Malcolm In The Middle presents audiences with a plethora of memorable characters. The show is full of big personalities, and they often compete for the attention of viewers with their equally eventful plotlines. However, fans would want to spend more time with some characters in real life more than others.

The main cast is fun to watch, even if some characters are more likable than others. Without them, fans wouldn’t have some of the best episodes of Malcolm In The Middle. However, each character has its own set of negative qualities. While characters like Dewey are so pleasant fans ignore their faults, other characters like Ida are simply unlikable.



Malcolm’s Grandmother Ida is perhaps the least likable character in Malcolm In The Middle. She is feared and hated by her family, who nevertheless spend time with her thanks to her daughter Lois. Lois can’t stand her mother either, but fans see her because Lois feels she is doing her daughterly duty by housing her when she asks.

Ida is angry, unpleasant, and openly racist throughout the series. She smokes inside against her daughter’s house against her wishes, berates her family, and even drugs a man until he marries her under pretense. Ida’s antics can be hilarious to watch, but she is certainly not the most likable.


Lois is the leader of the family, and her boys love her despite her militant parenting. However, they don’t necessarily like her. Lois may be one of the best characters in Malcolm In The Middle, but she isn’t the most pleasant. Lois is one of the least likable characters because of her overbearing nature toward anyone she interacts with, family or not.

When fans put themselves in her boys’ shoes, it is easy to see Lois as unlikable. However, she becomes more broadly unpleasant when her self-righteousness toward outsiders is revealed. She enforces rules of fairness she deems universal, always thinks she’s right and fights to prove it. When a stranger dings her car in a parking lot in one episode, she destroys both their vehicles in a tenacious effort to make things “even.”


Malcolm may be the star, but throughout the show he proves himself to be less agreeable than he initially appears. Malcolm is a genius and is described as a “know-it-all” by his close circle in more ways than one throughout the series.

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Malcolm’s negative qualities come out most toward the end of the series after his character develops. His brothers point out that even when he complains about being left out, it is more about him “feeling things more than everyone.” He is selfish and almost always puts his needs first.  It is revealed he has a secret credit card when the family is struggling financially, telling them he doesn’t help them because he “wants to buy a house someday.”


Francis is the oldest brother in the Malcolm In The Middle family. However, that doesn’t make him the most mature. At the beginning of the show, the brothers look up to Francis, but by the end of the series his charm wears off.

Francis rarely takes responsibility for his place in life, repeatedly blaming his mother for making him unhappy. He isn’t satisfied when she finally apologizes for her parenting, hoping that taking a few dollars from her will fill the void he assumed would vanish. Francis seems set on unhappiness, and the result is unpleasant.


Reese is painted as perhaps the most reckless member of the family in Malcolm In The Middle. Fans see him jump off roofs, join a pack of wild dogs, and max out multiple credit cards throughout the series. However, his disregard for safety is part of Reese’s charm.

Reese is funny to watch and captivates audiences with his wild antics. However, while Francis and Malcolm complain, Reese takes action. He acts before he thinks, and fans can’t help but be charmed by his adventurousness. His brash nature is refreshing against Lois’ stubbornness and Malcolm’s complaints.

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Dewey is the youngest of the boys until Jamie shows up, and fans got to know him as such. Dewey’s needs are often overshadowed by his parent’s debt, brothers’ tomfoolery, and their crumbling house. As such, he doesn’t get the attention he deserves, and it is endearing to watch him hold his head high regardless.

Dewey fashions a piano out of parts he finds around his house when Hal won’t buy him one, and even writes an entire opera based on his parents’ arguments. However, Dewey’s likability shines brightest when he forfeits his placement in an advanced course at school, scamming his way into a neglected neurodiverse class after the students tell them they need him.

Stevie Kenarban

Malcolm’s best friend Stevie has few negative qualities. He is funny, smart, and even gets awarded at a public ceremony for his outstanding manners. The main family is tormented by their hang-ups, but Stevie is comfortable with himself.

Stevie’s loyalty can be shown when he stands by his mother even after she abandons him, in what IMDb ranks as one of the worst Malcolm In The Middle episodes. His honesty is put on his display every time he puts Malcolm in his place when he lets his lack of self-awareness get the best of him. All these qualities come together to make one of the show’s most likable characters.

Abe Kenarban

Stevie’s dad Abe rarely irks audiences in the way some of the main cast’s maliciousness and selfishness do. Abe is an easy-going Dad, even if he sometimes lets his timidness get the best of him. Abe’s worst quality is that he is a pushover. However, it doesn’t make him unlikeable.

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Fans mostly see Abe caring for his son and family. When he’s away from them, he tries to quell disagreements between Hal and their mutual friends. He even takes his wife Kitty back after she leaves him without notice. His forgiveness, care, and agreeability are hard for fans to ignore.


Hal is perhaps the most likable character in all of Malcolm In The Middle. He is the funniest to watch, but also holds all the qualities of a charming father and husband. He does everything for his family, and always takes challenges with stride. Hal’s most likable quality is his loving nature. He never falters in his expression of devotion to Lois, even building a bar for them to lounge in when he realizes their time together lacks quality.

He sacrifices his dreams for his family, giving up motorcycles, smoking, and a pirate radio show for their well-being. Hal is hilarious, charismatic, and always speaks his mind. Even when Hal’s boyish mischievousness has him doing bad things in Malcolm In The Middle, he always folds in apology, charming audiences.

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