perfectionism. She simply cannot accept defeat, and while her persistence may be an admirable quality, stubbornness is not.

When she loses, she goes on a severe downward spiral. Throughout the series, dealing with defeat is her biggest struggle. She punishes herself severely every time she loses, and even when she might have lost but didn’t. As a result, her “genius” becomes almost crazed at times, hurting herself and others around her.

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